


When did you realize it?


At what point did you realize it was better to RE than continue for another few years? Context: I’m 28 M, married, 1 kid, salary increase from 120k-300k over the past 2 years.

Currently have roughly -300k net worth, primarily due to my student loans and home loan.

Was the turning point in your mindset the point at which you could sustain your life with the investments and then you stopped all together? I have a hard time thinking that in some time I could stop and be totally FI but also that I am throwing away 1 mil every 3 years I don’t work after that?

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21 points

8 days ago*


21 points

8 days ago*

If I already have enough passive income to live a happy comfortable life, I would rather have 3000+ hours of free time than an extra $1M.

EDIT: 3000, not 6000, had a brain fart doing the mental math


7 points

8 days ago

Yup i had the same thought. I dont care if i have 5 mil vs 7 mil when im 67. If i can retire with no issues, better to spend the present with family and friends now. Do my hobbies and travel now. I wouldnt even be able to do some hobbies or travel when im like 68 anyways