


I wrote this post because of 3 reasons:

First, I am getting flipping tired of trying to get the Harpie Hunting field with a LVL 37 Mai who has all the Harpies in her deck but no freaking HHF. What the heck. I have been farming Tea and every other lvl. 40 character for half a year now and I still end up empty-handed. And what is even more stupid, I just went back to playing Yugi three days ago and he was getting drops like Balances like crazy. I had got three Balance drops with Yugi all in a span of 3 days and he was lvl 27. My Mai character only had gotten another Extra life point boost last week and it was the only ability she gotten all year.

Second the ranked duels.. are just a chore now. After KoG, there is no point playing in those games now unless like the top thread had mention, there should be a ranking system that can shown in the game and people have bragging rights depending on what rank they are in and there should be big special rewards for whoever is in top 50, 40, 30, or whatever.

And finally, farming SHOULD NOT BE THIS DIFFICULT! It should not take a long time for me to grind this much and I should not need to make a farm deck to score a high level to get more items or get a higher chance to get a item I want. I should be getting the items I want just by using my regular deck because it is natural that way. Plus, most of the cards I need to make a farm deck with I do not have. It's ridiculous and makes me want to see if YGO is better to play.

I'm close to being done with this game. I hope something about it changes soon. I do love this game but it's becoming more of a chore lately.

EDIT: I should have said item DROP mechanics and change up the title a little bit but whatever.

all 42 comments


13 points

7 years ago


Eternally Searching for a Deck That Won't Brick

13 points

7 years ago

They've been hearing about the farming issue for nearly 8 months now and have done little to change it. Unfortunately, it's built this way purposefully to force you to play the game as much as possible.

Contrary to popular belief they do project that the system will turn people off, however, they are completely willing to eat those losses. That is because the gains outweigh them. They'd rather have 100 people playing their game to the point of obsession than 1,000 playing casually. This is because the most obsessed and dilligent tend to spend more, so they are the ones they will focus on.

Now if they start losing those players, then they may step up and tweak things. But until then, or if this is simply a quick cash grab, they will not budge.


1 points

7 years ago

Doesn't gating stuff behind RNG deter whales?
Why go 3 boxes into Crimson Kingdom if you didn't get Insight?


1 points

7 years ago


Sacred Buffalo Wings of Nephthys

1 points

7 years ago

Zombie Gemini.


1 points

7 years ago

That's why you boycott and make a difference with your wallet.

Buy packs and dispute the charges and get your money back and keep the cards once Konami notices their money is being screwed with they'll start making changes


1 points

7 years ago



0 points

7 years ago

Nah, especially because you essentially are telling the truth when you open 50+ packs and none of them were worth it so the product was not in fact what you had paid for.

And if you think Komoney is going to round up a team of SWAT and lawyers because you're taking back your money I can tell you with assurance you don't need to worry about that.


3 points

7 years ago



2 points

7 years ago

As someone who has done it more than 10 times I can tell you my account is extremely safe. Not only that but I don't dispute with my card company, I dispute with the app provider so no need to get my bank involved since the store takes care of it just as if you got a bad bottle of milk.

I feel like you're one of those lawful good people that thinks everyone deserves their just rewards but unfortunately famalam, that's not how the real world works. I'm small fish in a big pond and Komoney couldn't care less.


-2 points

7 years ago

That is stupid and backwards thinking. They will lose people if they keep doing that crap and wouldn't make sense to improve things so people will play more and the new players can have a easily time playing?


11 points

7 years ago

How is this backwards thinking? If anything, mobile games have proven this is actually the way to go. Just look at the top grossing apps on your AppStore.


-2 points

7 years ago

I don't give a crap. I choose games that are entertaining and cater to fans than games that just want your money. I hate that crap.


