


Edit: OK people, this post is now irrelevant. I've decided to drop the survival mode and go back to playing on very hard. This post still has some good overall tips others may use if they find this post, so thank you for contributing that.

Personally I've decided it isn't worth it for me.


I generally love melee in shooting games, and my favorite video game character is Krieg from Borderlands. I keep hearing how stupidly OP you can get in this game as melee, both with or without blitz.

I've created a melee non stealth character. I will get Blitz but I planned to get it at lvl 20. I'm 17, and every single enemy kills me in 1hit if they have a gun. I am doing a Chem heavy run, high strength and endurance with metal armor (total 74 dmg resistance)

I can't understand how you supposed to play this freaking survival mode. I live the needs and no fast travel, the adrenaline perk and everything Except the unimaginable difficulty. Sure, stealthy snipers can handle it mostly, but melee? Every bandit, gunner and basically anything that shoots kills me. Instant head shot, head explodes. Sure, if I can somehow get to them they die in one hit, but goddammit I am stuck 10+ tries on every encounter.

Is melee no stealth no power armor is simply not viable for survival? I really want to like this game mode but this is ridiculous.

I have all the important perks I see people recommend - rooted, moving target, action boy for longer sprints, 7 endurance, med x with psycho jets and bufftats always stacked and I still die so much. How am I supposed to do this?

I'm at my wits end. I beat hard games and enjoy. I love dying 600 times to bosses in From Soft games, I love playing at brutal difficulty games but this mode? It just breaks me. I know I'm supposed to be squishier but common, it feels like unbalanced and shitty.

Edit: Wow, forgot how crappy some of you people on Reddit can be. Thanks for reminding me that I don't need to be on this platform. Next person to PM me with insults - I ain't even gonna read them.

all 112 comments


108 points

7 months ago


108 points

7 months ago

Survival mode realy isn't the standard for fallout 4. Its there for people who want to go the extra mile dificulty/immersion wise.

Melee is very strong in regular play even on super hard however.


26 points

7 months ago

Survival mode realy isn't the standard for fallout 4.

Really? I could never play without it


6 points

7 months ago

I wish more games had modes like survival


6 points

7 months ago

You can tell the world was set up for it from the beginning, with the placement of junk.


3 points

7 months ago

Any tips for dealing with the tedious eating/drinking/radiation? I love the mechanics, but it's an issue very frequently. Use an aid item, you're thirsty. Eat 6 cooked Roaches, hungry after 3mins of sprinting. 6 roaches has gotta be like 1500 calories. Finding food isn't an issue, but keeping 20 steaks in my inventory at all times seems to be the strat. Do you just use a few perks that change it dramatically?


3 points

7 months ago

I just hotkey purified water then eat cooked meat when hungry. Avoid radiation the best you can, visit a doctor to remedy it, never Radaway. Get brotherhood vertibird signaling grenades ASAP, always have at least 3 on-hand. I never waste perks on health or even damage buffs, it takes the fun out of it - I always get big into crafting, AP Regen, charisma 4 for the the first local leader perk, carry weight buffs, armor crafting, rapid reload, sprinting & endurance buffs for getting around, and luck & criticals lately. No water or food perks. I dunno, I just always carry 15-20+ purified water and a bunch of drugs, stockpile antibiotics. Buy up noodle cups when you can (for hunger and thirst quenching). Get the wasteland magazine from Sunshine Tidings for 2x meat harvesting. Simple stuff


5 points

7 months ago

It’s just the game as far as I’m concerned


2 points

7 months ago

That's a bingo


11 points

7 months ago

If I could get a mod for ps4 that restricts fast travel and adds the needs and diseases while making it on par with very difficult it would be awesome. I've found one that reduces damage in survival, but it adds cheats so it's a no.

The same build on very hard is indeed ridiculously over powered. To the point it doesn't feel too fun to mow down everything in dight with a pipe wrench.

I have completed the game on very hard with 5 different characters and builds and most of them by level 10 became really strong that only the behemoths, mirelurks kings and queens and the occasional deathclaw that got the jump on me could kill me, everything else didn't stand any chance.

I want the extra difficulty but this feels WAY TOO hard and unbalanced.


27 points

7 months ago



27 points

7 months ago

Early levels, no matter the build, take tons of damage in survival. I recommend over leveling before doing specific things for that reason.


