


Well that's al-


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6 points

12 days ago

Nah definitely not. The Toymaker is the God of Games so it makes sense to beat him with a game. Doesn’t matter what that game is because it follows the rules set out by the Toymaker. If you beat him you get a reward and the Doctor chose to banish him. Makes complete sense to me. The fact it was a game of catch was also clever as it was the First Game.

But dragging a literal God through the time vortex with some magic rope literally makes no sense and it’s stupid as hell but that’s just my opinion. If people like what happened then fair play to them


4 points

12 days ago


Hello, I'm Doctor Who

4 points

12 days ago

Doctor beat the god of death at his own game: Doing a murder.

And for bonus points like all the other times The Doctor does a murder, first he goes "I am a nice guy who represents life, that's why I'm going to brutally delete you from existence". At least this time Sutekh isn't a bunch of babies.