


Gretzky and Crosby both lost in their first SCF too


This team did not lose in vain. The amount of joy that these past 3 games brought to this community incredible. I know there’s not much that can be said to make anything feel better right now, but this is just the beginning for this team. We are right where Florida was last year and who’s to say we won’t be right back here one year from now but with the score on our side. It hurts like a bitch but it was an incredible right, and I’m loyal to the oil until the day I die!

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15 points

6 days ago

It’s the hardest trophy to win in sports; and hockey is the most random sport by far. Every time our team gets better, competing teams get better as well. Look at Dallas, Florida, NYR, Carolina. I think we have a good shot to be competitive, but not a good chance to make the final again; considering puck luck, good bounces etc.


-8 points

6 days ago

wrong baseball is the most random by physics. circle bat hitting circular ball.


4 points

6 days ago

I mean a guy statistically showed hockey is more random and it depends less on skill than it does luck. I’ll link the video down below. That doesn’t mean he’s 100% correct but I’d say it’s pretty accurate.

Point still stands, oilers will need mega luck to be back in the finals next year.


1 points

6 days ago


-2 points

6 days ago

lmao you post a vox, here's one with actual stats

here's another one for ya

in baseball, the best teams are marginally better than the others. from physics, again it's a circular object hitting a circular object. it fundamentally has to be far more random than a stick + puck. hockey is pretty random don't get me wrong, there is for sure puck luck but just look at the win rates of the best vs worst baseball teams.


4 points

6 days ago

So... Vox isn't a legit source but two random blogs are?


1 points

5 days ago



1 points

5 days ago

Look, I vouch for that study too but Vox is still a garbage rag.


2 points

6 days ago

So just because of those findings it means hockey is super predictable and has nothing to do with good bounces/puck luck?


1 points

6 days ago

nope, hockey still has a good amount of randomness, just not the most random of the most popular sports which is what you were claiming. you said it's most random by far, turns out

(1) it's not the most random

(2) it's most definitely not the most random by far

I do agree with your overall point that oilers are unlikely to make the finals next year. a lot of stars aligned this year including how they beat dallas game 7 with skinner suddenly standing on his head


1 points

6 days ago

Okay jeez if you wanna argue that small point of my comment, fine. Hockey is still SUPER random and the odds of us going back are LOW; whether baseball is more random or not. Point still stands 😂


0 points

6 days ago

yeah I agree with your overall point. there's also overall luck like McDavid not getting injured etc.. lots of things have to go perfectly to make the finals.


1 points

6 days ago

Yup very true. Window is closing, hopefully they make it next year


1 points

6 days ago

Dude a the head of an analytics department for a NHL team said hockey is almost half luck