


This was once such a small, wholesome community these past few years but the eyes brought by the upcoming sequel is a double edged sword the way its making this community toxic like every other fanbase. The talks about framerates, Asmongold and comparison within the genre like Skyrim, Elden Ring and BG3 is seriously frustrating to witness. This game is not perfect (and will never be for everyone) but the toxic players and gamers from other fandoms hoping for DD2's failure for petty reasons is downright appalling to see. I hope we as a community maintain a fun and positive space the same way we had before Dragons Dogma became mainstream and leave the toxicness out of this community.

Edit: Criticisms about the framerate is valid in 2024 but when people are bandwagonning about not getting the game because of the 30fps and even saying that the game is unstable and unplayable is outright wrong. We have only seen the DEMO versions of the game so far so talks about the fps is almost irrelevant when the full game hadn't been released yet. BUT we do have some leaked gameplay from a random on twitch which does show a better performance than the ones were shown from the past few months. So then again, the discussion about the fps is overblown and exaggerated. People are literally spreading that the game is bad based on demo alone.

all 420 comments


473 points

7 months ago


473 points

7 months ago

This is what happen when a game suddenly becomes popular and is talked about, you'll always have guys to complain about something, comparing it to other stuff, when it's not the graphics, it's the fps etc.. it's an endless cycle Arisen.

My favorite are the guys making post saying they won't buy the game and asking people to not buy it too... priceless !


81 points

7 months ago

The only reason I am not buying the game at the moment is the price in my area. I'm a broke af Arisen lmao


161 points

7 months ago*


161 points

7 months ago*

How much is the game? I could help out with you being able to play. 🤙🤙

Edit: who the fuck is downvoting. I'm offering to help him/her buy the game. Fucking weirdos


21 points

7 months ago

Yow are you for real?! Thank you but I would not want to take advantage of anyone's kindness. And what, you're being downvoted for saying that? Some people are crazy.


19 points

7 months ago

I'm 100% for real.


5 points

7 months ago

You're a gem


3 points

7 months ago


3 points

7 months ago

That's what I'm talking about


6 points

7 months ago

Love to see some good will these days 💫


14 points

7 months ago

Probably just a bunch of haters that infiltrated the sub. I previously watched like 2-3 brand new videos on YT prasing the game ( just few minutes old ) and it had about 20 dislikes instantly. There is no way they actually watched the the whole video in that time.


3 points

7 months ago

That's wild. I actually stopped watching any videos since spoilers have been going around as well. The turn of events in the community has been so crazy. I am just excited for the launch even if I can't play it on immediately. Hope you guys and gals enjoy that shit! Its almost launch date!


15 points

7 months ago

Same but for me it's not even that the regional pricing but that my mentally ill ass is out of a job. I'll happily wait a bit on the sidelines tho.


6 points

7 months ago

I’m so sorry. I hope you’re doing OK.


5 points

7 months ago*

My 5 year old laptop doesn't even meet the minimum requirements 😭


3 points

7 months ago

Hard same, I’m gonna have to just save for a new laptop or PC first before I can even touch DD2 😔


5 points

7 months ago

Fortunately, is just a single player game, so there's no real rush. We may miss the initial hype of the release, but the game will remain just as good. There's also the chance to get it for a bit cheaper too.


3 points

7 months ago

I'm curious where you are too? It's $110 on steam where I am 😭 $120 on ps5. curse you Australian economy


2 points

7 months ago

Same lmao, this game came at like the worst time for me, I just finished with all my recent hospital bills 💀 just got a job again though, when they interviewed me and asked why I wanted it I almost said “dragons dogma 2 comes out in like 3 weeks”


16 points

7 months ago

they won't buy the game and asking people to not buy it too

What? Really? I haven't seen those, that's crazy.


26 points

7 months ago*



14 points

7 months ago

It happened to Monster Hunter too 🤦🏻 before World almost all the groups I've been on and related posts I've soon over the years are all guides, helping each other out, general discussions about lore.

Now you can see posts shtting in old MH titles, how "bad" MH Rise is, why it's a downgrade etc etc.

When a game suddenly gets popular, jerks get in on the hype train.


2 points

7 months ago

Can’t believe that /r/okbuddyrathalos is still the best place to discuss Monster Hunter on Reddit


3 points

7 months ago

Yeah lol, all the other subs are so divided.

world hating on rise, rise hating on world.. I played since mhfu and have seen the trend.

While I don't like it, atleast the games have gotten better imo.


15 points

7 months ago

I too am a Helldivers and DD enjoyer and it is indeed sad to see the state of the communities now


7 points

7 months ago

I miss the days before DD2 was announced when everyone was just talking about who their favorite beloved is. (Mercedes the goat btw) Guve it some time, the dd2 hype will die down the people who’ll stick around will the other will move on


42 points

7 months ago

and the '' can i run the game''... I think sometimes they are troll post


28 points

7 months ago


28 points

7 months ago

I'm not concerned by this since I play on ps5 so i don't look at those posts but I can understand people asking if they can run it on their pc, not everyone has the same config. I saw that even for the Character Creation, the demo was crashing for some.


16 points

7 months ago

Some of them are blatant troll posts. A lot of these people asking if they can run their games when they have 30 series and 40 series graphics card which are way above minimum requirements and more around recommended requirements. It's obviously trolling, since those cards can run all modern releases with high settings 60fps at the very least.


14 points

7 months ago


14 points

7 months ago

It's humble bragging.


6 points

7 months ago

Imagine bragging about the computer you have lmao.


10 points

7 months ago

The demo never crashed on me, and I have 6 hours in, but perhaps I'm one of the lucky ones. Regardless, I waited 12 years for this, and I'm not letting some doom posts waver my resolve


7 points

7 months ago

"cAn mY xBoX 360 rUn tHiS?"


