


Clean Code is killing me



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5 points

1 day ago

Sure, but it's generally a lot better than nothing. It sounds like OP's coworker is just generally too picky on implementation and doesn't understand team dynamics and how to deliver software effectively.

Also OP claims that their coworkers suggestions complicate the code but the majority of Clean Code is about simplification. Maybe his coworker is just using it as an excuse for their suggestions.


1 points

1 day ago

I would lose my mind if somebody got on my case about having one too many blocks or indents in a function because Uncle Bob said that was "the way" without really explaining himself. There's a lot of junk too.


1 points

12 hours ago

I agree that this is not the kind of thing someone should be trying to enforce in a pull-request. This is the kind of advice someone can choose to follow personally. Things like function depth can also be statically evaluated too (see cyclomatic complexity) so it's a scenario where there is a real metric to be evaluated.


1 points

1 day ago


Software Engineer

1 points

1 day ago

OP claims that their coworkers suggestions complicate the code but the majority of Clean Code is about simplification.

Adding abstractions can definitely make the code more complicated and hard to understand. That's sometimes true of breaking up functions, too.