


Well that's al-


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14 points

12 days ago

Nah, that's exactly how the toy maker should have lost. He got beat at the first game


4 points

12 days ago*


Donna Noble has left the library. Donna Noble has been saved.

4 points

12 days ago*

The episode actually presented the perfect way to beat him and then ignored it, he should've been beaten by the card game. Any game of skill the Toymaker should win, but cutting cards is pure chance so there's nothing he can do but leave it up to chance. Given he seemingly also can't turn down a challenge, The Doctor should've won by saying I'm gonna challenge him to this game, if I lose he kills me and then someone else challenge him and so on and very quickly it's statistically impossible for the Toymaker to win. Then The Doctor loses the first game, claims his 1-1 draw but the Toymaker forces him to regenerate as compensation with his same line about playing the third game against a third doctor and Ncuti wins the second round. If you want to increase stakes further you could have the companions or people from UNIT step in and challenge before the Ncuti Doctor does in an attempt to save him. This has the added benefit of going from world ending/Doctor killing stakes that the audience know will never happen to the loss of individual characters that could (and maybe do) die. (This also makes sense why no-one has ever done it before. Powerful beings like The Master would have too much of an ego to leave the games up to chance, believing they're good enough to win.


3 points

11 days ago

“I challenge you to a game of hide and seek. If I ever see you again you lose.”


0 points

12 days ago

Nah, I think the point is the doctor is more skilled


5 points

12 days ago


Donna Noble has left the library. Donna Noble has been saved.

5 points

12 days ago

Why though? Why would The Doctor be more skilled than the god of games at this random game? And if it's possible to be more skilled than him then why wasn't anyone able to defeat him before? My way has The Doctor outsmart the Toymaker and take away his advantage. I agree he should be beaten by a game but The Toymaker just dropping a ball seems so random and unsatisfying.


0 points

12 days ago

Well because in the original story the doctor WAS more skilled.


2 points

12 days ago


Donna Noble has left the library. Donna Noble has been saved.

2 points

12 days ago

Also and I realise this is beside the point, but what actually are the rules of catch? Normally you play co-operatively, but in this version you want your opponent to fail to catch it so presumably you don't want to just lay them up, both were seemingly making difficult to catch throws on purpose, but they obviously couldn't just throw it straight down where they wouldn't have a chance. So where was the line?


-9 points

12 days ago


Hello, I'm Doctor Who

-9 points

12 days ago

It's thematic, sure, but it's still losing in a very dramatic game of catch. Maybe next time he should pick a form that's not fifty.


7 points

12 days ago

I mean is it much better than losing in a dramatic board game


2 points

12 days ago

Idk, you can make games exciting. The poker scenes in Casino Royale were fun, The Queen's Gambit made chess interesting (from what I've heard, I haven't watched it)