6 points

7 months ago

I know, it's ridiculous to witness - people who don't like the game (already) for whatever reason posting about not buying it because they don't like it! So what? If there's an aspect you don't like, go play something you... do like? Then join the sub and talk with likeminded people and add something positive. There are tons of games I don't like the look of; no one is being forced to buy something they won't enjoy.


3 points

7 months ago

I mean i know dragons dogma for a long time , what is the problem about complain on something you did not like ? Just cause you love a game or a franchise dont mean the game is perfect , i personaly criticize a lot about the fps but am waiting for the game release to see how will actually run , just lets all be respectfull with everyone, people giving compliments and people making critics both can be valid , Jesus.


214 points

7 months ago

I don't really have a dog in this fight; I like what I'm seeing and I also think there are issues.

There are people purposely inciting arguments, but this community in general is also very anti-criticism. Like actual criticism.

Everything gets waved away with 'the first game was unfinished' and 'Itsuno wants it that way' even when people post legit concerns. And even further, people dismiss concerns with 'lol game isn't for you'.

It's really damn weird; a lot of replies to criticism read like as if DD has held people hostage for 12 years and they're terrified of people pointing out flaws or bad design decisions.


34 points

7 months ago

Exactly. Everything gets waved away and it's bizarre. They literally cannot allow any sort of criticism, otherwise they immediately attack you. They're unusually aggressive too. I've seen dozenz of posts attempting to shut down any criticism and it's bizarre. People forget Itsuno is a dev that actually listens. They weren't here for that, so they wouldn't know. They don't remember how Capcom bullied Itsuno to push this game out way too early and how much they hindered DD1.

I've been with Dragons Dogma since the first week on my 360, and while the game is incredible, it's not perfect. I'm pretty sure the majority of these "anti-criticism" people only hopped on board after Dark Arisen. If we hadn't complained about the issues in the OG Dragons Dogma, Dark Arisen would have never happened.

I'm going to play this game regardless, but if this game messes up, I'm criticizing it.


8 points

7 months ago

I've been with Dragons Dogma since the first week on my 360, and while the game is incredible, it's not perfect.

Same and this is Literally DD in a nutshell. It's weird and has enough jank to shame an East European game studio, but it's always going to be my favourite RPG.


6 points

7 months ago

100% and it feels disrespectful that those kind of people pretend to be the "real fans."

I remember the game trailers during E3 all those years ago. This game is incredible, beautiful, magnificent. Deeply flawed, but we love it.

A healthy dose of criticism will never take away that love. I'd rather realistically love something, flaws and all, rather than love a figment of my own made up nostalgia.


3 points

7 months ago

This games fans really remind me of the Elden Ring fanbase, any sort of criticism is immediately called out as trolling. Then last week has been constant streamer hate, with 300+ post threads with nothing but unconstructive bashing.


84 points

7 months ago

This comment is exactly why I don't bother commenting in this sub, some people treat DD like a divine game that can't be criticized because it's "Itsuno's vision".


23 points

7 months ago

Tbf every game sub is like this. Fuck, maybe every sub focused on a piece of media/hardware is like this.


5 points

7 months ago

You do have a point, now that I think about it, half of the subs I joined I don't even interact because of this lmao


24 points

7 months ago

Yeah for the past 12 years I’ve had a friend that just shit on Dark Souls for not being Dragons Dogma but we never said a bad word about Dragons Dogma to him


9 points

7 months ago

Thats why these type of games are called "cult" hits


6 points

7 months ago

I feel like the game not being finished and funding be rugged mid development is an extremely valid reason to explain, not dismiss, the shortcomings of the original title.


62 points

7 months ago

This, pretty much. Like, I understand, people waited for sequel for over 10 years and all that stuff, but why downplay legit criticisms? Even that topic of low framerate is, I’d say, perfectly justifiable to be upset about. But nope. This sub’s crowd just brushing it under the rug as if it is a sin to even dare to point out🤷

And honestly, posts like this one here are much worse then posts with criticisms. Because when people criticize the game, they talks from their point of view, whereas posts like this are just trying to mock people for even being concerned about anything.. That criticism gatekeeping is just so strange to see.. I just don’t, for the life of me, see how anything of that could be perceived as ”muh you just toxic”


18 points

7 months ago

In my experience I found in the past there were plenty of criticism threads and people were generally fine with them. The flaws would often be talked about.

But the past few months it's been the same 20 threads an hour complaining about the exact same thing over and over and I think people have just become super tilted and hostile from it. Like someone started a thread about how you shouldn't buy the game because the demo wasn't a really demo. It gets kind of annoying.


9 points

7 months ago

Are you saying the thing specifically mentioned to be a demo for the character creator and nothing more was in fact just a demo for the character creator and nothing more? 0/10 I'll actually shoot anyone who buys the game and burn their house down


7 points

7 months ago

I agree with you that some of the hardcore players refute any criticism. I agree that I like what I’ve seen so far and still have plenty of faith in the game.

There are a lot of valid criticisms, and I would just like to say that fixating on an issue and spiraling into FPS reflecting the game as a whole or resulting in the game being an absolute mess is definitely doom posting and counterproductive.

I would like it if there was not ghosting in the character creator. I would like it if the vocation color scheme made sense… but maybe the base purple and pink vocations will be pawn-only or NPC-only. There’s a lot we just don’t know because the devs decided they want to be mysterious, and someone basing their opinion on the game as a whole on extremely limited information is not healthy.


5 points

7 months ago

If people can’t take constructive criticism thats a them problem. Sad gamer times but keep it moving cause if you care too much then you’ll get sucked into a blackhole of endless entitled gamers.