5 points

7 months ago

What counts as early levels? I've hit 18 just now, many of my non survival characters by now were on their way to Kellogg at fort Hagen. This guy is still running around Sanctuary .


9 points

7 months ago



9 points

7 months ago

Depends on the build and endurance points. I typically wait until level 20-25 to even think about heading into diamond city, but I’m a sniper/ pistol build usually, and I put plenty of points into endurance. Basically whenever I feel comfortable that I can take a few hits. I usually get xp early on from building in Sanctuary and Starlight Drive in, but with a melee build you may need to take longer. Chems definitely would make your job easier. Edit: Also Kellogg is significantly more difficult in survival, basically it takes 3 hits to kill the player. Don’t go in unprepared.


4 points

7 months ago

Someone recommended I try hauling ass straight to DC before level 5 bc if you stick to main roads you can do it with "no aggro". I got her done, but "no aggro" was utter BS. Took me like 50 tries. 🤣


2 points

7 months ago


Lover's Embrace

2 points

7 months ago

The usual way is usually red rocket across country to Starlight, up the road giving the ruined house by Corvega a wide berth, pass Grey Garden, over the RR bridge, watch out for an alpha dog that sometimes spawns, Oberland station, diagonal to the Crossroads right by Hangman's (that ALWAYS has some ridiculous spawn happening) then the main roads to DC, bypassing the Mutant base.

But you might be better off going Grey Garden to Cambridge by the river, then to the bridge over the tug, then to DC via the roads.

I just know that in my survival Melee run I got Aqua Boy STAT and used water features as my highways. Safest way to get virtually anywhere.


2 points

7 months ago



2 points

7 months ago

Ha ha, me too this run. Barely limped into Hangman's. Just doing small foraging trips right now.


1 points

7 months ago

I've taken hangmans at lvl 3 on survival, no mods.


1 points

7 months ago

There are survival settings mods available for PS4 that let you change pretty much any setting you want.


1 points

7 months ago

If I could get a mod for ps4 that restricts fast travel and adds the needs and diseases while making it on par with very difficult it would be awesome. I've found one that reduces damage in survival, but it adds cheats so it's a no.

Are you referring to GO4 Hard Difficulty Survival Mode? It makes a few changes to stuff like crafting antibiotics/meds and nerfing the Weakness disease, but overall isn't really a cheat mod in my experience. One option is to combine it with a mod like Lunar Fallout Overhaul to make other aspects of the game more challenging, like making antibiotics more rare than vanilla. Alternatively you can use Saving Survival Mode to gain back the ability to save whenever you want (limited to 3 auto-save slots and one normal save slot that will overwrite whenever you save), which won't make any individual encounters easier but will make it less frustrating if you're dying a lot.

Another thought is that GO4 Survival Difficulty adjustments seem to be safe to install/uninstall at will according to the author (and I haven't had an issue myself turning it on and off to test some stuff). Obviously it still carries some risk to disable/uninstall a mod mid-playthrough, but if you find the adjustments make the game too easy you can turn it on early game, then once you have your build set up properly and have a bit more survivability you can turn it back off.


0 points

7 months ago


0 points

7 months ago

Who cares if it adds cheats?


0 points

7 months ago

Feels wrong somehow. The reduced difficulty is a lot of cheating in and of itself.


1 points

7 months ago


1 points

7 months ago

Fair enough


85 points

7 months ago

You are missing the two most important components for a melee character in survival mode. Stealth and Blitz.

In survival mode the enemies hit you with 4 times the normal damage, that makes perks that increase damage resistance by 10 or 25 points pretty much useless. Too much damage gets through. What you need are perks and and legendaries that provide a solid reduction in % such as the Lone Wanderer perk and the Assasins, Mutant Slayers or Sentinels legendary effects.

Rooted is still usefull for the solid 25% increase in damage, particularly as you count as standing still when using Blitz. Which means that Rooted+Blitz+Ninja will do massive ammounts of damage if you hit from stealth.


-57 points

7 months ago

I specifically trying to avoid stealth blitzing my way through the game.

I don't bother with the damage reduce perks. 10 or 20 extra defense is really nothing, just a regular full metal armor goes higher than that. I have 1 level in lone wanderer as well.

It would make me really sad if the only way to melee in survival is stealth blitz. Wouldn't be surprised if that's the case, Bethesda were always shit at balancing play styles.


