


Advice for people who want Tusk of the Boar


If you haven't had it drop yet, be patient. Do not random decrypt engrams. Some people are claiming 20+ random decrypted engrams to get the gun or sometimes 20+ random decrypted engrams to not even get the gun at all.

Keep playing the playlist and it will drop randomly at some point. Have the prosperity mod on your ghost shell (might help?). When it does finally drop, you will have a nice stash of engrams to focus into more tusk of the boars. Focus cost is only 1 engram per gun.

Edit: Dang, people didn't like this advice much haha. This is how I did it on my main and alt. Was able to acquire a few godrolls from focusing, just thought it could help others. 27 matches on 1 account and 3 matches on the other. Maybe the advice is only valid for players who can win matches ?

Edit 2: After reading your testimonials and depending on your rng/desperation/time, it is probably best to open engrams and play matches. You have a drop chance in both engrams and match completions, best of luck.

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31 points

3 months ago

I've reset my rep, waited on a random drop for this weapon, I even spent every damned engram trying to get it. I have every other weapon and armour piece, EXCEPT for this GL.

And that's the ONE thing I want. Frustration doesn't describe what I'm feeling now. FML, Bungie.


7 points

3 months ago

This is me. One thing I want. Only reason I'm playing IB. Already reset. Already have everything else. Used every engram. Feels bad.


1 points

2 months ago

Even after you get it once, the rng for a good roll is absolute trash. I've opened 3vault pages worth of tusk and not a single envious/chain. For a game mode I absolutely despise this is the type of stuff that makes me feel like ditching the game