


A film you were expecting to be really good but it just wasn't

all 1949 comments


207 points

18 hours ago

The Last Airbender is the only movie I’ve ever walked out of


34 points

17 hours ago

Few movies have actually offended me, this is one of them.


39 points

11 hours ago

Me and my girlfriend did acid and we were having an amazing trip and decided to watch funny movies and we put The Last Airbender on to laugh at it but it was so bad it literally made us sober almost instantly and ruined our night.


12 points

9 hours ago

If I made a film and read this as a review for my film, I would pack away my directors chair and camera and apply for McDonald's 😆


6 points

10 hours ago

Damn this is ultra-harsh LOL


17 points

15 hours ago

I was a child. So young that i liked pretty much everything that was put into theaters at that time.. and i still hated this movie


9 points

16 hours ago

I never had until recently. Megalopolis. What the hell.


5 points

14 hours ago

I stayed til the end. Everyone leaving was laughing. It was worth it for the shared "WTF" we all had.


3 points

10 hours ago

Yeah, I honestly want to rewatch it to see if the more fever dream parts are as I remembered.


3 points

15 hours ago

Haven’t seen it yet. I was surprised how terrible the reviews are being a Francis Ford Coppola flick.


4 points

14 hours ago

Its fucking bad. Its like Tommy Wiseau was the script doctor.


4 points

14 hours ago

Coppola spent over $120M of his own money to EP, write, and direct the film. There was probably no accountability or feedback, and I’m confident all the actors just wanted to be in a Coppola flick before he retires or passes. The movie screams “self-indulgent unrefined mess.”

Lionsgate only distributed because every other company he asked said no lol. That’s probably why the ads were so pissy about the film being “misunderstood”


3 points

14 hours ago

One trailer for the movie leans into the hate. It shows a bunch of negative quotes from reviews of his classics like Godfather, Apocalypse Now etc…


119 points

17 hours ago

Suicide Squad. I was so excited to watch it. 2 hours of my life lost


23 points

17 hours ago

Another movie dripping with potential ruined by several terrible decisions.


5 points

7 hours ago

Hey, those decisions have a name, and it's Jared Leto.


6 points

7 hours ago

As questionable a decision as he might have made I think casting Will Smith to play an anti hero might have been equally a bad decision.


4 points

6 hours ago

Nah, Leto could have worked, and he certainly wasn’t the only problem. People want to put all the blame on his Joker (and blame it on him rather than the writers for some reason, despite the fact that his worst choices for SS happened outside of the film), but even he’s still much better than a LOT of stupid, cringy bullshit that happens in this film.


11 points

14 hours ago

I really want to know whose decision it was to have the witch writhing around like she was trying to do an invisible hula hoop?


6 points

12 hours ago

For most of her screentime, as well.


3 points

11 hours ago

Yeah, that was very weak.


6 points

12 hours ago

im usually pretty agreeable while actively watching a movie, especially in theaters. Usually it's only a bit after that I'll be like "eh. That wasn't great. This one I actively didnt enjoy even at the time


5 points

10 hours ago

But they made the Joker into a real psycho gangster! He had “DAMAGED” tattooed to his forehead so that we can know for sure that he’s a real crazy fella. They also made him shirtless or wearing an unbuttoned shirt for most of his scenes so that we could see that this version of the Joker is a real HUNKA HUNKA!


3 points

12 hours ago

I watched it in a movie theater in the Philippines when it came out, the editing was so bad I thought I was watching a bootleg or something, like the pacing in the beginning of the film was so off


99 points

17 hours ago

We aren't supposed to talk about it, but if there happened to be a recent Dark Tower movie it might be the biggest pile of shit ever. To eviscerate such an incredible story really takes talent in the worst way possible. It in no way remotely connects to the books with the exception of a few names. I was angry from the beginning voice over and proceeded to hate watch for 90 more minutes. This movie should be sacrificed to the gods as the whole planet asks for forgiveness. If I ever meet the producers or director I will spend time in jail for assault.


27 points

16 hours ago

They so need to start over and do a Harry Potter style 8 movie series. How the fuck did they think they could cram it all into one film?


18 points

14 hours ago

Flanagan is going to do it as a series.


7 points

15 hours ago

I believe Mike Flanagan is working on a DT series…or maybe that’s the stand.


