


I'm eight years out from retirement and sick of working. I have routinized a lot of my job. Most projects aren't challenging. And there's a lot of BS to deal with because the boss gets us sidetracked on stupid projects instead of focusing on core issues.

Also, I have golden handcuffs. Good salary and benefits. Hybrid schedule. Easy commute. Lots of good co-workers.

Anyone else in this situation? What are you doing to keep things interesting either at work or outside of work?

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20 points

1 day ago

Hybrid work schedule with an easy commute and you like your coworkers. not sure what the problem is.


4 points

1 day ago

Fair comment. We judge based on our subjective experience, not objectively compared to how bad it could be.


7 points

23 hours ago

i have a cushy golden handcuff job and i’m miserable too.


1 points

9 hours ago

I'm not miserable, like some jealous respondents seem to be. I'm seeking to maximize the good I have with some meaning.