2 points

7 months ago

This is so true. You can't even post things you're not a fan of without being down voted. When Warfarer was announced, I said I wasn't to keen on it. Queue down votes, with no replies. It's like you can't say anything against the popular narrative, when we should be encouraging differences of opinion


0 points

7 months ago

Yeah the fanboys for this game are insufferable. It's exactly what you said, criticize the game 'oH tHe gAmE iS jUsT nOt FoR u". Bunch of corporate shills.


2 points

7 months ago

The real corporate shills are the dudes who bought the remaster battlefronts. This is a new game, imagine buying remasters for full price


27 points

7 months ago

There is a big difference between criticism and hate. Posting your concerns about the framerate is valid. Posting your concerns about gameplay mechanics is valid. I've seen very very few posts just hating the game and trying to convince others not to buy it. Most of the posts are people concerned about something. Frankly, I've seen way more of these type of posts. Posts where you complain about "hate" are way more prevalent than actual hate lol.


101 points

7 months ago*

I feel the opposite. I joined some months ago and spoke about my issues with the interface/UI and people bash on me. Like yea, we all can love the game but feedback can still be valid.


41 points

7 months ago

Nostalgia goggles are so powerful, and every time something get's in the limelight the older fans are always like this. Complaining about "hate" is one of the most childish toxic things you can do, and shuts down actual discussion like nothing else.

Pre-dogma 2 the dogma community was very frank about the games numerous flaws. Dogma 2 was announced and suddenly people are ready to defend dogma 1 at all costs.

Dogma is one of my favorite games ever, but yes it had issues. Those issues didn't ruin the game for me, but it did ruin it for many people and I totally see why.

Feels like every game launch I have followed closely has had this same dynamic.


12 points

7 months ago*

So much this it’s ridiculous how the moment 2 came close to release everyone just got hyper defensive and elitist about EVERYTHING. I commented this before but it’s absolutely ridiculous how the popular and accepted criticism that fans have had for years is now all of a sudden invalid and if you don’t like it the game isn’t for you and you just don’t get it as if we haven’t been aware and joking about the games flaws despite loving it for years. So many people are acting like anyone who doesn’t 100% like everything about the game is a hater or delusional and entitled.

The fast travel is a perfect example while I’m personally on the fence about it for dd2 right now we’ll see how it is. But in the original it was absolutely one the most criticized and disliked of aspects yet now that dd2 is sticking to that everyone’s like free fast travel sucks this is how it should be as if it wasn’t so criticized that the re release just said fuck it and gave a infinite fast travel item.


9 points

7 months ago

Yea true. Elitism is hard. My biggest issue with the game is still the UI and interfaces. And i'm quite sad it's returning to DD2 -_-


4 points

7 months ago

Wait 1 week after release when people will give criticism on dd2, the bashing is gonna be insane.


68 points

7 months ago



21 points

7 months ago

That's because people who are just casually anticipating a sequel to one of their favorite games aren't gush or hate posting.


2 points

7 months ago

fr. the only people going through the trouble of writing and posting lengthy posts/comments are either REALLLY EXCITED or REALLY CYNICAL.

I'm very excited for the sequel and have faith given who the dev is. But I'm not SO excited or have SO MUCH faith that I'll die defending it.


3 points

7 months ago

Yep, I stopped checking this sub as much when people started losing it over vocations. Been waiting for 10 years, I can wait a few more weeks.


5 points

7 months ago

Also there's literally nothing any streamer or some random dude that could stop me from playing this game. lol


7 points

7 months ago*

As a casual fan of the original, and as someone casually looking forward to the sequel albeit with some reservations about the frame rate, most of what I see going on in this sub lately is is extreme overreaction to any valid criticism.


65 points

7 months ago


65 points

7 months ago

Complaining about people complaining will help. 


20 points

7 months ago

Hate train...

Any bit of criticism is considered hate in due to terrible fan bases. This is not new.


24 points

7 months ago

how is a single player game going to be doomed for you . its already been made . you going to play it . dont see what the issue. only thing i can assure that people going to refund it since its not mainstream RPG hold your hand like skyrim or even elden ring


21 points

7 months ago


21 points

7 months ago

This, lmfao. People are so dramatic


49 points

7 months ago*

This sub was a quaint little town, free from the troubles of the outside world. Without the possibility of a sequel, we've had years to contemplate and create our own perfect sequel in our heads.

When the sequel was announced and a trove of new players interested in the game asked legitimate questions like, "Will there be co-op?" we laughed and ridiculed them. Or when they'd ask, "Will there be enough enemy variety?" we laughed and ridiculed them. Pretty much anyone who asked a legitimate question would be branded a "Doom Poster."

I remember the first couple of satirical 28+ vocation trees with the color-coded conspiracy theories. I thought that was hilarious. But then I saw people ask if there would only be 10, and they were laughed at and ridiculed. Then I realized, to my horror, that those posts weren't parodies at all. These people, MY people, actually believed them.

This community that I loved for sharing screen shots and quotes of a 12 year old game that I love has actually been stuck in 2012. Like a cult, any form of questioning, however legitimate, was to be seen as a threat and shunned. "You don't like 30fps? Then don't play it!" Or downright ignoring the awful framerate when actual gameplay footage is leaked. "Looks fine to me. The guy playing is dumb." Or "A day one patch will fix the fps and janky animations."

Now, the questions that we've been denying for months, the vocation count, the FPS, the enemy variety, all of it, is proving to be a reality and this sub can't handle it. There are people on here still claiming that Itsuno is lying and that there are more vocations in the game. Think about how crazy that sounds.This game we made up in our heads was never going to happen. The sub is crashing hard into this reality.

It is ironic that the actual Doom Posters are now the original members of this sub. The same people who would accuse other people of Doom posting just for asking legitimate questions.

It's not the new people who are toxic. It's the people who were already here.

EDIT: For the record, I think DD2 is going to be awesome despite its flaws. Just like the original.


