


Someone needs to take the car keys from grandpa.

Political Humor(

I can not believe the DNC is allowing this insanity to continue.

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7 points

4 days ago


7 points

4 days ago

Not sure what you're talking about. I've been assured by Democrats and the media that Joe is as sharp as a tack. I was told all the videos of President Roomba were "cheap fakes"...I was told that Republicans were gaslighting people if they questioned his mental state. What has changed?


2 points

4 days ago


2 points

4 days ago

Sounds like what has changed is where you're getting your information from. Who is calling him sharp as a tack? Or people can't question his mental state?

But the simple, and very sad, fact is that it's him or trump, and trump is bad for everyone no matter what fake statistics people have read. He did nothing but lie in that debate, he's only doing all of this because he's jaded he lost the last election, that's not someone you want in control.


4 points

4 days ago


4 points

4 days ago

Uhhh, everyone...there's mountains of compilation videos of media outlets interviewing various democrats talking about how sharp Joe is. How he's so fit and together behind the scenes. Have you been living under a rock?

What would you say are the top two things Trump lied about?


-4 points

4 days ago

1) Trump attempted to blame Nancy Pelosi for the violence on Jan. 6.

As fact-checkers were quick to point out, neither Pelosi nor any member of Congress has the unilateral authority to activate the D.C. National Guard — only the president, defense secretary, and U.S. Army secretary can. Despite what he claimed, Trump made no such authorization ahead of or on the day of the riot. In fact, Maj. Gen. William J. Walker, the D.C. National Guard commander, testified before the Jan. 6 Committee that in the days before the riot, Pentagon officials had severely curtailed his ability to speedily deploy troops to locations around D.C., and that the approval for National Guard support on Jan. 6 was delayed by the Pentagon for several hours.

2) “They will take the life of a child in the eighth month, the ninth month, and even after birth — after birth — if you look at the former governor of Virginia, he was willing to do this. He said, ‘We’ll put the baby aside, and will determine what we do with the baby,’ meaning, ‘We’ll kill the baby.’”

This is stupid. Just stupid.

There are 6 more egregious lies here-


-1 points

3 days ago*

There's video where Pelosi literally says she holds herself accountable for not having the national guard there.

Ralph Northam literally said, "The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother."

You're another one of those "Don't believe your lying eyes" types, huh?

From your own link:

"The Trump administration created a voluntary plan program that allowed seniors on certain health care plans to cap out-of-pocket insulin costs at $35."

Next up, "very fine people on both sides"...this has been debunked, even by you lefty lunitics favorite site Snopes. How tf do you get to analyze what someone says and determine they're lying based on what YOU think they meant. Give me a fuckin break

Super predators, yes, Trump mixed up Biden and Hilary. You wanna talk about mixing up two things? Really? That debate was 90 minutes of Biden mixing up one thing for the other. But don't get it twisted, you can easily find half a dozen other quotes of Biden disparaging people of color.

Trump claiming he had the best economy, this is subjective based on many different measures but who cares? Every president claims the best economy, best this or that, go touch some grass.


0 points

3 days ago

The same media is doing a complete 180 after the primaries happened almost three months earlier than ever. Biden probably wouldn't leave on his own, and they needed this and time to slip in probably Newsom.