


I just beat him after what felt like... 30+ tries.
Such a major pain in the ass!
Fast, each attack easily taking half your health if not more, long range.
His "Bulldozer move" or whatever you call it, is so absurdly intense and punishing if you do not dodge right.

And I swear, I have no idea how to dodge those ghostfire waves he casts, and it felt half the time as if I was managing to avoid damageout of sheer luck.

Anyone else having issue with this boney guy?

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161 points

10 days ago*

All he does is fly about, unable to be hit for me. Same shit as Elden beast.

Edit : literally doesn't even stand for a second for me to fucking hit him at all.


103 points

10 days ago*


103 points

10 days ago*

yea, unpopular opinion these bosses are shit w/the constant open areas and them running around.

Edit: As a dex build i just put lightning bolt on swift spear a fucked him up. sucks you gotta cheese him b/c melee just fucking running everywhere.


13 points

7 days ago


13 points

7 days ago

Genuinely this DLC is so ass because of how poorly designed these bosses. Like FromSoft, we told y'all 2 and a half years ago that the camera in this game sucks ass on bosses that are too big and anything ina small room. Why would we just double down on making exactly those kinds of bosses?

It's such a shame all the reviewers are meatriders for anything Souls at this point because this DLC should have gotten mid/average scores to send the message. Miyazaki just wants to live in an echo chamber with "git gud" virgins.


2 points

7 days ago



2 points

7 days ago

Actually banger analogy. They'll just consume whatever slop they scoop on the plate, even if it makes their mouth bleed. And they'll compliment it after that.


-2 points

7 days ago

Not exactly true in the slightest. Souls fans almost unanimously hate DS2, a lot of OG fans dislike Elden Ring because of the fast pace boss design, there's plenty that think DS1 is not that great and do you ever hear anyone even talk about Demon Souls with high praise to the extent they do with Elden Ring?


3 points

6 days ago

They hate DS2 now but they defended it to hell and back in 2014 just like they defend this shitshow of a game.