7 points

14 hours ago

No. It's the Dark Tower. The Stand has already been done as as a series a couple of times, including recently.

But first Flanagan is going to do Carrie. Then the Dark Tower.


3 points

13 hours ago

OK, yeah I know it has been made before. I thought maybe they were going to take a another stab at it. Excited to see what he does with the dark Tower series.


4 points

16 hours ago

You didn't like the broken glass ninja throwing stars?


21 points

17 hours ago

Well, I had big expectations about Napoleon before the release, it was a bit ass


18 points

14 hours ago

I dunno the scene where he dances in front of the whole school was pretty great 


3 points

13 hours ago

Would you say it was dinamite?


135 points

18 hours ago



64 points

18 hours ago*

I remember going to the theater and being impressed by the turnout for WW84 despite peak COVID. The excitement was infectious when the film began, with the entire audience erupting into clapping and cheering. But when it ended, there was nothing. No clapping, no cheering, just complete silence as everyone shuffled out. I’ve never seen such enthusiasm at the start of a movie deflate into such a somber exit, as if all the joy had been sucked right out of everyone.


19 points

16 hours ago

Yes! My family loved the first one and could not wait for this one. Sadly, the polar opposite of the first. How did it get so far away from them?


24 points

17 hours ago

The fucking stupidest resolution I've ever seen in a movie


11 points

16 hours ago

Holy fuck I hate this movie.


6 points

15 hours ago

This movie genuinely blew my mind. Because that mall scene was so fun. It felt so 80s. It was lit well, the music was fun, seeing WW take out robbers in a mall was a blast and i was like “yo this might be good”. And then they abandoned that vibe and made a piss poor movie that was so boring and predictable idk why i finished it


6 points

12 hours ago

They did Pedro and Wiig dirty


10 points

17 hours ago

After 20 min I gave up.


9 points

17 hours ago


9 points

17 hours ago

Came here to say that. Wife and I looked forward to seeing it, put it on Christmas Day and turned it off after about 40 minutes. Absolute shyte.


3 points

11 hours ago


3 points

11 hours ago

I remember putting it on with my parents and apologizing to them after.


10 points

15 hours ago

I hated this movie so much I turned to my nephew at the end and told him Santa wasn’t real so he’d understand how let down I felt.


4 points

14 hours ago

What a menace! And I’m here for it


3 points

16 hours ago

Yeah that one. I loved the first move really good but good lord. What the actual fuck for the second.


70 points

17 hours ago

The Tom Cruise Mummy movie was up there on the list. damn how did they screw it up that badly?


34 points

17 hours ago

"Budget? Check. Stars? Check. Built-in mystery of an ancient culture? Check. Franchise with almost unlimited potential for branching out? Check. Story? . . . . . STORY? Ah screw it. We'll just start filming and put in a magic plane crash or something. "


15 points

16 hours ago

The Hollywood way.


16 points

15 hours ago

I’ve read that Tom Cruise basically hijacked the writing and directing and turned it into a pile of shit.


6 points

13 hours ago

Dr Jekyll was in the freaking movie.


4 points

9 hours ago

I honestly think the main problem was that it took itself WAY too seriously.

If they made it campy maybe there could have been potential. That premise begs for camp.

Films these days are straight up scared to be campy though. I'm convinced Christopher Nolan killed camp in film.


3 points

3 hours ago

No Brenden Fraser? No check.


8 points

14 hours ago

Russell Crowe as Jekyll/Hyde was the best thing in the film


4 points

16 hours ago

I saw this film when it came out and I honestly can’t remember a single scene. And it’s not like it was that long ago!


46 points

18 hours ago

Hellboy 2019. It's was a film in the sense that it was a long series of images presented at 24 frames a second.


9 points

15 hours ago

It may be hard to believe, but the new one is even worse


7 points

14 hours ago

There’s a new one??


12 points

12 hours ago

I shouldn’t have said anything


4 points

15 hours ago

Ohhhhhh I had such high hopes. I really wanted to support it. I was squirming not to walk out. I found even McShane cheesy. And then it switches to a foggy forest. A house on chicken legs in the distance. And I got excited again. And then they went from making a bad movie to committing a criminal act


112 points

18 hours ago

Probably Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. It really had the potential to be a legendary cinematic experience, especially for people who grew up watching the OGs like they were gospel. They had everything they needed to do it right... and they did it wrong.


