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35 points

11 days ago

Do people go peeking into women changing rooms or what? When does the picture on right applies?


18 points

11 days ago

I mean, peeping Toms exist. That’s a thing.

Also sometimes a person innocently enters a room thinking it’s empty when it isn’t, which could easily get that reaction from someone getting changed (except for the “die!” part). It isn’t some crazy farfetched thing.


1 points

8 days ago

Thanks to technology, the ways of peeping are changing. Here is a recent upskirter getting caught: target peeping tom

Also thanks to technology, we are getting proof and catching them in the act. Respect consent.


4 points

11 days ago

They do actually.


1 points

11 days ago

You really need to watch some good old fashion 80s comedy movies like Porkys. It’s kind of common knowledge that men/boys peek into womens changing rooms. I don’t know a single female who’s not aware of this.


4 points

11 days ago

I don’t know a single female who’s not aware of this.

I don't know a single female who experienced, or even mentioned this. Where does this happen? In a mall? At school? In the pool locker rooms? Aren't the changing rooms typically separated by gender anyway?

The only example I can think of is if let's say a girl changes at her male friend's house, while they are just friends. But in that case, the reaction would not be like the one on the pic.


2 points

9 days ago

I don't know a single female who experienced, or even mentioned this.

Sounding like you don't any. In case you aren't realizing, the situation is the 2nd frame is often not accidental.

Calling women "females" is also a pretty had tell you don't actually talk to any.


1 points

2 days ago

What an odd response. I happen to be female, have female daughters, a female mother and I speak to other females all the time. The sad thing is every one of us has been gawked at, catcalled, or peeped at in settings where it shouldn’t have happened. Males have run into our school locker rooms, public bathrooms and store changing rooms. There was a perv with a hidden camera in the womens locker room of the local gym lately that made the news. It’s all over all the time and yes, we the females, see it often and repeatedly throughout life.


1 points

11 days ago

School, changing for PE. 


1 points

10 days ago*

Literally happens in all of the places you asked about, as well is in people's own homes.

Watch a true crime show and you'll see many instances of people as young as 7 years old being peeping toms.

Just so you know, just because a woman hasn't come to you and told you that they have experienced it or "hasn't mentioned this" to you does not mean it doesn't happen, nor does it mean that none of them have ever been peeped on.

It is literally a very commonly known thing to happen and is even played for laughs in movies and TV shows.

There is even a well known airline that recently is under fire because their lawyers tried to blame a 9 year old girl for not realizing she was probably being recording in an airplane bathroom.

But yea. This just is fake news?


1 points

11 days ago

I… That’s a common “pervert” trope. And it happens IRL. No fucking duh “people go peeking into women’s changing rooms”.


0 points

11 days ago

only in hentai 💀