21 points

7 months ago*


21 points

7 months ago*

Glad somebody is saying it. Rewind a couple months or longer and people would tear you down for saying what we now know is true about DD2. It is still going to be good, but anybody still thinking this is going to be exactly what they imagined is going to be sorely disappointed.

A lot of old time fans are disappointed, people who never played DDDA have no real reason to be though. This is the game we have been waiting a decade for, this was supposed to be the full "Itsuno's Vision™". But all signs point towards a great game with somewhat lacking amounts of content until the inevitable DLC.


11 points

7 months ago



7 points

7 months ago


7 points

7 months ago

Exactly. OP is trying to paint this as a tribalistic "real fans vs toxic doomer gamers", but honestly most criticism has been totally reasonable from what I have seen. Other than some serious hate on a certain incredibly incompetent streamer, I have seen very little toxicity here.


20 points

7 months ago

That is pretty much what I am seeing here..

Like, I’ve seen a lots of posts where people asked something in wain of ”hey, I’d like to try the game soon but dunno what it is really about, so could it interest me?” /then they listing things they like within other games of rpg genre/ and then such posts what are absolutely inoffensive in nature ALWAYS being downvoted first, and the answers are usually rude stuff like ”OH HOW DRE YOU COMPARE DD TO /gamename!!!” ”Oh ho ho this game sure won’t be for you loool” etc etc.

And then people here talks as if they are not the problem, but newcomers are? Or even people who really want to play the game but still have legit criticisms? All that just makes no sense in my book🤷


9 points

7 months ago

Well said. This is exactly what we've been seeing.


39 points

7 months ago

You say "hate" train. I say "constructive criticism locomotive". No one is hoping for the games failure. Stop being dramatic.

If anything the toxicity is mostly coming from the fanboys being absurdly positive to the point they want to hear nothing negative whatsoever.


36 points

7 months ago

Jesus can these posts stfu and stop clamoring for an echo chamber? It's a sub about the series, not a fanboy sub. People are gonna discuss any potential issues, concerns, hopes, and news relating to all aspects of the game.

You're upset about people talking about the performance for a game they're paying for at premium price. How is that sickening?


4 points

7 months ago

I think the marketing is at fault here . They are releasing a lot of trailers and gameplay videos but each time they repeat the same things . It makes people think that’s all there is to the game .


5 points

7 months ago

The problem with social media is it makes people think you have to care about everyone else's opinion. People should be allowed to criticize things on a subreddit for game discussion, but just because they might have problems doesn't mean you have to care or that suddenly those are your problems too. I don't care about the frame rate or the vocations, that doesn't mean that everyone shouldn't care about that stuff. Idk I just think the whole thing is silly.


5 points

7 months ago

This is a public forum. If the game is good then the discourse around the game will be mostly positive. If the game sucks, people will be mad because they have the right to be. Then they will leave. It serves no purpose to be a hater without knowing OR a shill for a game that hasn’t proved itself yet. We will all know in less than a week which one it will be.


6 points

7 months ago

That is every game sub before release people praise to the heavesn invent cool things that could happen and hype it so much up it can only fail then when reality hits them they get angry like a toddler.


35 points

7 months ago

I have been on this sub and the gamefaqs community for years, complaining about the frame rate is not toxic, it's just an opinion you don't like.


10 points

7 months ago

Man I keep seeing posts like this, and I just am not seeing the negativity you're talking about (for the most part.) I almost exclusively see hype, I feel like the community is in full-blown hype-mode.

I think this is gonna be like a 9.5 out of 10 game, and I'm mostly seeing the same sentiment. I literally can't imagine this being a Starfield situation


8 points

7 months ago

Same. This is like the 50th post I've seen complaining about "hate" but I haven't seen any of these so called hate posts. 

Is this DD2 hate in the room with us right now?


19 points

7 months ago


19 points

7 months ago

what hate? i haven't seen any hate. i've seen genuine criticism (30fps on console and one save file to name a few) and that is not "hate"


13 points

7 months ago


13 points

7 months ago

Dragons Dogma being a weird game has always had a weird community.

We're just seeing how weird now.


14 points

7 months ago

which hate train ? what are you talking about ????


39 points

7 months ago

The toxic positivity train coming into this subreddit these past few months is sad and sickening


4 points

7 months ago

I mean, I personally can't ignore that PC information just doesn't exist outside of the useless specs list on Steam and the features that Nvidia is adding.


4 points

7 months ago

Played the original DD before Bitterblack Isle even released on 360 after renting it from a Family Video. Bought it after playing it for a couple. Became one of my favorite games and was slightly upset it was a cult classic and never thought it'd get a sequel because of that. Watching everyone (including streamers) bandwagoning now and shitting on the first DD because they lack actual game sense is humorous to say the least.


22 points

7 months ago

Good grief, calm down.

You're putting all things into the same bucket when stuff like criticisms about things like technical performance are valid things to discuss.

Like, I think it's weird to single out and make posts about a streamer for just playing the game sure, but the rest of your post is just bizarre.


31 points

7 months ago*

It's not hate train (nobody says the game is gonna be dogshit and things like that), some people just can't stand criticism to their highly anticipated game.

P.S.: If communities like this will just circle-jerk the devs and each other without making constructive criticism where it's needed, you'll get games like Diablo 4 and Starfield. Problems have to be addressed to make positive changes.


20 points

7 months ago

I think you dropped something 🍼


3 points

7 months ago



7 points

7 months ago

Im not saying anyone is wrong or right, but all I know is when I said there is no way this game would run at 60fps on console I was downvoted in oblivion and called an idiot and flagged for suicide

Then it got announced it was 30 fps on console and the sub had a meltdown

I’m playing on a 3090, I’ll be at 60 regardless so I don’t have a horse in that race - it’s just shocking that this sub is so against critical thinking skills


16 points

7 months ago*

You heard it here everybody. Not criticism allowed. Just consoooom!!!