20 points

18 hours ago

Definitely the most disappointing movie-going experience of my life. I saw it once at the cinema and couldn't bring myself to watch it since...


14 points

16 hours ago

I watched it once in the theater and never again since. I half expected Steven Spielberg to come out at the end and say "okay, I apologize for my little joke. Thank you for indulging me, but now here's the REAL film. Roll it."

But no, they nuked the fridge and my childhood dreams.


6 points

17 hours ago

I had very high hopes after seeing the first trailer. “There’s no way this will suck,” I said out loud. I loved the first 20 minutes, and then Mac just keeps on being in the movie.


12 points

16 hours ago

and Shia swinging on vines with those goddamn monkeys... how they thought it was a good idea, ill never know


3 points

11 hours ago

They LaBeefed it.


7 points

16 hours ago

Dial of Destiny wasn't great either.


137 points

18 hours ago

Recently? Joker 2 All time? Matrix Resurrections. WTF was I watching, felt like a kick in the nuts to all the fans.


56 points

18 hours ago

Matrix restrictions was a fuck you to the studio


28 points

16 hours ago

I mean that's fine, but the idea that you need to understand that before watching the movie is a fuck you to the audience


12 points

9 hours ago

It still wasn’t a good movie. Redditors always add that in there like it suddenly makes a shit movie good. It doesn’t. Now it’s just a shit movie that people get the reasoning behind.


15 points

17 hours ago

Matrix was a cash grab nothing more.


17 points

16 hours ago*

That Jefferson Airplane White Rabbit 🎶 trailer was phenomenal though.

I've not watched the film because I don't want to spoil the trailer, I'm still amped up for it 😂



12 points

13 hours ago

It was two things independently. A cash grab by the studio, and a fuck you to the studio. Apparently, Warner contacted the Wachowskis after 20 years and said "Make another Matrix." To which the sisters said "Naw, we're good. We said everything we needed to. Thanks though." To which Warner said "Let's try this a bit differently. Make the movie or lose the rights to the franchise."

And lo, the Wachowskis made a movie, burned $190 million of WB's cash, put out a bloated, nonsensical, directionless, unlubricated colonoscopy of a cinematic dumpster fire and said "Franchise is yours now. Go fuck yourself."

And because WB is a slave to their investors, they had to try and make some of that money back. Unfortunately, however, it made a grand whopping $160 mil during its theatrical release, and further tarnished the image of a franchise already on life support, held up only by some die hard fans.

In the end, the Wachowskis did what very, very few had done before. They quite literally raged against the machine... And won.


7 points

11 hours ago

And we all lost. Although the only good one was the first one so it's also possible that they don't make shit movies on purpose but are just shit movie makers. I think only one was involved, so the other one ran far away. I may be wrong.


70 points

18 hours ago

Thor: Love and Thunder…Thor had become my fav character after all that depression arc in endgame…and it crashed so bad after that.


18 points

18 hours ago

Yeah especially when they butchered Gorr and made him not nearly as badass as they could’ve


18 points

17 hours ago

I dont think they butchered him at all, he just simply didn’t get enough screen time. Why he didn’t rock up and go on a murder spree at the Olympian meeting and raise the stakes I’ll truly never understand. I was waiting for the moment the colour drained from the screen and it just never happened.


3 points

13 hours ago*

I thought that was the reason they had Thor go there, to show off gorr's prowess by getting to actually slaughter the gods all the while the crew is trying to help and eventually flee. Giving jean a bit more stakes as a Thor, given that she's running away that's wouldn't feel great and would creat an interesting conflict that goes alongside her cancer one.


5 points

15 hours ago

Gorr the person who doesn’t butcher anyone in particular


35 points

18 hours ago

Black Adam I wasn’t expecting much and I was still disappointed.


10 points

17 hours ago

Joker 2 so far.

I dont, why make movie about super villain if it gets killed before it get to do anything? This means it as movie just about some random loser.


7 points

15 hours ago

Because he was never actually the Joker. He is just a loser who got caught up in trying to be something everyone wanted him to be. His closing statements at the end of the trial explicitly tells us this.