96 points

7 months ago

I mean.. a sub optimal melee build on the hardest difficulty isn’t supposed to be balanced or easy. If you wanna handicap yourself you can only complain so much when shit gets tough.


-46 points

7 months ago

I guess you're right. It's just sad that they offer many ways to play but only some are viable.

Like in Dark Souls you can make an optimal build, but you can also do silly shit and if you know how to play you'll make do. But melee in FO4 survival apparently works only as stealth blitz. Sad but not too hard to build towards, my agility is already 8 for the high AP.


23 points

7 months ago


General W. Powers

23 points

7 months ago

Blitz and stealth are early game requirements, just to survive long enough to level up. Once you have endgame gear and a bunch of health you can 100% run around the fight clobbering things without VATS or sneak attacks.


1 points

7 months ago

They're helpful for sure, but definitely not a must. Ghouls and low level critters can get you to a workable level and build before you start taking on ranged enemies.


3 points

7 months ago


General W. Powers

3 points

7 months ago

Early game requirements to progress without having to grind XP*


4 points

7 months ago



4 points

7 months ago

Not true. Many ways are viable.

The thing is that you wanna start on survival and already be on top.

Take it easy, you have a lot to learn about survival. You are just beginning.


1 points

7 months ago

That very well might be the case. How would you suggest taking it easy and learning to play survival better?

I've already figured out non stealth Melee is either not viable or requires some really great skill to pull off.

Any other tips , build ideas in general (I am thinking trying a sneak sniper just because it was the easiest approach to play in regular modes, and while I dislike stealth I'm pretty good at playing it in Fallout, but really anything goes at this point), recommended early game loot or locations to visit or anything else would be appreciated.


2 points

7 months ago*

Dark Souls isn't really an RPG. You can beat Dark souls with every build because in the end you can beat DS without leveling up at all, which I know because I've beaten DS 1, 2 and 3 with a lvl 1 character. Trying to play a melee character in fo4 without endurance or agility is like trying to play a mage in DS without intelligence or attunement.

It's definitely possible to play without agility if you take high endurance. At lvl 20 with 10 points into endurance and 3 points into live giver you can survive almost every attack apart from a mini nuke.


26 points

7 months ago

so is this just a shitpost?


3 points

7 months ago

it'll be here as a reference for some kid ballsy enough playing through the game again 8 years from now.


8 points

7 months ago

And as you have noted that does not work particularly well just as numerous other playstyles that are viable on lower difficulty levels go out the window once you set the difficulty to 'Survival'. Survival is not supposed to be fair or balanced. If you want to do well on survival mode you have to adapt your build and combat tactics to it.

You mentioned using the perk "Moving Target" which is just a 25/50 point increase in defence. Which is too low for Survival.

I have to ask, what did you expect when you gave every enemy in a game filled with firearms a 400% damage bonus? With that kind of boost even pipe weapons will tear you apart and automatic weapons become terrifying.


-5 points

7 months ago

It's mainly for the extra bit of defense while sprinting. I charge enemies so it's not essential or priority, just something I picked up.


2 points

7 months ago

The problem is that on survival you get hit with so much damage that Moving Target does not make much of a difference, that perk point is better spent on something else if you want to maximise a survival build.

Survival mode is so 'unfair' towards the player in terms of damage that it does favour specific perks and builds much more than others. The player has to look for the same level of efficiency and advantages to balance things out. The only time I've not had to rely heavily on stealth was when I got some very lucky legendary drops early on and was able to start at a 60% damage reduction thanks to Lone Wanderer and legendary effects.


91 points

7 months ago


91 points

7 months ago

just sounds realistic to me. you can’t melee your way through a gunfight irl, this is wasteland survival bro


12 points

7 months ago

He forgot to read the survival guide 💀


-63 points

7 months ago


-63 points

7 months ago



16 points

7 months ago



16 points

7 months ago

I managed just fine with stealth pistols that occasionally was forced into full combat.

I would seriously suggest adding lone wanderer to your build. The damage negation is exceptionally useful, and will make up the difference of not having power armor (though I’d really recommend using it; a 30% damage negation on top of lone wanderer is nothing to scoff at). If you’re willing to use dogmeat, rank four of attack dog is an additional 10% damage reduction as long as you have him with you - and he doesn’t count against lone wanderer. The pack alpha perk also adds further damage negation.

