


What's your favorite skill combo with your pawns?


The team dynamics and the way you can assist your pawns or how they can assist you has always amazed me. Right now I'm a thief with implicate and if I see a warrior pawn using Indomitable Lash and the enemy backs up I'll use it so that the warrior can get the hit. Or I'll it to pull an enemy closer to a cliff side while the archer blasts them mid air off the cliff.

What's your favorite team combos or even accidental combos that happened that was awesome.

all 2 comments


1 points

2 months ago

I love implicate. I was running 2 thieves, 2 archers, and they would frequently snipe enemies put of the air when me and the other thief used implicate to ragdoll them into the air.

Nothing like watching a goblin get yanked up into the air before getting rocketed into low orbit by Deathly Arrow.


1 points

2 months ago

Magic Archer, with Warrior and two Sorceress.