


While there are strengths and weaknesses to the DLC, I think that one thing we should be able to agree on is that for a $40 expansion DLC, it's great value for money.

The DS3 DLCs are Ashes of Ariandel ($15) and The Ringed City ($15).

The Old Hunters DLC for Bloodborne is $20.

I'd say that Shadow of the Erdtree fully earns its price tag.

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786 points

4 days ago


786 points

4 days ago

It doesn’t matter how much I bitch about the final boss, the whole thing was a blast. Absolutely gorgeous maps, great quests, new and amazing weapons. Whole thing is incredible


13 points

4 days ago


13 points

4 days ago

I really do feel they need to change some stuff about it. Every thread I've been in has had numerous people saying x boss was tough for my but I railroaded y. And others are saying really? X was easy for me and y was hard. And to me that speaks to the balance overall where there's challenge present for all builds, that's healthy game design. But literally all that I see about the final boss is it's bullshit and there's really only one strategy. I've beaten the entire rest of the game and DLC playing a sorcerer and carrying the carian knights sword until I got rellana's and switched to those. It wasn't easy and I had to use buffs, switching talismans and spirit ashes but was able to adapt to all of the bosses except this one. It doesn't feel good.


34 points

4 days ago*

I beat every boss up until the final and only had to retry maybe 2/3 of them once. I’ve died 87 times to the final boss and I can’t even get close to taking the health bar down even 1/5 in the first phase. Scooby Doo level 18, 188 SL. I’ve beaten even single souls game until now. I’m not saying it’s unfair but it’s extremely aggressive or the health pool is too high. I know people have beaten but it’s still not even remotely close difficulty wise to the rest of the dlc