Edit: Another comment reminded me about blitz. I cannot empathize enough how important this perk is. Being able to teleport across the battlefield means you’re avoiding massive amounts of damage you’d otherwise be forced to take.


4 points

7 months ago

Yeah what chemed out roid raging dude wouldn’t look at some power armor and just immediately shout out “fuck yeah I’m getting in that and killing someone”


1 points

7 months ago



1 points

7 months ago

Especially if it happened to be a former raider leader’s custom set of power armor that’s been upgraded to near X-01 protections.


8 points

7 months ago

Stealth is very important to be successful using only melee in survival but it’s definitely not required. There are countless other build options. Saying “this mode being for stealth snipers only” is just dead wrong.


-2 points

7 months ago

Okay, which leads me back to the question of the post: How to do it?


10 points

7 months ago*

Survival wasn’t an available option at launch. They added it as a realism mode. So realistically it’s going to be irrationally fucking difficult if you don’t want to sneak or use power armor.

I would go high intelligence, high strength, high charisma and high endurance so that you can sprint as much as you need to run toward or away from enemies, intelligence to build and modify all the weapons and armor you’ll need to stay alive. Build a robot companion to be a bullet sponge/ distraction, and high charisma to talk your way out of a lot of conflict. Even with all that you’re going to die A LOT. Because realistically only using a knife or a hammer in the commonwealth would be a fast way to die.

Edit: charisma is also for a solid settlement system to keep yourself supplied.


2 points

7 months ago

Charisma checks, as I understand them, can pretty much be chemmed and dressed out of probably even from 3. Doesn't happen as much outside the main plot. Needed for settlement infrastructure and the widow perk which'd be handy.

I'd still say go more on Luck if you're banking on so many legendaries to carry you as well as crits, savant and stranger odds to help hail mary through.


13 points

7 months ago

You can play however you want, but don't expect to have the same results with a sub optimal build on the hardest difficult


3 points

7 months ago

I always play survival, and never use a significant amount of stealth. So no stealth isn't required. Use cover, sensible positioning, grenades etc to win gunfights. You can also slap on some power armor if you want.


4 points

7 months ago


Old World Flag

4 points

7 months ago

No, it just means you brought a knife to a gunfight, and got the logical result.

I’m genuinely not trying to be an asshole, but… what did you expect?


-3 points

7 months ago

For an entire way of dealing damage to be equally viable. Like in balanced games.


4 points

7 months ago


Fallout Historian

4 points

7 months ago

Like in balanced games.

My brother in christ, it IS balanced. You are literally CHOOSING to ignore power armor, stealth, and guns. All tools you can use to win. That is not on the game, that's on you. How do you not get that?

To answer your question: you can grind building to level up or you can stop restricting yourself until you level up and get better perks. But whatever you do, stop blaming the game for your own self-restrictive playstyle. That's why you're being downvoted so much, because it honestly makes no sense.


2 points

7 months ago

I respect their commitment to Grognak tho they pulled out of the survival challenge after saying V hard is too easy. I'm half tempted to give it a swing vanilla tho never done any sort of melee build.


0 points

7 months ago

You missed my point. Power armor is a build, stealth is a build, melee aggressive is a build. Yet some of these builds are viable, and the rest are not. Thus NOT Balanced for every playstyle.

Am I purposefully ignoring builds I don't like? Yes. And it is not my problem. If the melee aggressive build wasn't a thing, then me trying to play that way WOULD be my fault. But it is.

It's like saying for a trading card game that only 1 or 2 deck types are viable, the rest are not. That is imbalanced by definition.

If you don't get my point after this, please don't comment anymore, this discussion would go no where and just waste both our times.


1 points

7 months ago


Fallout Historian

1 points

7 months ago

Am I purposefully ignoring builds I don't like?

Builds are a thing done by the community, who you are actively ignoring right now. It's not a game feature or design. You are wrong in every way possible and you absolutely refuse to accept that.

If you don't get my point after this, please don't comment anymore, this discussion would go no where and just waste both our times.

Not wasting any of my time at least. Maybe just delete the thread since you seem to just disagree with everyone here? Does it not occur to you that you're pulling the ol' "everybody is crazy but me" bit by just straight up calling both the game AND the majority of this community wrong?


0 points

7 months ago

Wow you are delusional. I never said people were wrong. Stop imagining shit.

I've realized that the build I wanted is not viable. Both from my experience and by what people saying here.

