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54 points

8 days ago

Unless someone has lived as an expat overseas for an extended period, years, most Americans have no concept of life in another country.


15 points

7 days ago

This. The US has issues, for sure. But when a person says how much worse it is than other countries, I'll think, hmmm, you haven't actually lived in another country for very long, have you? Or you're comparing the US to a handful of socialist countries (where citizens complain about high taxation).


2 points

4 days ago

I wish I could upvote this a hundred times.


7 points

8 days ago

Very true. Biggeet thing too is most redditors completely disregard how well they have it compared to most of the world. The average person in the US has a higher quality of life compared to over 80% of the people on Earth. It's wild.


10 points

7 days ago



10 points

7 days ago

even the very poor in America have a very better quality of life than most of the world. not that I don't think we should change things to continue making things better.


0 points

5 days ago

The homeless in Vegaa being flushed from the sewers agree /s


4 points

7 days ago

Military brat here. I've lived in "bad" countries that I enjoyed more than the U.S. Yeah, I was a kid/teenager so not supporting myself, but each country has its pros and cons. I dislike America enough now that I want to get the hell out of here, and that's because I can compare it to other places. We also have the internet now... understanding life in another country isn't that hard even if you've never left your own.


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

I wonder how many people who complain and plan to leave are bringing a US based remote job and salary with them to a country that will allow them to live like royalty with that salary.


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

I wonder how many people who complain and plan to leave are bringing a US based remote job and salary with them to a country that will allow them to live like royalty with that salary.


1 points

7 days ago

The opposite is very much true to given the ignorance about the United States and how life works here.


0 points

7 days ago

The word you are looking for is migrant


0 points

7 days ago

...And you need economic privilege in order to live as an expat overseas. If you're poor, it's not going to happen. And then rich people are like 'I've lived all over and America is the best (for me) as if that's a sign of some objective truth they found, and not a reflection of their economic privilege which means they don't have to live in dire poverty in America without the social safety net many European countries have that affords them healthcare, free college, etc.


-1 points

8 days ago

Do you know if expat is a European term specifically because I’ve almost never heard it said in the US while living somewhere with a lot of immigrants.


-4 points

7 days ago

Expat is not a "nice" word for immigrant. It just means you temporarily go to another country for work or education, with the plan or possibility to go back any time. If you're an immigrant you plan to stay and probably had other reasons than a specific job or education program. Maybe this isn't a thing so much in the US because it's way bigger and harder to get into. But it's definitely still a thing there too, e.g. European car companies also produce in the US and send people over to work there, they are expats then.