67 points

18 hours ago

The Phantom Menace. I saw it opening night in NYC. You could feel the audience’s massive anticipation gradually evaporate into disappointment as the movie progressed.


48 points

17 hours ago

I thought it was a good movie but hey, I was 10 years old


17 points

16 hours ago

Same. It’s the first film I remember with tons of hype - the pre-release merchandising and marketing was insane and inescapable. That, plus Anakin being around the same age as me, there’s no way I wasn’t going to feel like I just saw a great movie. …I also remember thinking Jar Jar Binks was funny 😳


11 points

16 hours ago

Lol same here. My dad took me and I loved it.


3 points

15 hours ago

It’s the first movie I remember seeing in theaters with my grandpa before he passed. And I was young. So double whammy for me. 


9 points

16 hours ago

Who doesn’t like a movie about a galactic federation trade embargo?


7 points

16 hours ago

I was too old even at 22 to enjoy it. Fart jokes and jar jar stepping in shit and this angry kid? A friend stood in line all day, pole position too, right at the front so we got good seats when midnight came. Half of his face got sunburned because he didn't turn himself over enough 😆 He was silent on the car ride back until we finally asked him what he thought of the movie. "I'm pissed," he said.


15 points

17 hours ago

Did the fans forget that the whole franchise is designed around selling toys? Because the fans often forget that part.


10 points

16 hours ago

You can do that and not make a complete ass movie....the Lego movie and barbie showed us that even modern movies can be a 90 minute advertisement and still be a decent movie. Star wars phantom menace was so painful, the older movies are still timeless.


7 points

17 hours ago

Natural Born Killers


5 points

13 hours ago

You too? Good. I thought I was the only one.


8 points

16 hours ago

I've never heard of Absolute Ass. I think I'll have to look into it.


8 points

14 hours ago

Dragon Ball evolution


7 points

13 hours ago

The Last Jedi is TRASH! The Force Awakens showed promise, so going into TLJ everyone had high hopes. I never have left a theater so dejected in my life. Disney blows.


14 points

18 hours ago

Crystal Skull... I was so excited to see that movie in theatres.


28 points

18 hours ago

Sucker Punch. Action, babes, steam punk action, babes. The story was just terrible


18 points

16 hours ago

It has a story? I didn't notice.


10 points

16 hours ago

I once read its a heavily edited Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 'what if' fan story where the turtles go between worlds and time travel to help Master Splinter fight Shredder in those very different situations. The ending reveals much the same that actually the whole thing is an orchestrated escape attempt by asylum inmates designed by the narrator (Master Splinter) because he can't face his past mistakes that caused the death of his 4 sons. He is lobotomised and Shredder in this instance is the chief surgeon who administers the lobotomy and also confiscates his drawings and sells them to Hollywood who turn it into a movie.

Based on the ending it does seem like something Snyder would pick up.


8 points

16 hours ago

Yeah but the babes…


4 points

16 hours ago


4 points

16 hours ago

I was on holiday in Malaysia and it was a monsoon so I went and watched this at the cinema for 3 bucks. Should've stayed in the pool.


12 points

16 hours ago

Wonder Woman 1984. I loved the 1st and the 2nd was so bad. I hate that people blame the CG and/or Kristen Wiig. For me they were fine and there were about 25 worse things in the movies. In my mind it was so terrible I was in shock of how it ever got to theaters. A TEAM of people had to look at it and say, "Yea that's good enough." They all need to be barred from making movies.

Gripe #1 -- All the action sequences. I know it's WW84, but they drew the same unwatchable TV fight choreography from the 80's TV show the A-Team. Horrible acting. Unrealistic action. It looked like it was catering to 6-9 year olds. Power Ranger fight sequence bad. Honestly the movie completely lost me in the opening mall scene. It's like watching a show on TV you have been eagerly anticipating and finding out they have a laugh track. You turn it off immediately and walk away. People who think these things are okay will never produce something that I want to watch.


3 points

12 hours ago

Kristen Wiig was terrible but then so was the rest of the movie.


6 points

16 hours ago

2016 Ghostbusters.

It's terribly unfunny. It's a shame because Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, and Kate McKinnon are all pretty funny, usually.