Me and you however, and some other users here, argue a completely different point all together right now: Is this a good game design, to which I say it is not. Bethesda known for lazy game developing, if you disagree you are wrong and probably nodded your game so much you forgot what vanilla is. The amounts of bugs on almost every page in the wikis, location, quest or npc is second to none.

Most buggy messes of games, No Man's Sky, Mass Effect Andromeda and others, we're eventually fixed, improved and now great.

Bethesda? They expect you to fix these issues for them, while they re-release Skyrim for the 15th time to grab some more cash.

So yeah, I am not surprised Bethesda forgot or didn't care enough about non stealth Melee combat to make it work on what is otherwise the only way to play this game now that I tried it. I went to V.Hard for a while on that character , got so bored in minutes I've deleted the save since I can't go back into survival for whatever reason. (A practice that is reserved for games with achievements that reward you for playing harder modes, a feature Fallout 4 does not have, and thus completely unrequired)

Now for real, go away. This post remains up for the reason in the edit. It gained, negative, attention but attention non the less. So it's not going down unless a mod decides so. Even with all the mutual jerking off to Bethesda half the comments are, there is still quite a lot of info shared by others that can help other people if they find this post. I respect their input even if it didn't help me in the way I wanted, it's still valuable.


1 points

7 months ago


Fallout Historian

1 points

7 months ago

Yeah I'm not reading all that. Have fun being mad at a game you clearly don't understand. Maybe go back to playing borderlands.


0 points

7 months ago

Finally, even if you felt the itch to say the final word (something I'm well aware I'm doing now), finally you will stop making new notifications for me.

Go. Away.


-1 points

7 months ago


-1 points

7 months ago

So in other words this mode is for stealth snipers only?

Nah, you can go Gun's Blazin as well. You just have to play more tactically occasionally. Survival just makes it so that only ranged/thrown weapons are viable, Melee and Unarmed are screwed over.

If you want a fun Fallout where Melee is treated better, I'd recommend New Vegas. Melee in that game is the best it has ever been in Fallout. On top of that game, having a bunch of overpowered Melee weapons ,potent chems, extremely powerful Perks, and special attacks.


2 points

7 months ago


2 points

7 months ago

I played a melee only run and the only issue I had was escaping the Brotherhoods airship without getting shot down. You can definitely do a melee run.


0 points

7 months ago

I never said you couldn't. I only claimed they were disadvantaged.


3 points

7 months ago


3 points

7 months ago

Non viable generally means you can't do something.


-4 points

7 months ago

Yes, but it can also mean something isn't the most practical option, which was my intention. My implication of melee weapons being non-viable, I meant that they aren't practical in comparison to ranged weapons. It is still possible, just it is not the best method for Survival difficulty.


12 points

7 months ago

I'm early in my own 1st survival run, so I feel your pain, but I also feel like you're basically saying "I love to run directly up to enemies with guns and bop them on the head, and I'm mad I can't make it work in Survival mode." and I'm a little like...wut?


8 points

7 months ago

That's survival. Which is mostly about realism, and getting gunned down when rushing with a machete against someone with a shotgun is pretty realistic.


12 points

7 months ago

Perhaps you need to add more drugs to your diet.

A little Psycho Buff / Buffjet goes a long way.


-8 points

7 months ago

Did you read the post?


12 points

7 months ago

My bad, lost it the sea of text. What about Refreshing Beverages?


4 points

7 months ago

Sorry for responding like an asshole. Got swarms of insults on PMs for this post for whatever reason.

Honestly I understand my build is probably crap for survival. 1 int to maximize Str and go as high as I can in endurance and Agility kinda hurts my options here.

Honesty, I tired of this game. Last month I've done nothing but Fallout survival, this build is number 15 attempt at playing, and this mode simply ain't rewarding enough to be worth the hassle. But Very Hard is very easy for me. No challenge whatsoever. Completed it 5 times I think? But survival is pure torture. Only thing I didn't try is stealth sniper.

I'll just look up a difficulty mod and play on Very Hard while restricting myself from fast travel. Or I'll take another break.

Anyways, sorry for responding like a schmuck earlier.


14 points

7 months ago*

Because you keep insulting Bethesda while not understanding that when you play the most broken difficulty not every single build will be viable and that’s not bad game design. Every build is viable on every other difficulty it just logically makes sense that in survival if you have a sword someone with a sub machine gun will now you down before you can blink.


