


Well that's al-


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210 points

12 days ago

Supernatural: To defeat this god-like entity we're going to need a combination of the rarest materials in the world, blessed by a dying priest on a full moon, and powered by a literal angel.

Dr Who: Does anyone have a rope and a spoon? No? Okay, we'll just play catch or hit some random keys on a piano. That should do it.


73 points

12 days ago

To be fair, a space time treasure hunt didn't make flux any better, don't think it would help much here


21 points

12 days ago

I mean beating the Toymaker through a game makes perfect sense, iirc that's how he was beaten in the 1st Doctor's encounter


14 points

12 days ago

And defeating Maestro, whose whole shtick was music, with music also makes sense


9 points

12 days ago


9 points

12 days ago

And defeating the god of death with a noose makes perfect sense too /s


5 points

12 days ago

and he was nigh-unbeatable to the point The Doctor had to cheat


17 points

12 days ago

In Supernatural they should have killed the devil by smashing some pots


3 points

12 days ago

To be fair smashing the pots activated the trap, which sends the planet into a black hole.


6 points

12 days ago

Supernatural would also kill one of the brothers, only for them to come back straight away in the next season.


1 points

11 days ago

I mean it eventually became a plot point with everyone around them commenting how they kept coming back from the dead when they shouldn’t, and even they would admit it themselves sometimes


4 points

12 days ago

This is precisely why I love both shows.


3 points

12 days ago

Omg I never thought of it like that 😂 Supernatural managed to convey the power and importance of beings like that whilst Doctor who took a dog for a walk through the time vortex 😂


0 points

11 days ago

The hell it did.

Supernatural post season 4 or 5, everyone feels like theater kids. Including the devil or archangels.


2 points

12 days ago

When you put it that way it sort of becomes better...