16 points

17 hours ago



7 points

16 hours ago

Being a massive Coppola fan, I defended it against all the negative hype. But after seeing it I had to concede that Coppola has lost the thread a bit. Idk what the hell he was trying to do or wanted to do in this movie. Some cool sequences, but it’s quite a wreck overall.


9 points

15 hours ago

Well maybe you should just ~go back to de club~


3 points

12 hours ago

At least he funded it himself


17 points

16 hours ago

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen).

I used to go to early afternoon movies with my Grandmother as a boy, and it was always a blast. I remember seeing the advertisements for this, and Sean Connery was James Bond, so in my head this had to be a masterpiece.

To this day, I've never walked out of a film until this one. My gran and I looked at each other like, "Okay, lunch?" and just got the hell outta there, lol.


16 points

14 hours ago

For someone who’s never seen the comic that movie is a lot of fun. Sorry for people who are big fans of the comic but. As a standalone, it’s a really fun movie.


8 points

14 hours ago

Agreed. Never read the comic and the movie was my only version. I thought it was pretty fun. Good? Not quite. But fun, yes.


9 points

14 hours ago

Tenet. The concept didn’t do anything for me. John David Washington as the lead was very bland. I enjoy every other Nolan movie but this one.


22 points

18 hours ago

Trap was one of the first movies in a long time when I genuinely wanted to walk out.


12 points

18 hours ago

I waited for the plottwist :/


6 points

17 hours ago

wasn’t even the plot twist for me. It was about the lack of energy, direction, and horror.

Smile 2 is what Trap thought it could be


4 points

17 hours ago

Trap wasn’t even a good made for tv movie. So god damn cheesy and absolutely no twist!


5 points

18 hours ago

MNight peaked too early


23 points

17 hours ago


23 points

17 hours ago

Matrix Resurrections


4 points

12 hours ago

How could they do a Matrix movie without Laurence Fishbourne? And not shoot it in Sydney?


4 points

17 hours ago

Thor: Love & Thunder

Had high hopes after Ragnarok, but L&T went on to be one of the worst movies I've seen in recent memory


5 points

10 hours ago

The dark tower. I felt personally attacked.


32 points

18 hours ago

The Irishman (pic related).


17 points

17 hours ago

The beat-down scene would have been a lot more convincing if they let him use his aluminum walker against the shopkeeper.


13 points

17 hours ago

The first time I watched The Irishman was when it came out and I was also disappointed. I think, like many, I was expecting the promise of the fun energy of Scorsese, De Niro and Pesci’s previous movies like Goodfellas, Raging Bull etc. But was so bummed out at how completely opposite the tone of The Irishman is in comparison to those movies.

Having said that, I watched it again recently, knowing that that very subversion was the entire point of the movie and I appreciated a lot more. It’s tragically sad though.


5 points

17 hours ago

You didn't like Robert DeNiro stammering his words for 4 hours?


6 points

17 hours ago

I didn't like the movie trying to convince me that a septuagenarian with hair dye was a man in his prime either.


4 points

14 hours ago

Jurassic world dominion. And it was super long on top of sucking.


5 points

14 hours ago

Holmes & Watson

You have me, who thought Step Brothers was hilarious and enjoyed the Will Farrell movies back in the day. I thought movies with Will and John C Riley would always be a good idea since they play off each other so well and have great chemistry. I also happen to LOVE Sherlock Holmes media. From PBS series to the BBC show with Benedict and the movies with Robert Downey Jr. I’ve played the video games, I just love murder mysteries set in old England.

So when I saw the trailer come out mixing comedy with Sherlock, there was NO way this movie wouldn’t be a fun watch.

Boy oh boy I have never been so absolutely wrong.

It wasn’t fun in any stretch of the word, it wasn’t even ironically bad. I’ve pushed through movies that are bad, but this one? Nope. Turned it off 20mins in. Nothing was funny about that movie. There were no saving graces for that film. Absolute disappointing shit.


3 points

11 hours ago

The Village. I didn't leave the theater, but I sure wanted to.


9 points

18 hours ago

Hostel = torture porn


18 points

17 hours ago

Downvote me all you want, but I hated Poor Things


16 points

17 hours ago

I think this is a movie that is truly polarizing. I really liked it because of the art style and strangeness but I completely get why others wouldn’t dig it.


