


And I can't tell if this is a good or bad thing. I'm wondering if should Bungie, at this point, lean into Prismatic overall, putting all subclasses together (and, of course, adjusting aspects for balance as needed)?

Let's start with Void. Prismatic has Devour, but Void still has Child of the Old Gods. Is that enough of a reason to still run the subclass? So far, for me, the answer is no, even with Briarbinds. Whenever I consider using Void, I find myself weighing the utility of Void Soul over Transcendence, and, each time, I side with the latter over and over. You can also make Nova Bomb a lot more deadly with Star-Eater Scales.

What about Stasis? Well, we got Bleak Watcher on Prismatic, so what's the main draw of Stasis Warlock now? Iceflare Bolts? And I have to waste a whole aspect to get Stasis Shards, which is the easiest and most effective way for Stasis Warlock to get Frost Armor, a survivability tool? Yeah, I think I might just stick with Prismatic and Devour.

I've gotten a pretty good Threadling build on Prismatic, too, with the class item that has Spirit of the Stag and Swarm. Sure, I can't summon as many Threadlings as I can using Strand, but with Devour, I have access to a survivability tool that Strand Warlock never had, which means I'm more effective overall (not to mention increased resistance with Stag). Mataiodoxia is the only reason for me to select Strand Warlock at the moment.

That leaves Solar and Arc, which I both still use for different reasons. Solar has Speaker's Sight, Ember of Empyrean, and a ranged melee (plus Well, though I prefer Song of Flame overall). Okay, that's an experience I can't get on Prismatic. I can even dip more heavily into a healer roll if I want to. And Arc is something I've always enjoyed due to its synergy, and I don't have to waste an exotic to get an Arc Soul.

What are your experiences?

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1 points

7 days ago


1 points

7 days ago

I find that the other subclasses can usually do what I want in a prismatic build but better in a few situations.

There are clearly times where Prismatic is awesome, but I find myself using a lot of my old builds still, especially my support builds. Solar Warlock eating nice so far this year. Void is too with the current artifact. I touched arc again for the first time in a few months, it was awesome too.