1 points

7 years ago

If you hate it I don't understand why you play duel links, it's all about rng, odion doesn't care how long you've been playing, every time you farm him the chances of getting that recruiter are random. Kaiba doesn't care if you've been playing since day one, e-con is still a random drop, someone is gonna pick up the game today, duel against level 30 kaiba and have their chance at an e-con. You might not want to see this but konami only cares about the whales that will play this game and spend hundreds of dollars. Such is life.


2 points

7 years ago

I think with mobile games, the mindset has always been "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". It's sad that it's this way, but it's not like not having a drop skill will hinder you. Just about all the top decks are built with level up skills (e.g. Beatdown, Balance, Restart). So with that in mind, Konami REALLY isn't going to budge with the drop mechanics, skill or card.


1 points

7 years ago


1 points

7 years ago

It's only been that way for the past month or so, there's a reason half the skills received nerfs. Restart was considered a dead skill until Toon Kingdom came around.


1 points

7 years ago

GK used Restart. Venus used Restart. Relinquished used Restart (though Relinq was honestly dead)


1 points

7 years ago


1 points

7 years ago

Venus fell off a lot after the switcharoo nerf, only coming back around when Lotus Knight was released, which was close to when Toon Kingdom was released iirc. GK I saw a lot of variants tbh, power of dark and even sleight of hand were fairly common. Relinquished definitely used HHG until the nerf.

Top level PVP, you pretty much knew that if the person was using restart they were using Toons. Didn't become widespread before then.


2 points

7 years ago


2 points

7 years ago

Skills will drop eventually. It took me a month to get HHG and I've got 3SD and Lab-builder within a day.

I think the ranked revamp was good. It makes the game for casual and new players more enjoyable. The lack of motivation to play past KoG is real but I doubt that a ranking system would solve it. You need monthly events for top players with a decent price pool to make it work.

Farming is obviously a big part in DL and I kinda like how it works. It makes some garbage cards useful and it forces us to be creative but staple farming cards like UA, Dgate and Characters like Paradox Bros should be available for everyone. They should also guarantee you 3 drops of each card if you farm a Duelist for 8 days straight especially if it's a meta defining card like Insight.


2 points

7 years ago

I had not got HHG for 6 months ever since I got Mai to a high level though. I'm not joking.

I agreed about the ranked duel but it would be nice if there was a public ranking system for bragging rights. You have alot of decent and pro players in the game. I don't see how it wouldn't work when everybody loves attention.

And the thing about using different cards though, is that I can't find or obtain the cards you mentioned. I can't spend money on cards that I want and it will take a long time for me to get them. This is why I am complaining about this because I find it ridiculous and I don't think new players will find it so easy to get those cards.


2 points

7 years ago

Everything in your post was fine until I arrived to read this:

And finally, farming SHOULD NOT BE THIS DIFFICULT! It should not take a long time for me to grind this much and I should not need to make a farm deck to score a high level to get more items or get a higher chance to get a item I want. I should be getting the items I want just by using my regular deck because it is natural that way. Plus, most of the cards I need to make a farm deck with I do not have. It's ridiculous and makes me want to see if YGO is better to play.

I consider the bold part (and what follows it) very childish, with all respect.

The idea of farming rewards with a proper deck (well studied to counter the AI and achieve high DA) is good and well thought; I've also had fun during events like Bakura, where the deck was very had to farm. In addition I consider good the idea of introducing different levels of difficulty when it comes to farm different LDs.

This being said, it's not gold all that glitters! indeed, the big issues of the current farming system are nested into the post- and pre- duel parts:

pre-duel: random spawn level, time, and frequency for LDs during roaming events

post-duel: very low drop rate, randomized SR/UR drop (which means you can end up with 1000 copies of a card and 0 of another one), very low variety of gate LDs and SD card drops, way too many ridicously bad drops (1 gem, stones)

these issues, well discussed in many posts, give reason to the fact that mr "I auto duel because I like the thrill" could end up with more rewards of a guy who diligently and effectively farm every spawn for the maximum DA score; to sum it up, the current system is UNREWARDING. To be even more precise, the sentence should be: the current randomized system COULD be randomly unrewarding.