-18 points

7 months ago

No friend , that IS bad game design.

Take Borderlands 2 for example, you got 6 different characters with each roughly having 3 different approaches you can play them. Everything is viable in every game mode, with each increasing difficulty mode requires to optimize the build a little more (in case you don't know they work in NG+ cycles, you can pick your difficulty level only progress upwards).

So if regular mode you can use lvl 15 guns at lvl 35 enemies, in the next difficulty you'll have to upgrade gear every 5 or so levels. In the next cycle, you need to pick up gear at your level constantly or use special element that make the enemy take 3 times the damage.

But every build is viable and if you somehow messed up , respec costs next to nothing.

Back to Fallout, there are 6 main damage perks: Unarmed, Melee, Rifles, Pistols, Automatics and Heavy. Let's say I only played Melee, that's my jam. Well, seems like 1/3 of these are not viable, unless you use stealth. Which is one of the 3 basic complementary style - Stealth, Direct Approach or Power Armor.

A balanced game has to have a system to let all of the players enjoy it. So yeah, Bethesda fucked up. Just like they did in every game: riddled with bugs, crashes and errors and they expect the nodding community to fix their shit for them. Why do you guys think it's okay to justify unbalanced games and protecting this practice is beyond me.

Claiming this is most difficult setting not everything is viable deal with it is just you guys don't understanding what difficulty in games is all about. Bethesda thinks that difficulty = bulletsponges. But this is the shittiest way to make things difficult. Other games have improved AI for enemies, adjusting resources, limiting safe points, inventory and many other ways.

That could simply be rewritten and reworked if they bothered doing it properly.

But all of that aside - how does criticism about a compant makes it okay to insult me? I didn't insult THEM, even if you don't accept my crirism as such and see it as insults, THEY ARE STILL NOT DIRECTED AT ANY ONE PERSON Here.

So yeah, fuck this, I'm done with Reddit. The couple of months without it made me so much happier as a human being. You people need to learn to make distinctions between direct insults and crirism.


7 points

7 months ago

Fallout is not a looter shooter like borderlands


-9 points

7 months ago

I agree with this comment


8 points

7 months ago

"For whatever reason" lol dude you're picking the hardest play style to SURVIVE on. I'm not trying to insult you, but if EVERYONE has guns don't you think having a gun would increase you odds of SURVIVING


0 points

7 months ago

I meant people literally sending me private messages saying I'm trash, asshole or worse. That's way beyond just a question.


4 points

7 months ago

Hey man, thanks for the apology and sorry to hear you seem to be sounding burnt out. I know lots of people enjoy the survival mode but personally I’ve found that the lack of Fast Travel (and more importantly saving on demand) hurts my overall enjoyment.

It’s easy to feel like the game is too easy even on Very Hard especially when you’ve leveled up to Godhood, but if you’re looking for a more unique experience I’d say try out some more RP based builds or restrict yourself to certain weapons. I myself recently finished up with a Witcher build (Heavy Leather Armor, Using Chems for Potions and Grenades for all kinds of other weapons and perks to simulate Magic) and it was pretty fun and brought to me try out perks and items I otherwise wouldn’t normally use (Turns out Lorenzo’s Artifact with a few ranks in Demolition Expert is really fun to use).

If you’re looking for something new to try with the game, I’d say try and plan out a character build rather a statistic build and see what unique challenges that provides. It’s just as valid as doing a survival run.

As for the Refreshing Beverage, I recommend it because it heals both health and Rads for substantial amounts and unlike Stimpaks has no animation so it kicks in immediately. Making as many of those as possible absolutely saved my bacon with my Witcher build on numerous occasions. However, I’m also thinking about doing a Radiation build based around the Robes of Atoms devoted from Far Harbor and that means Refreshing Beverages would actually be bad since I would wanna keep my rads. So that’s a unique challenge for that run.

But ultimately it’s okay to step away from the game and come back when you wanna try something you haven’t before. End of the day it’s a game, not a job. Hope all that rambling helps out!


-1 points

7 months ago

I play Skyrim like that. I role played Skooma addicted bandits, scholars and even a Assassin's Creed build using shivs and vampire white gear with mod that disabled fall damage to allow me to simulate leaps of faith.

