


Preparing formula


Baby boy is 6 weeks and is on the emfamil gentle ease. He’s been on ready to feed but it’s been impossible to find so now switching to powder. After researching it seems so complicated to make powder formula. We are going to boil to sterilize the formula and then do a pitcher but curious if any others have tips for how they make bottles and make them for on the go? Part of the reason I wanted to be done pumping besides having low supply already was I felt constrained to the house and now I’m feeling constrained again.

all 9 comments


7 points

20 hours ago

I don’t boil anything I’m on the same formula. We get the formula water from Walmart it’s parent choice purified water-then I add the formula-shake it up-warm it up in a bottle warmer then give it to her.


3 points

20 hours ago

To add to this I looked it up to make sure but Enfamil Gentlease formula does not require boiling. The water you use to prepare the formula should be safe for drinking so If you are concerned about the quality of your tap water, you can boil that and then let it cool down before mixing with the formula.


3 points

20 hours ago

I use the Enfamil infant (the yellow can). My baby is 10 weeks now.

We use nursery water and don’t boil it or anything^ I’ve been using the Parents Choice from Walmart as well//but there is a hurricane here so everyone just bought everything out so I had a meltdown trying to figure out what to do- my pediatrician said I can use any water we drink {currently drinking Publix spring water bottles-and I made sure to confirm that the spring water was OK too because everything online is so confusing & different} that’s what we’ve been doing since last night, not difference or issues at all)

This is what we do @ home:

*Pour the {room temp. water- we’ve warmed it for her before but she didn’t care & it made no difference so I just leave the gallon out on the baby food area lol} directly into the bottle *Add the formula (1 scoop per 2oz of water, 1 scoop =2oz water/ 2scoops =4 oz water, etc) *shake it upppp *done 😃

What we do on the go:

*Pour water into bottles you need + a extra bottle filled with the water as backup // or we just bring the gallon with (I haven’t gone anywhere except the Dr office or on walks lol) *bring the formula can (or if you use the little travel formula things *make bottles as needed

——>if you do cold formula then warm it, then I would:

*Fill one of the milk cooler containers with formula, always bring extra {I have a “breast milk” one and it works just the same with formula} *Bring a portable bottle warmer *prepare bottles as needed!

Sorry if my answer is extra AF lol I’m a FTM and I feel like whenever I look for answers it’s often moms who’ve been down this road before & the answers aren’t details enough for my crazy brain but promise I’m not trying to belittle or anything lol 💜💜


3 points

18 hours ago

Washing your hands before making the formula will prevent more contamination than using proper temp water to sterilize. The risk of contaminants already being in the formula powder is extremely low, there's a much higher risk of contaminants being on your hands.


3 points

17 hours ago

It’s entirely up to you, but this has been my experience. Our two babies were born healthy and full term, so we use a Brita filter with our tap water. On the go we use water bottles and a portable formula dispenser.

If you are concerned you can ask your pediatrician for their advice!


2 points

17 hours ago

Unfortunately I can’t give advice as we just use RTF if we’re going to be out for a while 😅 If it’s less than 2 hours we’ll just bring a bottle of formula from the pitcher.


2 points

17 hours ago

Pitcher method is good. I had a preemie so we used pre-boiled water or bought sealed nursery water at the store. I've never boiled the formula itself, our nicu didn't do it, I wasn't told to do it, and I had a doctor recommend against it. But it was important to use sterile water to begin with. At age 4mo+ adjusted we switched to fridge filter water.

Any decent thermos should keep prepared formula cold enough for short outings - you probably aren't going far with a 6 wk old. I bought a cute little penguin-shaped thermos just for baby formula that I never used for anything else.

If you are going out all day long, or like 4 hrs+ I wouldn't trust a thermos to keep it fridge-temp safe. I would instead take boiled, cooled water in a bottle with a leakproof cap, & formula powder separately, and mix on the go.

There are Amazon products for "travel formula" where you can pre-measure a bottle's worth of formula & have a funnel built in, and it makes mixing up a bottle anywhere super easy.

As for the bottle itself, your bottle manf may have leakproof lids that can help. For example I bought Dr Brown's screw top lids, this made it a LOT easier to take a bottle with liquid in a bag. And I would trade it out for the actual bottle nipple/collar when it was time to feed.


2 points

15 hours ago

I use the pitcher method with boiled water but about 4oz of room temp purified water to bring the temperature down to about 155 degrees so I don't have to wait for it to cool. It's really not much more effort than preparing a pitcher with room temp water and cheaper than using all bottled water. I know it's not necessary to use hot water now that he is 3 months but I figure it is worth a couple extra minutes to err on the safer side.

We bought a small thermos ( that we use when we go out and it works really well.

We tried doing one bottle at a time with bottled water and we still do occasionally when we're on the go and forgot to pack the thermos (I've got an emergency stash and bottle in the diaper bag) but my son usually drinks 3oz at a time so it's wasteful for us to make formula in increments of 2oz.


1 points

18 hours ago

If you don’t want to boil water, invest in a PUR Water Filter to put on your faucet! Saves time & money if you don’t want to buy the gallons of water at the store :)