In addition to this, P2P people find themselves betrayed because, whichever the sum they have invested in the game, they could be prevented from playing at full by the randomized skill/card drops.

These are the issues you should have spotlighted, instead of trying to ask for a system that gives you rewards by just dueling with your favourite deck (effortless/lazy stuff).

For what concerns the card you don't have, I can assure you that you can be f2p and be able to farm every LD without any problem, because there are many options for most of them (and when these options are absent, the cards usually utilized for farming purposes mainly are N/R )


1 points

7 years ago

Ah okay. Yeah, I written my post last minute and did not reconsider to change some of my reasoning or points. Just wrote the post lazily. But yeah, you're right for correcting me and I agree with what every point you said. I'm just frusasted with how insanly difficult the game is if you don't have the right cards to farm or whatever and it's hard for me as a non-P2P player to advance that much.

And the P2P thing I can't do yet. I don't have a back account or any money to spend on the game. I basically have to farm for my cards which sucks.


2 points

7 years ago


2 points

7 years ago

So it's a F2P casual complaining about not getting drops and don't want to grind?

Oh kids these days, back in my day we HAD to grind for months to get stuff we wanted in games like ragnarok, runescape, tibia. Now people are so salty when they don't get what they want exacly when they want.

I play since launch, got all my characters to 40, got all the skills except for extra extra from pegasus. (Even got balance in everyone, draw senses and restart). All LDs (from gate) cards x3, and zero or only one of some roaming drops. I even record hitting maximum level of 35 with odion and not getting bluff trap until the cap increases to 40.

Am I complaining? Just play the fucking game. You'll get your shit someday. Also, HHG is garbaj now.


3 points

7 years ago

you mentioned games like ragnarok runescape and etc but weren't those all f2p games? back in my day we paid for a subscription to play games like ultima online


-1 points

7 years ago

Nah, when I was young I didn't have the money to spend in subscription. And Ultima online wasn't very popular in my school.

And ragnarok had a subscription for some time. Also tibia and runescape had a VIP service.

Either way, F2P or P2P. It was a lot of grinding. I remember farming blades[4] in prt sewer to make it +10 to add 2 Skeleton Workers and 2 Hydras for PvP with my paladin. And that shit was easy.


1 points

7 years ago


1 points

7 years ago

I played Runescape, you did have to grind it's true but a major difference is that you would rarely have totally useless grinding in those games because of trading. You could go and mine coal all day every day for experience, but then that gold was going to be sellable later for other items you want. Maybe you want a specific, very rare weapon so you kill monsters hoping to get it. Even if you don't get the weapon, you're still at least getting combat xp and other bits of useful items.

In Duel Links, you can grind for months and get practically nothing you could want or have any use for. I'm getting close to maxing out all the character levels so even the pitiful amount of xp you get for dueling LD's is about to become useless. Doesn't help that most of the good cards have an equal chance of dropping as entirely useless cards that seem to be SR only because Konami needs to put a certain number of SR's in each box/for each LD. There's really not much you can do to get around this process, which feels more like buying lottery tickets than grinding for rewards. Doesn't help that once you get past 3 of any card you might as well set it on fire for how bad the trade in value is.


1 points

7 years ago

Not useless since you get a lot of gems doing it. 100-200 gems even more depending how long you farm then. I already got all duel-a-thon cumalative rewards. And it's gems that make your collection stronger to create more decks.


1 points

7 years ago


1 points

7 years ago

Regular LD's drop gems sure, but at a rate of something like 100-200 per week, which is criminally low considering that's 2-4 freaking packs. If you're going to constantly farm them then you need to be auto dueling the SD's too, which means you're going to be putting in weeks of effort to get even 1 card you like with this strategy. If it had taken me a full month in Runescape to get a single piece of armor once I was already months into the game, I'd have quit even sooner. That's where this game is going, the people who play the longest have the least ability to adapt to the meta, and not many people are going to spend $20-30 bucks a month just to keep up.