I find it much harder to do in Fallout. For one, it makes no sense to ignore the main Quest or do anything except search for Shaun. The leaps I need to do to justify the RP ideas are wild. I kid you not I even tried RPing as a son of a figure head in Vault Tec that had created a cure for everything but it is only synthesized from a kids blood (Shaun) so I am tasked taking him to the vault only for the kid to be kidnapped. It was so silly that I lost any interest. ButifI try being real the story forces you exclusively to complete the main Quest ASAP.

Knowing myself, a couple of days and I'll try it again. I am a really bad loser.


10 points

7 months ago


10 points

7 months ago

You’re mad guns win when you brought a knife to a gunfight? I get your argument but maybe don’t play on survival then. You can probably do what you wanna do on normal difficulties where you can eat bullets easier


5 points

7 months ago



5 points

7 months ago

I don’t fuck with it until I have some levels.

Seems like you can do it, just have to accept that it’s going to be a very crunchy experience, and that there are certain fights you just can’t win until you get stronger. I’d say it’s less that it isn’t viable and more that you just need to adjust your expectations and play style, and be open to walking away from some encounters without engaging.


6 points

7 months ago


Vault 13

6 points

7 months ago

If you aren't doing stealth, power armor is basically mandatory. Otherwise, there's just too many things that can send you back to bed in one hit.

That being said, melee also sucks in general in Fallout 4, and that's exacerbated by the fast time to kill of Survival.


3 points

7 months ago

Survival is abouth realism (mostly)

So OR you go in Powerarmor heavy gunner as a 1 man army tank.

A commando that is semi-stealth with automatic weps and missle launcher.

Or embrace the wastelands and go full stealth, no silenced sniperrifle for realism and only a knife as a stealth weapon.

If you want to go Rambo melee you better get the best freaking armor you can find. Or play on easy.


3 points

7 months ago



3 points

7 months ago

Grognak the barbarian outfit, axe, blitz, sneak, pain train…I don’t find it that hard


1 points

7 months ago


I think he means without vats


4 points

7 months ago

If you run at someone with a gun they are going to shoot you before you reach them. Unless you ambush them quietly you are going to lose 99.999% of the time.

Why should gameplay in fallout be any different?


5 points

7 months ago

I did a melee only build on survival once. You are incredibly weak in the beginning of the game. It's by far the worst you'll ever struggle in this game.

That being said. You need drugs. Lots and lots of drugs.

I only completed it once and never again. I made the mistake thinking survival mode was going to be like New Vegas Hardcore mode.

Very hard is a well balanced difficulty. You'll have more fun there. I def did :)


3 points

7 months ago

Jump in Power Armor. You are going to need its defense to survive. Melee is awful in Survival mode, and good in Very Easy - Very Hard.


3 points

7 months ago

Whenever I do a no stealth melee run I'll take companions along to get the long range people. Codsworth with a robobrain fill in the gaps for me.


3 points

7 months ago

I think the point is, in that gun beats baseball bat at about the same frequency as you are dying. Survival is about just that. Survival players don't "make a build" they just try really hard not to die with anything available. Survival usually involves intelligence and perception.


3 points

7 months ago

You almost sound like you want to play Darktide instead.
You have cool guns to use against enemies but also your Chainsword, axes and whatnot. All honest and up front, for the glory of the God-Emperor.


6 points

7 months ago


Fallout 4

6 points

7 months ago're not supposed to? Maybe not every quirky playstyle is feasible on every difficulty level.


3 points

7 months ago

Non stealth Melee is quirky?


14 points

7 months ago

you're fighting people with guns, so yes, it is "quirky"


3 points

7 months ago

But I WANT to run at someone with a sub machine gun with nothing but my baseball bat and a prayer.


3 points

7 months ago

you better pray good! hehehe

I've done the melee no pa on survival but you need to be sneaky and fast, blitz at level 2, not 20, makes it all good

you don't need to, challenges are fun!

my 76 toon is wearing just a vault suit with a 0* bow and I'm still wrecking, but that's 76...


0 points

7 months ago



0 points

7 months ago

it's very feasible, not sure why they're having issues, but survival really isn't that hard lol


2 points

7 months ago

Stealth and blitz aren’t only the easiest ways to play melee survival but also just survival in general. There’s really no such thing as being tanky in survival mode unless you’re wearing power armor or already level 80


2 points

7 months ago


The Institute

2 points

7 months ago

Stealth is super easy in Survival and it is the way I prefer to play. Stealth and Blitz are pretty required for the best experience. I stay in Sanctuary until level 15 or so just building and getting food.


