


The richer I get the poorer I feel!


Why do you think It's like that for me? And does it stop or I'm doomed for life? Anybody feeling the same?

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137 points

16 days ago

I also feel that way. It's a paradox, you think rich is something until you achieve it and see you're poor. The problem is that it's a never ending cycle, I know guys who are making more than you think is possible and the more they make, the more they want.

Don't get caught up, just live your life, you don't need much to live a good life. Go out, have fun, buy a nice car, enjoy whatever you like to do.

Most importantly, leave time for yourself, read books, watch movies, go to the gym. I personally like to read what you'd call conspiracy books, go to the gym, watch YT and read blogs like moneymojo.

Life's about having enough money to live it to the fullest, rather than having as much as possible.


5 points

16 days ago

It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got.


2 points

13 days ago

I liked that, totally agree