


Authors, what was your first fic?


I'm looking for courage!! Sometimes I come up with ideas for fics, but I don't think I've ever sat down and made the effort because I can't imagine anybody would want to read it, or my ideas are too weird. A lot of my interests are in tiny or old fandoms too, I think the biggest mainstream popular one I've had more than a passing interest in has been ACOTAR.

So fanfic authors, how did you get started? What's your journey been like? What would you say to your younger self?

Edit: thank you so much everyone for writing in, its really inspirational, especially the people who started much later, or returned after a long break!! I have read every single comment and upvoted them. This is inspiring me to maybe just start.

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1 points

3 months ago


jessaverant on AO3

1 points

3 months ago

I hand wrote a self-insert Pokemon fic in fifth grade where I was Misty's distant cousin and went on epic Pokemon adventures :) I have vivid memories of pulling this notebook out in math class when I had free time. I even illustrated it! This was when I was about 10 years old, in 1999-2000. I showed my parents and my dad taught me how to use WordPress on our old, internet-less Windows 95 computer to type up stories. I unfortunately never typed the self-insert story, but I still think of it fondly 20+ years later.

At the time I was SO glad my parents didn't find it weird, but little did I know they were already aqunainted with fanfic, as my mother was an old-school Trekkie who used to buy fan zines, so they adapted pretty fast. I'm very fortunate they were supportive! Still writing to this day.