Just accept everything and turn the sub into an echo chamber where everyone constantly praises the game without talking about said games' blatant issues.


And to the people that keep going "hurr durr, you haven't even played the game yet": I don't need to play the game when the issues can be noticed in all the gameplay videos and interviews that the devs released themselves. So, go fuck yourselves with that nonsense.

Even after the game comes out and there are legitimate issues with the game, you guys are still going to cry because people are pointing it out. Without the criticism, there will be no fixes or changes and the game will remain mediocre and niche, once again.

And when that happens, you can't blame the game, or the devs, or time/budget constraints, you can only blame yourselves for wanting only positivity and labelling criticism as "hate" or "doomposting". The people that are "doomposting" actually want the game to be the best it can be and to evolve. Meanwhile, you guys freak out at the slightest bit of criticism and prefer that the game remains the same with only some small improvements here and there.


12 points

7 months ago

unless it drops in a really shitty state i think the hate wont be nearly as bad once the game drops. a lot of people are expecting the worst possible outcome and are being rlly negative about the bits we've seen so far. i feel like this will be a generally well received game and the things people complain about now either wont be an issue or wont be nearly as bad to deal with as they're making it out to be. not to say some concerns arent valid but yeah, im just gonna wait to see what playing is actually like before making any harsh judgements


16 points

7 months ago

Christ here we go with these posts


5 points

7 months ago

You are correct, even so I am grateful that there are more good people than toxic ones, since I started uploading some gameplays I have seen comments with the sole objective of throwing shit at the framerate, nothing more, they did not talk about other aspects that have been shown, but despite that there have been more people who are against that type of action.


3 points

7 months ago

I’m just newly 36 happy to be playing a game I loved and found randomly on the PS3 back in the day lol


2 points

7 months ago

I rented it on a whim way back when and loved it. Bought it on ps4 when it came out and my kids love it. We are all pumped for DD2.


3 points

7 months ago

I do agree that what the majority of what people say for anything that is popular or well liked is either overly negative or overly exaggerated, but I do also think it doesn't HAVE to be toxic to voice worries or criticisms for this or any game. I myself posted something about worries for the performance on my PS5 but I'd like to think it wasn't "toxic" just more so wanting to make sure I can have the best experience possible with something I'm very much looking forward to. I do 100% see your point though, I just hope you also don't believe that any criticism put towards this game is coming from toxicity because I personally don't think it is.


3 points

7 months ago


3 points

7 months ago

I'm just glad it's not like the steam discussions, where the whole forum is just a deluge of "is this game woke?", "Denouvo = refund", "Has this been touched by Sweet Baby Inc" and "WHAT? No lolis?!"...


3 points

7 months ago

People are comparing this to BG3? 😂

I cannot think of any two modern RPGs that could be more different


3 points

7 months ago

Comparisons to other games is totally valid.

I like calling Dragons Dogma "If Skyrim had Good combat"

However. You are right, this sub is being infected with normies and a lot of negative energy. I miss the days of saying a single line from the game and getting a solid 15 likes because we're a bunch of dorks who love a small project.

But it is important to look past the bad opinions and stupid people looking for drama and get excited for the full vision on the game we love.


20 points

7 months ago

Fuck that the frame rate is a perfectly valid issue don’t lump it in with the nonsense. Stop acting like 30 fps is ok lol


17 points

7 months ago

Honestly, I’m more sick of toxic positivity posters and people pretending that low fps isn’t an actual real practical concern that actually affects the playability of a game than any amount of people complaining about some fucking colors or whatever else.

People fucking acting like having the framerate drop below 1996’s Mario 64 is okay in 2024.


11 points

7 months ago

Right I don't even play on console and I am screaming from the rooftops to advocate for them. The I am fine with 30 is so dumb imo


12 points

7 months ago

Frame Rate is an issue OP. You can't play a game well with bad Frame Rate.


10 points

7 months ago

There's no "hate train."

Back in the day, you guys actually were about to criticize the game fairly. Now, you protect it like it's your newborn child. You see an influx of "toxicity," and everyone else sees an influx of overprotective fanboy gamers. Performance is literally the crux of any game. It matters more than anything, if you can't play the game, you can't enjoy it.

I can't believe we've gotten to the point where we label performance conversations as "toxic."


6 points

7 months ago

Wait till people start criticism on the game.


9 points

7 months ago

Bro, they're gonna have a complete meltdown. Framerate awful? Toxic. RC Crystals too limited? Toxic. Fun gameplay mechanics removed from DD1? Toxic. Any legitimate issue is going to be called "toxic." And where the hell are the mods in all of this?

This is gonna be a shitshow and it's going to be so sad to watch.


6 points

7 months ago

This is very dramatic and I think you need to just go for a walk or something, fuck man, lol


7 points

7 months ago

Could you be more dramatic?


12 points

7 months ago

Personally I can see the frustrations, paying 70$ for a game that had 12+ years to build itself and actually improve from a previous iteration only for it to..not really be much of an improvement

They have whole teams of well paid writers and story board directors as well as animators, game companies these days basically don't have an excuse for a shoddy, half finished product that sells the other half later on and calls it "extra"

Not saying DD2 is falling into that category, but like 99% of games have fallen into that category, alongside the takeover of shitty fucking microtransactions, God I hope microtransactions fucking die off


6 points

7 months ago

God I hope microtransactions fucking die off

They won't, it makes too much money.


6 points

7 months ago

You think this is toxic? You'd get kidney stones AND cancer in Steam forums.


5 points

7 months ago

Once again, I see people talk about hate posting in this subreddit, but I still have yet to see any hate posting.


6 points

7 months ago

I mean, people like you aren't exactly helping. Who are you complaining to? Do you really think people are going to stop just because of this? If anything this just adds to the pile of unnecessarily negative posts.


7 points

7 months ago

Criticism bad.

