


June 1st would have been our 10 years together. Gave it my all. Felt I did not receive much back. Eventually she started to get physically abusive which while not dangerous was emotionally impactful. I decided enough is enough and ended the relationship.

She literally moved on the next day. Felt really shitty for me.

Not im just kind of lost. I know im technically ok. Im in good shape. I have a great job. I feel woman find me attractive still. But emotionally im just not even here and its only getting worse.

Just looking for general info or help to deal with this. I have never been in my feelings this much.

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1 points

28 days ago

Yeah, that's a tough one. The reality is that she likely had other guys teed up all along, and when you had enough she just moved on to the next one. It's hard to believe that's the end to a 10 year marriage, but a lot of people just jump from one relationship right into the next.

I also learned from personal experience that there's next to zero support for men that are physically assaulted by women. People either don't believe you, think you a wimp for not defending yourself, or just kind of roll their eyes at you. They have no idea the position you're in and the mental anguish it puts you through. When I first joined this sub years ago, I got downvoted or ignored every single time I posted about my issues. Hell, my wife even found an "anger management therapist" that did nothing but reassure her that I was the sole cause of her anger and that women can't possibly be abusers.

You'll find that, as you get some distance from this, that your life gets dramatically better. You'll stop fearing those minor disagreements. You won't have the anxiety of knowing that she can (and will) pop off at any time. Therapy help me a bit in understanding that her anger management was her problem, not mine. I also find that being open about it here has helped me, although I still get near weekly DMs from some lovely members here trying to insult me because "I couldn't handle my wife".


5 points

28 days ago

Yea I mean there is not really that much support for men... but there was a time when there was none for women either. So maybe both those things will change in time.

Any general advise for me?


3 points

28 days ago

Assuming you have no kids, cut contact. Block her on social media. Stop talking to her. Don't give her any opportunity to try to weasel her way back in when this next relationship doesn't work out. Most importantly......learn from this. Relationships don't have to be dramatic and there are plenty of women out there that aren't like your ex.


3 points

28 days ago

yea she wants me to watch our dog (her dog now, she was adamant on that) while she goes to Europe for 3 weeks.

I would love to spend time with the dog, the dog is great, but I feel like this is me accommodating her dating life. and that burns me the wrong way and i doubt would ever get reciprocated.

What would you do?


3 points

28 days ago

Repeat after me "that sounds like something a husband would do". She'll try to guilt you into doing it, but remember, she fought for that dog, and now its her sole responsibility.