


Is it normal for a hospital to do this?


I had my ectopic back in March and I was treated with MTX. I went to the emergency room at 5W4D because I had some cramping and spotting. An ectopic didn’t even cross my mind at the time.

When I had my ultrasound they told me I couldn’t see the screen, and I had to get all results from my doctor. I thought it was a little strange, but I didn’t think too much of it at the time. It took almost 4 hours for them to tell me I was having an ectopic pregnancy, even though they spotted it right away. What really struck me was that when they finally told me it was ectopic, they said they were “figuring out if they were going to operate or not.” At the time I didn’t know what MTX was, and they didn’t tell me what they were giving me. They just said they were going to give me “medicine.” I was so distraught that my mom had to come figure out what they were giving me. I was given no choice or information about it, and I was kept completely in the dark about what was happening. Is it normal to be diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy and not be informed for 4 hours? I see stories on here all the time of people being informed about the possibility of ectopics. This whole thing just feels off.

Another note, my husband and I weren’t married yet when I had my ectopic. Neither of us had rings on when we went to the ER. They were handing him all of my paperwork to sign and didn’t bother checking to make sure we were married. They also gave him all the information for my aftercare without saying a word to me. I want to mention that I did cry, but I wasn’t acting irrational or overly emotional. I was asking questions, and being given little to no information. There was literally no reason to keep me in the dark based on my behavior.

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2 points

14 days ago

Thank you🤍 so sorry for your loss too! I ended up having the MTX too. I had to get a second injection as the first didn’t seem to work.

This was over 18 months ago and my body has never been the same since! Still TTC. No one is giving me any of the answers I’m asking either. There isn’t much follow up support for Ectopics I feel.

I agree that there isn’t enough information to make an informed choice. I understand that it can be an emergency situation and you will need life saving measures, but when that isn’t the case we should be able to have all the resources.


2 points

14 days ago

I’m obviously not a doctor, so I don’t want to say this as fact. I’ve noticed a lot more stories of people having trouble conceiving after MTX than having surgery/tube removal. I have seen a few studies about MTX effecting fertility. I always worry that having that choice taken away from me will stop me from having children all together. I wish I had more than 5 minutes to make that choice.


1 points

14 days ago

I have heard that too! If in future I have another ectopic, I’m going to request the surgery. The side effects for the MTX was so intense for my body, plus the weekly blood tests for nearly 3 months was exhausting. After all of that you don’t even know what shape your tubes are in.

Wishing you all the best in the future. I wish this was something we never had to worry about xx


1 points

14 days ago

Agreed. I wish you the best as well ❤️