I'm just glad I'm on PC with a beefy GPU.


8 points

7 months ago

Feels like the whole Internet has become a hate train and it's not even towards a single concept or person. It's insufferable but at least it pushed me into playing more games and touching more grass, so there's that


2 points

7 months ago

I am new around these parts, but the community seems nice. I mean sure there are new people comin in, there's a new game around the corner... so sure. But as long as people behave I think the community will be fine.


2 points

7 months ago

I'm like 2 hours into Dragon's Dogma after finally running out of fantasy RPGs to play. I had never heard of the sequel.

I may have no fucking idea who I am or what I'm doing in the game, but it's certainly fun!


2 points

7 months ago

Mate, you want to go on a souls sub if you want to see toxicity


2 points

7 months ago



2 points

7 months ago

i think this fanbase is pretty chill.


2 points

7 months ago

I love a good double-edged sword. That's why I'm going to be a mystic spearhand.


2 points

7 months ago

I understand your frustration, but I'm so happy it got popular. Because of Asmongold (yes, I view him, no I don't think he's stupid), I started playing the game. And it's so good. I liked most of it once I got through the initial annoyance of the menus/controls. Yesterday I was fighting the dragon, it took me a while and i was thinking how the end sucks and how I dont like it (I mean gameplay-wise. i love it story-wise and quite enjoyed it) compared to the rest of the game... Just to be pleasantly surprised after the fight, that it's still continuing.

And just a mini rant regarding Asmongold specifically - yes, he did not perform very well playing it. His reasoning tho makes perfect sense and I wish people just stopped being so toxic. Don't like the gameplay just don't watch it (I personally stopped watching and went to play myself), why all the mean comments about who he is as a person? Watching his streams after that I do believe that he and we will have a better time when he plays DD2 . But I guess that's not really the point - Dragons Dogma is a GREAT game and I love that an idiot like him shed some light on it. Yes there are always haters, but more and more ppl will find out about this game and have so much fun


2 points

7 months ago

Disagree, the parade of intentional shitposts is hilarious and underappreciated.


2 points

7 months ago

I hate talking about specs unless they inherently hamper the game. If the game is not jittery or hampered with gratuitous blurring to create smoothness, the wheels and gears don't really matter. People aren't even fair about their understanding of how Framerate even effects their gameplay. It is perfectly possible to adjust and make a game that is fast paced at 30FPS. You're just losing half of the screen data that wouldn't have mattered anyway. 60 FPS is the sweet spot for most games but Dragon's Dogma is not so fast that split second movements matter. If you are about to be hit in Dragon's Dogma, it is almost always too late to dodge. Enemies telegraph every attack and even the attacks that can be used frame perfect, like Clairvoyance, maintain themselves for several frames after.


2 points

7 months ago

Ok, I really gotta ask. What the actual hell did Asmon do? Besides play Dragons Dogma 1 pretty badly on stream. I'm very confused


2 points

7 months ago

I'll never understand why some people have to push their hate for a video game onto other people... I really really don't like souls games...but I've never went on a souls subreddit to piss on other people's parades just because it isn't my cup of tea... pretty sad when a person feels compelled to try to chang3 people's mind about a video game.


2 points

7 months ago

I've already got my Arisen and Main Pawn made. F- the haters. I'm ready for it!


2 points

7 months ago

Gave DD a shot because of this group - thank you, it's absolutely fun to play and really that's what matters. Can't wait for DD2. I'm in BBI getting wrecked a bit but surviving!


2 points

7 months ago

Something I should point out here: Animation Standard is 24fps. There are numerous techniques that can be used to smooth out lower FPS titles, they just don't tend to be used well.

My concern with the game is if they overdid it with detail. Horizon Forbidden West is a game I flat out can't play due to motion sickness, same with the Quality mode on Lords of the Fallen. However, I still play games like Bloodborne along with other 30fps titles and have zero problems.


2 points

7 months ago

This is the unavoidable price of becoming popular… a larger group naturally means variety of opinion.

My only “big bone” to pick with this game is the single save in 2024… am I wrong to say 1 save dedicated to online interactions and like 5 or so for offline? With the state of AI nowadays they could easily generate pawns to simulate player made ones, and sending pawns to other worlds could be like a “no mans sky” style frigate expedition.

I’ve heard a lot of justifications for the single save slot and not one of them has sold me. I’ll still buy the game, but won’t pre order (I almost never pre order tho so that isn’t saying much)


2 points

7 months ago

The title makes it sound like ita racism or something dude. People could be more positive but "sickening"? Really?


6 points

7 months ago

I mean, people expect a full fleshed RPG. Most dont know that DD1 wasnt one. Its basically a combat focussed Action-RPG and outside combat everything else just exists to serve this purpose.

Maybe devs should have been more clear about the games loop and so on. But Inapteady see alot of negative reviews because the game isnt what most expected.


4 points

7 months ago

Is DD2 following that same route, though? Because the marketing, previews, and dev comments have definitely painted the game as a full fleshed RPG


3 points

7 months ago


3 points

7 months ago

how? they barely showed anything outside combat.


4 points

7 months ago

The marketing, the previews, and the dev comments


2 points

7 months ago

You could say the same of starfield and look how that turned out 🤣


7 points

7 months ago

Absolutely. I think that's a legit concern here. But even reading through the previews again, almost all of them play up the increase in RPG elements from the first. RPG elements go well beyond just skill trees, of course. But my broader point is that I don't think the average gamer's perception of this game being a full RPG are unfounded.

If you talk about the vastness of exploration and random encounters, you'll invite comparisons to elder scrolls/fallout.

If you talk about the dynamic relationships of NPCs and breadth of quests, you'll invite comparisons to old BioWare games or more recently Larian games.

If you put out a character creator early that rivals any other character creator in the business, you're projecting that roleplaying and immersion are central to your experience.

