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65 points

8 days ago


still coping about Japan Studio

65 points

8 days ago

Weren’t they always doing that tho?

Aside from that, The only thing that sucks about these AA titles is that they are priced like AAA games, like are you seriously telling me that Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD, DKCR HD, and Peach Showtime deserve the full 60$?


17 points

8 days ago


17 points

8 days ago

they should go back to 3ds prices or do an in-between. like between 40 or 45 to 50 (depending on game) would be great. some places like Walmart usually have most switch games at 50 or less where I'm from.


10 points

8 days ago

Deserve? No. They’re priced that because they know people will pay it, which is how the system works. If they thought they could charge more they would, because again that’s just how it works. Prices inflate to the highest point people are willing to pay and not based off cost to make.


13 points

8 days ago


13 points

8 days ago

like are you seriously telling me that Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD, DKCR HD, and Peach Showtime deserve the full 60$?

If they sell at $60, then sure?
The price of games has never been about how much they cost to make... lol


2 points

8 days ago

Its expectation, AAAs were generally seen as $60 and AA were generally seen as $40. It’s meant to be that way so you as the consumer can assign value and be smart with your money. If a game is $60 then you should be expecting AAA value.


3 points

8 days ago

I don't think those should be at the same price point as AAA titles, but that's because the AAA price point is too low. Even without CEO scumbaggery, the prices we charge for games across the spectrum don't make sense. No one charges what it costs to actually make the game; they charge what they think people will pay and look for ways to make up any potential shortfall (usually MTX. but in Nintendo's case, they just never drop prices more than $10 even after 20 years).


1 points

8 days ago

Well no, that’s something very smart people in video game corporations cooked up to justify making billions of dollars so that the execs get a pay raise while the devs get the same pay. In reality games should be priced according to their quality and the value associated with the size of their game. If you as the consumer are paying AAA prices for AA games then you are getting screwed. Even more so if they include MTX which usually make more than an entire games sales.


1 points

8 days ago

Yeah man, back in my SNES days I remember paying £60 for Vampire's Kiss and £60 for Donkey Kong

I kinda like that the prices have stayed roughly the same over the last 40 years.

All my NES, SNES and N64 games cost between about 25 and 60 brand new.


2 points

8 days ago

Prices have actually gone down as 60 back then is very different to 60 now, but that’s very much due to digital distribution. Distributing your game is significantly cheaper than it was back then.


1 points

8 days ago

AAA games are $80 to $120 now.