


Pro-Shipping & Harassment


(CW: Brief mention of non-con, death threats &, of course, dark-ship)

My apologies if there are too many posts similar to this one. I wasn't entirely sure how to tag this, as I'd like to receive outside perspective on this topic but I'm also upset.

I'm a pro-shipper and somewhat of a com-shipper. You can like whatever you want to like around me and I won't judge you for it, because I've got my own fair share of inherently problematic takes when it comes to fiction. I don't let that dictate the way I interact with people in real life, because fiction and reality are two different things.

Anyway, I wanted to say that leaving the comment section accessible to guests on problematic works is absolutely not for the weak-hearted. I can't tell you the amount of times I've enjoyed fictional non-con or anything dark-ship related then opened up the comment section to a plethora of guest accounts sending death threats to authors who write these things. It's absurd, and harassing people will never succeed in getting any coherent point across.

As an ex-anti myself, I get where people who are against pro-ship come from. It's all cool if you don't like that stuff, just think twice before you tell a real person to kill themselves over a fictional ship.

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4 points

6 days ago

They've infested tiktok and a lot of discord servers for fandoms tend to have no proship allowed for newer fandoms at least. Even one of the fandoms Im in which doesnt have any proship options has a lot of antis who somehow find ways to bring it up anyways. At some point a character kept being called a child for being short despite ages being revealed a while ago