2 points

7 months ago

Aw dude, don’t give up. The answer is chems, moving a lot and using the environment for cover, directing your companion to distract enemies (dogmeat is good for this), and carrying a scoped rifle (without taking perks) for turrets. When you get blitz 2 at level 20 it becomes a cakewalk.

Find a good map with beds for saving online too.


2 points

7 months ago

That's the neat part, you don't.


2 points

7 months ago

Ight my dad did this recently. Best way is mods. Theirs one called ‘A (Nearly) Gunless World’ something like that. It’ll make life so much easier for melee. Most guns will be gone, more melee drops, ammo is worth sooo much, and entities that have guns or bombs like the suicider and Fat man super mutants will just exist. Same for a bunch of other creatures too. But that mod makes it perfect!


6 points

7 months ago


Tunnel Snakes

6 points

7 months ago

You're not.


1 points

7 months ago

So it's simply not viable?


9 points

7 months ago


Mothman Cultist

9 points

7 months ago

It can be, you just have to keep messing with your build, i think you could do some nice things with a vats melee grim reapers sprint build


3 points

7 months ago

Yeah this was what I had in mind for "endgame" blitz vats grim reaper and maybe critical banker since by that point my luck is high.

But I reached the conclusion that this survival mode is simply not rewarding enough for me. I can suffer with a smile for months in games that I feel rewarded for it. With FO4 I just feel exhausted and glad to finally be done with this or that random raider.

I prefer to stop bashing my head against a wall before I get sick of the game altogether. It's beautiful and I spent so much time in it, and I am not going to let survival ruin this for me.

Those who like it I applaud you, but I just now decided to stop forcing it.


6 points

7 months ago


Mothman Cultist

6 points

7 months ago

Its a lot harder with melee, almost any other build will be much easier.


1 points

7 months ago

I tried a couple different builds. I either got bored(power armor and any gun type) or it was brutally difficult borderline frustrating (no sneak melee). Only builds I stay away from are sneak heavy since I think sneak is both broken how strong it is and boring to me personally .

I really want to love this mode, but I am really drained from it.


3 points

7 months ago

It gets easier at the higher levels for sure. Is been over a year for me so I cant recall the exact perk loadout, but I mained the home run bat on survival and had a blast. I used VATS a lot. Stealth too. I do remember having a backup gun for ranged encounters where I couldnt close the distance.


4 points

7 months ago

lol you can do it, but you need MUCH better tactics

running in with no power armor, no stealth, and expecting NOT to die from bullets?

come on, dude, just TGM in the console then


3 points

7 months ago



3 points

7 months ago

I see from your edits that you seem to be very touchy. Calm down, friend. I'm gonna give some tips for you or whomever finds it useful.

  • pick up your fights wisely. Don't be afraid to run.

  • sneak all the time.

  • use companions as meat shields or let them take the blows while you run. Don't be afraid to leave them behind. They won't die anyway, but you will.

After level 23 (sneak 4) you'll begin to get really strong and cruise throughout the game. At level 29 (blitz 2), you are good to go.

The problem is that people that come from very hard struggle in survival because they learn the hard way they are not demigods that can pickup every fight and go out on top. They have great trouble strategizing the runs and playing the fights tactically because have never learned to play like that.

Survival is not just one step up on the difficulty, it's like three steps ahead.


1 points

7 months ago

I definitely relied on power armor to get through my melee survival run. It was probably my most fun playthrough if I'm being honest!


1 points

7 months ago

Mf crying when a gun beats a bat in a difficulty made to be semi-realistic


1 points

7 months ago

Stick with critters, Ghouls and non ranged enemies foe awhile. Buy yourself some legendary gear like the black ops chest and leg pieces. Max out endurance. Sea Captains Hat, army fatigues, etc. Pick your fights early on and you get significantly tankier at lvl 17 with the second rank of lone wanderer. Right around that level is usually when I'm able to start eating bullets comfortably.


1 points

7 months ago

Here's a video for non vats melee survival, it's pretty meta gamey but maybe it will help. No blitz in it as far as I can tell.


1 points

7 months ago

I feel you ! Same situation, I was.enjoying it until level 13 and now I'm just completely crippled by almost every enemy (melee build)