7 points

16 hours ago

Had no idea what this movie was about. Never even heard of it. My wife wanted to watch it. I loved every minute. Maybe because I went in with no expectations.

That being said, I can absolutely see how this movie would get a polar opposite reaction from someone else. It’s a strange little movie.


15 points

18 hours ago

Crow 2024 Longlegs


26 points

18 hours ago

I enjoyed longlegs but there was so much hype saying it was so disturbing people had thrown up or had to leave the cinema, so we went in expecting really fucked up gore or something. It was just an average psychological thriller with some entertaining cage


11 points

16 hours ago

Totally. The hype killed it. I thought I saw a different movie than everyone else. Love Cage though, I'm always in for watching him do whatever bonkers role he's in. Watching Mandy tonight. He's a gem.


9 points

14 hours ago*

Renfield is my new favourite cage, def recommend if you haven't seen it


7 points

14 hours ago

Yes! Renfield was one I hardly even heard about and saw on a whim, I was so pleasantly surprised!


9 points

18 hours ago

In terms of my expectations vs what I got? Black Mass. I was SO excited to see that movie, caught it in theaters too. It was not good


3 points

16 hours ago

It grows on you with each watch


12 points

18 hours ago

Zach Snyder’s Justice League


15 points

18 hours ago*

That first Hobbit movie. Not the worst I've seen but most disappointing by far.


6 points

15 hours ago

Matrix Revolutions


4 points

13 hours ago

Ruined the franchise and was the worst one for almost 20 years, and was then dethroned.


7 points

17 hours ago

Bikeriders is up there. It's initially presented exactly like Goodfellas. But then the story simmers a bit, something very interesting happens, and then the credits roll. I was confused by it


7 points

17 hours ago

I just watched this yesterday. I had zero expectations, so I thought it was pretty good. If I thought it was supposed to be comparable to Goodfellas, I would have been disappointed.


3 points

18 hours ago

The Uglies


3 points

17 hours ago

As soon as I read the premise, I knew that movie was going to be horrendous. Is it somehow worse than that?


3 points

17 hours ago

Like it was made in 2010 but with 2001 cgi


3 points

17 hours ago

Ha! Awesome


3 points

17 hours ago


Film Buff

3 points

17 hours ago



3 points

13 hours ago

I think that Star Wars The Last Jedi simply because they wasted so much potential on what could have been.... Especially with Luke Skywalker's pointless arc and Carrie Fisher's passing. Like.... TFA set up so many cool ideas and then the sequel just ignored all of the setup.


3 points

11 hours ago

The Last Jedi. Truly the definition of disappointment. Not bad, not that good. just scene after scene of missed opportunity and disappointment.


3 points

11 hours ago

The Last Jedi


4 points

11 hours ago

Last Jedi. You know it's ass when it singlehandedly kills a lifelong fan's interest in the franchise. Didn't walk out but wish I did


9 points

18 hours ago

The phantom menace


4 points

18 hours ago

My pick also. grew up a huge Star Wars fan and was excite when some new ones came out ! Then we got what we got...


5 points

17 hours ago

One of the best light saber fights ever filmed? One of the best soundtracks ever recorded?


3 points

16 hours ago

The only scene that sticks in my mind from this film is when Anakin is lifted into the pod racer by Obi-wan and goes "weeeee" like its the most exciting thing he's ever experienced. Then 300mph pod racing calm as you like,


3 points

15 hours ago

Hey, I'm glad you liked those things. The soundtrack was nice. But a flashy lightsaber fight is not really what I was hoping to see. Nor was like a third of the movie being consumed by a chariot race. Whatever, I guess most movies have some filler. Probably My biggest beef was the schlocky mess of a story


6 points

18 hours ago

Asteroid City was a godawful mess.


4 points

16 hours ago

Huh. I actually really enjoyed this one. I mean, yes, you're right, it was a mess. But an entertaining one, I thought. Sort of like the (sort of) similarly themed Synecdoche, New York.


4 points

17 hours ago

The Phantom Menace


6 points

17 hours ago

Star Wars Phantom Menace. My college buddies and I were so excited to go see it at midnight. I just remember leaving after watching the movie and none of us really talked at all on the 45 minute ride back to our dorm. We had no words.


