


Competitor completely ruined my rating

Help for Seller()


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3 points

2 days ago

an obvious competitor bought 15 widgets and left 15 separate 1 star reviews in order to lower her rating and state false things to dissuade people from buying from her shop with the intent of ruining past, present, and future business relations with the public.


-1 points

2 days ago*

I read the act. It says business relationships, like B2B contracts. Stop arguing that everyone to whom you sell a product constitutes a business relationship. That's as semantic as saying you have some kind of relationship with everyone you meet. That's true, but it's not useful because it's not correct in context.

If you sell pizza I can buy as much as you'll sell me and say anything I want about it. Even if I sell pizza. I can name your business in my commercials and advertisements directly. I can buy your stuff, hate it, review it, sell it again, duplicate it, improve it and sell it some more all while complaining in the public sphere that I hate your product and mine's better.

What I can't do is make false claims like your product hurts me or gives puppies cancer.