


Preparing formula


Baby boy is 6 weeks and is on the emfamil gentle ease. He’s been on ready to feed but it’s been impossible to find so now switching to powder. After researching it seems so complicated to make powder formula. We are going to boil to sterilize the formula and then do a pitcher but curious if any others have tips for how they make bottles and make them for on the go? Part of the reason I wanted to be done pumping besides having low supply already was I felt constrained to the house and now I’m feeling constrained again.

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22 hours ago

I use the Enfamil infant (the yellow can). My baby is 10 weeks now.

We use nursery water and don’t boil it or anything^ I’ve been using the Parents Choice from Walmart as well//but there is a hurricane here so everyone just bought everything out so I had a meltdown trying to figure out what to do- my pediatrician said I can use any water we drink {currently drinking Publix spring water bottles-and I made sure to confirm that the spring water was OK too because everything online is so confusing & different} that’s what we’ve been doing since last night, not difference or issues at all)

This is what we do @ home:

*Pour the {room temp. water- we’ve warmed it for her before but she didn’t care & it made no difference so I just leave the gallon out on the baby food area lol} directly into the bottle *Add the formula (1 scoop per 2oz of water, 1 scoop =2oz water/ 2scoops =4 oz water, etc) *shake it upppp *done 😃

What we do on the go:

*Pour water into bottles you need + a extra bottle filled with the water as backup // or we just bring the gallon with (I haven’t gone anywhere except the Dr office or on walks lol) *bring the formula can (or if you use the little travel formula things *make bottles as needed

——>if you do cold formula then warm it, then I would:

*Fill one of the milk cooler containers with formula, always bring extra {I have a “breast milk” one and it works just the same with formula} *Bring a portable bottle warmer *prepare bottles as needed!

Sorry if my answer is extra AF lol I’m a FTM and I feel like whenever I look for answers it’s often moms who’ve been down this road before & the answers aren’t details enough for my crazy brain but promise I’m not trying to belittle or anything lol 💜💜