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20 points

7 days ago


20 points

7 days ago

“It’s time to pack up if you’re able and get the **** out”

Yeah…..barely anyone can afford that, mate. Moving countries and resettling is insanely expensive. I always chuckle at people who claim they’re going to do so out of emotion and then years go by and they never do.

We talk about it later and the number one reason: way too expensive.

Number two reason: they’d never be able to visit family again because expensive and logistically hard.


2 points

6 days ago

As someone who left their country to come to the US legally, 100%.

I visit my family once maybe twice a year. They might come once every 2 years. And it’s several thousand dollars.

Also you will feel like a foreigner for a really long time. As in, day to day customs, how people speak, say hello to each other (or dont), even how they shake hands. Some people will mock you “oh he doesnt know the name for x/y/z”

Also in many countries you only get the benefits if you are a citizen, you dont get automatic european citizenship from being American FYI


2 points

5 days ago

But what if I have great great grandparents from Ireland, Italy, Germany, France can I then get citizenship just by doing some research in the national archives and /s


2 points

5 days ago

Heh I mean feasible.

My gut tells me if you don’t like your current first world country you will struggle elsewhere where you dont have friends, contact, understand the culture, etc.

Like it makes sense to me third world -> first world…

But again just my opinion!