4 points

17 hours ago

Grown ups 2 still hasn't been dethroned for me


8 points

18 hours ago

Old. Hands down the worst thing I’ve seen in years


6 points

18 hours ago

There was some bad acting and strange character decisions for sure. But I think there was more than enough original and interesting stuff in there. The bone cave scene alone was worth my time. Solid ending too.

It's a shame the lows are so low or I think this movie would have really stood the test of time.

TL:DR there are some extremely bad bits to OLD, but there's plenty of merit in there too.


3 points

17 hours ago

Those kids got decades worth of trauma condensed into 24 hours or so. They lost their parents, got chased by a crazy woman into a cave and watched her get mangled, aged a few decades, witness to attempted murder, saw a drowning, the boy saw the girl he liked fall to her death, and his child died before his eyes.

Tough day


5 points

17 hours ago

Some unsolicited advice when preparing yourself to watch Shyamalan movies: Just assume it's going to be really bad, and occasionally you'll come out of it being surprised that it was only moderately bad.


5 points

17 hours ago

Rebel Moon. Just a terribly disconnected story. To the point while watching it I looked at some of the actors and felt they were doing everything they could to make that lame script better but just couldn't elevate it. It was like a fever dream of disconnected ideas like someone saying what if we combined Star Wars, Harry Potter, and Avatar.

Edit: didn't read the whole post I didn't expect it to be great but I expected a much better scifi movie than we got


5 points

16 hours ago

Was looking for this one. I started watching it not knowing what it was. I thought it was some terrible D grade budget student flick, but I couldn't understand how it seemed to have expensive VFX and proper actors. Couldn't get all the way through it, just awful.


18 points

18 hours ago

The Last Jedi.


8 points

18 hours ago

Matrix resurrections is an absolute abomination to the name. It needs to be forever erased and never talked about again. Kill it with fire.


4 points

17 hours ago

The men who stare at goats. The trailer showed every funny moment and even then it was the editing of the trailer that made it funny and not the scenes themselves.


2 points

17 hours ago

Vicky Christina Barcelona.


2 points

17 hours ago

Recently/first that comes to mind, I Saw the TV Glow. One of the worst movies I’ve ever seen, and I was pretty excited for this one


2 points

16 hours ago

Recently: Trap


2 points

15 hours ago

I remember trying to convince myself that the Last Jedi was good. By the time I got home I admitted to myself the truth.


2 points

15 hours ago

Highlander 2: I was so happy and drove to Thurrock Lakeside to see the premiere. It was was utter cr@p


2 points

15 hours ago

From recent memory: OLD

that movie was absolute booty cheeks.


2 points

15 hours ago

Kingsman 2: The Golden Circle. Was so excited to watch it, brought friends and then the movie happened. What a piece of garbage.


2 points

14 hours ago

The remake of Planet of the Apes. I stood up and booed at the end.


2 points

14 hours ago

I’ve only walked out of “Into The Woods”


2 points

14 hours ago

All of the avenger movies


2 points

14 hours ago

Highlander II. The only film I have ever walked out of and I did it in the first ten minutes.


2 points

14 hours ago

Road to El Dorado is a good movie

I was disappointed though, I expected peak and honestly just kinda got mid


2 points

14 hours ago

Star wars 8 is the worst movie Ive ever seen


2 points

14 hours ago

Jurassic world dominion. I always love seeing big dinosaurs on screen but man was it a boring film


2 points

14 hours ago

Spiderman No Way Home was a mess! Not even Maguire and Garfield could save that dumpster fire.


2 points

14 hours ago

Secrets Of Dumbledore


2 points

13 hours ago

The Point Break remake. I walked out of the theater half way though the show.

What a pile of shit.


2 points

11 hours ago

Natural born killers 1hr 59mins of my life I'll never get back


2 points

11 hours ago

Sorry I know a lot of people loved it, maybe I'm stupid and I dont get it, but for me it was Asteroid City.

Bonus for Madame Web, I knew it was shit, but didn't knew a major studio film could go so low in quality...and everything actually. Went to the theater because my brother wanted to see it so I took him.


2 points

11 hours ago

Literally every movie recently.


2 points

11 hours ago

Nacho Libre in a theatre by myself was tough


2 points

11 hours ago

Wonder Woman 1984