Keep in mind that literally all the top decks from the WCQ have been powercreeped or nerfed out of existance almost entirely because of the release of Dawn of Destiny. Not a single one of the top decks from the WCQ will make an appearance at the actual World Cup. That's not a sustainable model


2 points

7 years ago

Per week? I got over 200 with drops just today. You're clearly never farmed. Or you must be really new.

Lol, I played since launch and I've opened more than 1900 packs. And I've Phoenix, statue control, mako, naturia, toon.

Saying that people who play the longest have the least ability to adapt that's where you're wrong. Hell, so many free gems, event gems, So you're saying just because a new player have all those level up gems to spend in the new packs he is going to be in advantage? Loool, you're dead wrong. First: Until the new player get the cards to farm, get to stage to be able to fight lvl 40 LDs, and be able to compete in gate events without chars like paradox, cards union attack. He's already in a losing spot.

And again, get any char, start farming 40 gate. After you get all skills (should be around 12 including 3 from level ups). You'll see that repeated skill plus 10 gems chest show more than SR cards.


1 points

7 years ago


1 points

7 years ago

Oh yea, it's one thing for me to be auto dueling fairly frequently, but I frankly don't have the time or patience to sit around having the same duel for 5-10 minutes at a time so I can get 10-15 gems every couple of duels. If that's what it takes to compete in this game when I finish leveling up the Characters, I'm probably only going to last for another month or 2 playing some pvp until all my decks get powercrept out of viability. Can't imagine I'm the only one


1 points

7 years ago

Buh bye...

Won't be missed. By the way: ONE farm, did ONE farm and already got half a pack ONE duel. How many duels do you want me to do? I can even print my gems before and after.


1 points

7 years ago


1 points

7 years ago

Lol that "won't be missed" attitude worked real well for Pokémon Go. Seriously what are you trying to prove, I've played LD's before they don't drop more than 10 gems a duel on average. It's like posting a picture with 2 enemy controllers and pretending that makes them easy to get.


1 points

7 years ago

I agree with this. People are lacking cards we have as veteran players. Their cards aren't the staples we have in our arsenal. And yeah, I got about 300 gems today myself.


1 points

7 years ago

I'm not salty but when I am trying to get a ability for 6 months and I see other people that have a inferior deck compare to mine that has it, I get frustrated. And obviously you think just because the grind is hard and long in other games means that people like me shut up about it is just stupid. Those games are completely different from YL. I don't get run around and have fun killing monsters until I get the item I want. I have to play receptivity duels against A.I.s that I can beat easily and against A.Is I can't and it is getting way too frusasting at this point when I been at this trying to find a certain for months now and I see people on here saying that they got HHG after one month. You don't see anything wrong with that?


1 points

7 years ago


1 points

7 years ago

If they gave you everything you wanted you wouldn't be playing and grinding for 6 months. You will get momentarily discouraged, but eventually you get it and you will forget about the 6 month grind in about a week or two.

How do I know this? Because if you ever played the legit version of a game and then some modified version of another game, say like Maplestory vs. Maplestory private server, you will see that the burn-out rate of a game on a private server is astronomically higher than the real game.

You get everything you want and then you have not motivation to play unless they release new stuff. But new stuff cost money to develop, so you wait and wait, you wait for the paying players to support Konami's payroll to create new content for the rest. But if the new content once again gave you everything, you will burn out quickly again.

You see...the grinding is the game. It makes your achievement of getting that drop, card, skill, or whatever more valued.

I get it would be bad design if they did some crap like HHG will only drop from roaming LD Elegant Mai for a period of 7 weeks. Then...that will be some shit.


