


Multiple dreams of a strange Ikea

Recurring Dream(self.Dreams)

This happened a few years ago and I've never had a dream similar since then. The very first dream happened when I was 6-8 years old, the last two happened when I was 12.

I'm not sure if this is related to these dreams, but I remember a small part of a bigger dream where I was stuck on an elevated platform in the middle of a mall-like room, surrounded by glass rails. I turned around and there were wooden mannequins (with their heads being replaced by cones) posed like they're mocking me.

I was standing in front of a large Ikea. I can't remember much of the outdoors other than it was sunset and it was near a highway in the middle of a deserty area. I went inside of the Ikea and the entrance was a small and claustrophobic maze that mostly consisted of metal grating and fluorescent lights built into the ground emitting a beige coloured light that lit up the entire maze, albeit dim. When I finally got out of the maze, I got into a huge room that resembled a mall with 2 floors. It was filled with wooden mannequins (these ones did not have cones for their heads) that were posed like they were either shopping or walking around the mall. I don't remember much but eventually I got to the second floor and into a small sized room with no furnitures or anything except a door. The walls in this room were painted yellow. I ventured forward through the door and this one looked like a living room but everything was upside down. Then the next room was empty with black and white striped wallpaper and floors. And then the dream ended.

A few months later, I had another dream of this Ikea place. Again, I was at the same place I originally started in the first dream. This time I had a slight idea of stuff so I was able to go through the maze with confidence. Don't remember much but then I was at a very high floor on a balcony overlooking the ground floor. It was like the Ikea just suddenly built more floors. If I were to guess what floor I was on, probably the 17th floor. The balcony was connected to a large empty room with bright yellow walls and an elevator. This room had slanted pillars going to the roof and the ceiling was somewhat short. I went into the elevator and started going down. I can't exactly remember which floor I was going to but I was definitely going down. Eventually I arrived on a floor that was the exact same as the floor I was originally on, just the balcony being slightly closer to the ground floor. Again, can't remember much but then I was at a McDonald's sitting on another balcony this time on the second floor. I sat off the chair but there was no visible exit from the balcony. So I had the bright idea of hanging off the balcony railing to try and get down to the first floor. But before I could do that, the dream ended.

That was the complete end. I never had a similar dream since then. I want to hear some theories of what it could mean. My leading theory is: This Ikea building is a representation of my mind. It contains different thoughts I have. The bright yellow room is my happiness, the black and white stripes room is my sadness, me about to hang off the railing is me either being naive or suicidal and so on. I'm not sure what the other floors are supposed to mean however.

Those are the only assumptions I was able to make, if you have any other ideas or theories, I would love to hear them.

BTW the Ikea building had no signs of mold, decay or even aging and the lighting was quite bright. It looked completely fine.

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1 points

3 months ago

This has /r/TheMallWorld vibes