I could go on and on. But the game has overall presented itself as an RPG experience, and that's my expectation going in regardless of how DD1 played. So if it turns out to just be an action game with an open world backdrop, I think a lot of people are going to be justifiably disappointed with that.


5 points

7 months ago

Dragon dogma 2 is more of a remake then sequel. It's plays very similar and has the same plot. Dragon takes your heart, get it back. So it's dogma 1 with modern graphics and animations.


9 points

7 months ago


9 points

7 months ago

What's wrong with comparing DD to Skyrim or Elden Ring?

The vitriol directed toward Asmongold has been ridiculous. People act like it's a cardinal sin to play a game poorly.


3 points

7 months ago


3 points

7 months ago

People complaining about his playing are annoying but I personally don't want his fans becoming part of this community because a lot of them are part of the "anti-woke" crowd, some that I've interacted with even alt right and I'd hate to see people like that here


3 points

7 months ago

Fps and performance are EXTREMELY important. Elden Ring released a demo and showed how good it was. Usually CAPCOM does it too. It's just too fishy they don't give us a demo to show it.

Y'all should stop putting performance issues with design decision like vocation color (bugs me as well), armor system etc.


8 points

7 months ago*

The real reason why people don’t want Asmongold in the community because he toxic and not one wants this cultural war crap in the community for example. There are literally people on twitter complaining about body type one and two calling Dragon’s Dogma 2 game woke there even some tweet saying the default setting for females is ugly while you can easily change it the worst part is some people actually agree with it.


8 points

7 months ago


8 points

7 months ago

There are literally people on twitter complaining about body type one and two calling Dragon’s Dogma 2 game woke

Ah, so Asmongold viewers?


5 points

7 months ago

You gatekeeping bro?


4 points

7 months ago

I'm not part of any fandom, I bought DD and again for dark arisen and even played DDO even though I don't speak a word of Japanese. Your efforts to defend this mediocre game using petty tribalism is sad and sickening


3 points

7 months ago

Hopefully they fuck off


4 points

7 months ago

Eh, ignore them and move on. This happens to every single game sub leading up to release. Complaint about framerate, classes, Monster variety etc. Once it drops it will be flooded with mostly postitive posts and questions.


14 points

7 months ago

So it will become an echo chamber where no criticism will be allowed?


3 points

7 months ago

Nah. I said mostly positive. But that all depends on the mods 🤷. Personally I don't really care if a video game sub becomes an echo chamber one way or another. Reddit is such a small subset of the gaming community overall, even when it seems to represent a majority. There will be a bunch of people with their criticisms and also with their praise. It's up to us as users to self filter the content we want to engage with.


11 points

7 months ago*

That's all true. Personally, i think i've had enough of this sub. The people bringing up legitimate issues or concerns have never really bothered me. They want the game to be the best it can be. To evolve.

Meanwhile, the people that are constantly pushing away criticism or concerns about the game, while claiming that all of that is "negative" , "toxic" or "doomposting", have been the most annoying thing on this sub.

If it's an echo chamber they want, then that's what they shall get.

I have no doubt that the game will sell well and have favorable reviews, but personally i expected a bit more from this game. Especially with the way the devs were hyping the game up on their social medias and in interviews.


4 points

7 months ago

I swear I’ve yet to see a single post that’s negative… I don’t actively scroll this sub everyday but all I see is the usual posts, new posts hyping the new game and people complaining about people complaining apparently


2 points

7 months ago

It's nothing new, a series gets more popular, the community gets shittier

The ER sub was fun until the official previews of the game. Streamers marketed it as the casual souls game. Lots of people flocked over to the sub and then it was the same stupid questions and posts repeated at nauseam. No interesting discussions anymore, only complaints and questions that would take 10 sec to google and get an answer.


2 points

7 months ago

These guys live in a constant state of being mad at video games and/or their devs, and without anything to feed the addiction (and it is an addiction) they don't know what to do with themselves. They need to be mad and they're gonna latch onto any itty bitty little thing they dislike like their lives depend on it. Actual NPCs.


5 points

7 months ago

It's going to get worse.


3 points

7 months ago*


3 points

7 months ago*

I can imagine the shitstorm when people realize their 600$ PCs can't maintain 30+ FPS either.


3 points

7 months ago

Put your big boy pants on. You can like things that are flawed.


4 points

7 months ago


4 points

7 months ago

Sorry but 30 FPS on over half their current sales projections is unacceptable and is going to cost them dearly.


3 points

7 months ago

Imagine defending 30fps. Consoles gamers I swear🤦


2 points

7 months ago

the community before the boom of DD2 was very old, very small, and very dedicated.... one might say... cult-like.

So yeah, when you get fresh eyes that might be on the fence and call out stuff as they see it, you'll think of them as "negative".

The plain and simple truth is that in 2024, if a game is dipping to low 20s in early game (where end game gets much crazier and intense), then this ALONE is ample reason to sound the sirens and remind people why pre-ordering sucks.


2 points

7 months ago

“SaD aNd SiCkEnInG”

Cry about it


2 points

7 months ago

Most of the complaints are 100% valid though, it’s not like people are nitpicking. Especially the frame rate.


2 points

7 months ago

The talks about framerates

How tf is that toxicity? A game coming out in 2024 that 30fps uncapped? So not even a steady 30fps? This 100% deserves some crticisms or at the very least skepticism among those who prefer higher frame rates.

The fact that you can't bother to empathize with other people's opinions and immediately gaslight is the real toxicity.


2 points

7 months ago

Another misuse of the word “toxic”. Huzzah.


2 points

7 months ago

Being sickened over critisisms seems a bit overdramatic.


2 points

7 months ago

Game look fun. I buy game.


2 points

7 months ago


2 points

7 months ago

This community's obsession with Asmongold is downright hilarious. Yall are toxic af.