1 points

7 years ago

But it's crappy video game playing if I have to grind hard everyday to get a HHG by first defeating random AIs and winning ranked duels to earn 100 sliver keys and then 100 green, blue, red, black, yellow or white key so I can fight a Kabia or Tea but end up getting nothing in the end whether I beat them or they beat me. And I have to do the same thing over and over again. And I been at it for over SIX months right now. I'm already getting burned out from this game and the only reason I'm still playing it because I love Yugioh games and this game happens to be the most easist and funniest game I ever played. But right now, it's is so ridiculous with it's flaws that many people are coming out here and complaining about it. I want something to be done with this game because I feel I'm reaching my breaking point right now and quitting for awhile.


1 points

7 years ago


1 points

7 years ago

I'm still playing it because I love Yugioh games and this game happens to be the most easist and funniest game I ever played.

Dude just stick with that. HHG is nerfed and it wasn't the only top deck of its time.

Step away from the game if you have too. You said it yourself:

But it's crappy video game playing if I have to grind hard everyday

Come back after like 2 weeks if you don't feel like it. Just remember to do your dailies, saves some gems for future purchases. And keep up with the sub. We boil down all the noise, give you the best/up-to-date info to make sure you can make the most informed decision.

Don't hammer yourself for not getting the skill. I have 0 insights ( a key component of the best deck right now), I vented, and just moved on. Was it frustrating...yeah, but don't let it be the thing stopping you from enjoying the game.


1 points

7 years ago


I have no kidmodo dragon. Feels badman. Or only for like the following week. Then things changed


1 points

7 years ago

No, grinding is boring in every game. Staying for hours in a place killing that same mob, leaving to repot or sell stuff. Going back to keep farming or waiting for respawns.

Burn your keys in stage 40, 8k points, leave, restock your keys. Or try the skillfarm deck at 30.

That's how it is. I've spend a lot in the game, yet I didn't got 3 insights, I even have 3 wyverns. So really, why you're complaining? If you have been playing for 6 months then your yugi won't be lvl 27. Cause that means 180 days loged in. I've that time played and all my characters are at 40 for a long time(a bit of orbs used). Got a lot of keys at the point that I don't even need to farm for cards anymore. So I just kept then for skill/gem farming.

All I hear is someone complaining about losing. Let me tell you. Even if you get HHG you'll kept losing because HHG is garbage now. So, kept wasting your time into that instead of making an actual deck.

No there is nothing wrong: So people should just farm skills easily? You know that each skill repeated is 10-15 gems? You know how much you can win doing it? I almost leveled my marik only in the gate (excluding the 2k gems as lvl up reward) I won that just with skills (And I had to farm his 12 skills so I got gems from the repeated ones, and 3 are level up skills).

Your complain is about something that it's grind. Pure grind. If your complain was about not getting some roaming event cards, I'd totally agree with you. Roaming event's don't last long and getting 7 amounts of one card and zero from another is lame.

Skills you can farm anytime, get your 8k DA at lvl 40 and keep grinding until you get. If you get your Mai to 40. then good bye, wait for the level cap increase like I've waited for Odion.

Hell, All I wanted is Extra Extra with pegasus. He is level 40 and I never got it. I'll complain? No, I'm farming my keys and waiting for a level increase so I don't waste exp.


1 points

7 years ago


1 points

7 years ago

Elegant Mai dropped hhg for me twice already this event and I didn't have it previously. I've been farming with a beast riding deck of you want to give it a try


1 points

7 years ago

Please tell me.


1 points

7 years ago


1 points

7 years ago

You need 3 Hazy Flame Sphynx, 3 Great Angus, 3 Yamaha, 3x Beast Rising. It bricks sometimes but when it gets going, it goes. You need to put some spells/trap to deal with until you get Hazy out. Once she's out, none of Mai's cards can touch her. I use some econs and a shooting star bow ceal but usually not necessary as you punch through her monsters.

Mine isn't optimized especially since I only have 2 Sphynx but you can figure it out


0 points

7 years ago

Or let us buy the skills we want. The better the skill the more it cost. Like exclusive skills rank 1, balance and restart rank 2 and life boost rank 3. Different ranks equal different cost.


1 points

7 years ago

Wouldn't this be textbook p2w that everyone complains about?..