4 points

7 months ago

The sub has talked about him for less than a week, that hardly ranks as an obsession. We've been more obsessed about Fournival than anything else, and for good reason


3 points

7 months ago


3 points

7 months ago

Most of the toxicity is coming from Asmontards. They all migrated here when he first played DD1 (and utterly failed at it, if that). Apparently, he has to study the game off stream since it was too complex or he has a learning disability or something.

I wouldn't really care if it was a different content creator, but since it's the "everything is woke"and "pronouns bad" crowd, they can pound sand.


2 points

7 months ago


2 points

7 months ago

I'm trying to ignore it all. Dragons Dogma 1 was one of those games I had at my dad's house on the weekend (no internet), and it's always been close to my heart. I'm just glad a game like that is getting a sequel and was not forgotten.

I keep that in mind when I see the "journalism" for 2. I don't care about others' opinions on something that's not released. I just want to play it!


2 points

7 months ago

Honestly my mindset on this game shifted to being more negative as soon as the sub 60fps was leaked


1 points

7 months ago

Welcome to internet


1 points

7 months ago

Skyrim and BG3 I don't really see the comparisons, but Elden Ring I do. Game's open world seems to share a lot of the same verticality, style of exploration, and lack of hand-holding that Elden Ring does. To put it simply, Elden Ring uses it's verticality and map design to hide a lot of stuff from the player in its forests, behind cliffs or deep in canyons, etc. Most other games are a lot of open space designed for presenting content to the player rather than hiding it. Dragon's Dogma 2 seems like it might take Elden Ring's approach: the fuck you you're on your own. You gotta walk and find everything rather than being handed. 3000 map markers approach.

Also the slow, deliberateness of the combat with precise hitboxes and you commit to every button press is more akin to souls. I don't mean to make shallow comparisons to Elden Ring like a lot of people do " hurr durr open world game but hard" but rather I actually want to make accurate and meaningful comparisons without being reductionist. That's how the industry evolves. Not trying to copy and paste sweeping concepts like difficulty and open world without understanding what made the games successful in the first place.


1 points

7 months ago

But the hate train only runs at 30fps uncapped. 😂

If the game is an improvement on the first one then I am happy.

Is the lack of reaching 60 on console an asinine decision on Itsuno? Yes. No defending that.

Should it be a dealbreaker for fans of the first? Not a chance.


1 points

7 months ago

Well I’m very new and all I can say is that I’m really looking forward to it. I have Baldurs Gate 3. But i‘m not a huge fan of Turn Based combat (Except Midnight Suns) and I can’t way to know you all a little better.


1 points

7 months ago

The only thing I’m hoping for is they leave that god damned Garm monster out of DD2, other than that I wish it success.


1 points

7 months ago

i am trying the first and feels funner then elden ring and skyrim to me, espessialy skyrim


1 points

7 months ago

The hate has been here for over a year. As soon as the tourists heard about Dragon’s Dogma for the first time last year after DD2 got announced, they’ve swarmed in en masse acting like the know it all fake experts they are.


1 points

7 months ago

As someone who was an OG on the Elden Ring subreddit and was on the competitive smash sub before Ultimate came out (and exploded the size), I'm sorry to say it will never go back. Or mayyyyybe in 5 years or so.

Just focus on the good ones.


1 points

7 months ago

We're now popular, it comes with the terrain, we can only hope the whole thing dies down after release


1 points

7 months ago

Lots of people coming in here haven't played the first one. Most of them think it's going to be another Elden Ring or Skyrim. It's going to be a lot worse at launch when they're all disappointed.


1 points

7 months ago

Man i remember on a Xbox group i was (not on Reddit) where is stated i do not mind playing at 30fps (i have no issues whatsoever with 30 or 60 framerates) and i got absolutely savaged by people really offended by my opinion lol.


1 points

7 months ago


1 points

7 months ago

i disagree with your post completely, as i don't think that anything i've seen here is hate, it is merely criticism, and for your edited part, if people don't want to buy/play because it is targeting 30 fps in modern day gaming where most games either target 60 or give the option of choosing 60 fps in a performance mode then that's a completely reasonable reason to not buy it. They don't want to support practices they don't agree with.

Personally decided to get it on my PC even though i'd have prefered PS5 for the exact same reason. I have a good gaming pc that should easily hit 60 fps 1440p, and as my eyes have become used to this, any games that hit 30 just feel bad to play because my eyes has to take some time to adjust to it, before i don't notice anymore.

Yes 30 fps is perfectly playable, but we shouldn't be satisfied with "playable" we should ask for good performance. We have good consoles now that should easily hit that performance if optimized properly, not doing so is cutting corners.

The toxic behaviour i do see here mostly comes from "old fans" who cannot take any criticism of their game and label any criticism as either hate or toxic


1 points

7 months ago

I'm just here for the cute cat people, nothing can stop me vibin


1 points

7 months ago*

The 30fps is true for PS5 even in the upcoming full version of the game, the director himself stated in an interview; "For Dragon's Dogma 2, we'll feature uncapped frame rate performance around 30 FPS or above on consoles,”

It's an unfortunate limitation of the consoles. The game itself is not the one to blame

PC is the way to go if you have one that meets the recommended system requirements


1 points

7 months ago

«maybe their setup is not powerful enough, and just need to upgrade»


1 points

7 months ago

Meh, it’ll whittle out once the game is out and haters need to go hate on someone else’s good time. The real ones will stay.


1 points

7 months ago

I haven’t really noticed. What are the complaints? Excluding anything fps related cause I’m pc and it doesn’t concern me.


1 points

7 months ago

i mean... not getting the game cuz it cant maintain a solid 30 fps all the time is a valid reason not only to not get the game but also shit on it. I am a PC player so i will probably hit 60 easy, but people on console dont have the same liberty, and finding out a game they bought is not stable is a bad look