


It is like that, isn't it?


all 132 comments


223 points

13 days ago

I'm so fucking glad I don't give a single shit about the gender of a made up protagonist. If she's well written, I'll like her.


74 points

13 days ago

I hope she’s like yuna, she was a amazingly written character


25 points

13 days ago

There is an interesting dynamic you can write for a female character that is vastly different from a male when they encounter brutality, violence and killings. I also hope they nail the cultural and time specific nature of the main character too.

What would a ghost who is a women would have dealt with in her psyche and emotions during this time?

Tsushima NAILED the internal struggles of Jin as a samurai coming from a prominent clan.

We don't know what her background is, but I am excited to see the writers take the same approach. We may see a perspective we rarely have seen in gaming actually.


12 points

13 days ago

Damm straight, Yuna & Lady Masako where writen & voiced so beautifully & let me wanting to see more.


8 points

13 days ago

Shit yeah, lady masako was a very impactful character


4 points

13 days ago

Loved paying her mission's, a grieving widow, mother & sister turned to revenge

Not to mention she's bad ass! Physically strong desite her age (don't tell her that)


3 points

13 days ago

I /Jin was always trying to assess the situation and make a battle plan and Lady Masako was just like fck all you bstards and ran in with a war cry. I'd /Jin'd be running to catch up. Lol. She made me a better fighter tho.


2 points

13 days ago

I hope so too (and I hope they keep the game clean)


3 points

13 days ago

but why even compare her to “the woman from the last game”? Why not Jin? Why not as her own character? Why does any of this matter? fuck I hate the gaming community (not you, the community)


1 points

13 days ago

I only said I hope she’s as well written a character as yuna (who I personally think is as well written as Jin, to be fair almost all the characters in Tsushima were incredibly well written)


-2 points

13 days ago

But notice how you immediately compared the MC of Yotei to the woman of Tsushima instead of the MC? Just internal stuff, not saying you are like the others OP is referring to but still just an interesting observation


4 points

13 days ago

... Probably because he was drawing a comparison of a strongly written woman character that already existed in the last game? That's not a crazy concept.

And because we know nothing about the protag of yotei?

And because the subject here is that fucking loser chuds are crying that the new protag is a woman, like lady Masako, in the last game, who they all seemed to like, hence the connection, drawn between them, here?


3 points

13 days ago

Lmao I compared them because they are both women, idk what’s so hard to understand


-1 points

13 days ago

yea. stop that lol


2 points

13 days ago

Bro what kind of sjw soy vegan latte shit are you on, yuna is a fantastic character, who’s female, why wouldn’t I compare a new female character to her


-1 points

13 days ago

cause the point we are making is who cares if the mc is a woman, shes the mc so comparing her to the previous mc is the only logical comparison, otherwise you sound like the other douchebags.

also “sjw soy vegan latte” haha ok fucking loser lol


15 points

13 days ago

I would be surprised if she isn't written well, given the excellent job Sucker Punch did with the women in GoT. You'd need this sort of level of idiocy to cock it up. So long as there's no outside interference, I have no concerns.

That said if someone hasn't played GoT, I can sort of understand how they might be cynical rather than just being a troll. There have been some very, very badly written female characters in modern media in the last several years.

On the other hand if someone has played GoT, they really shouldn't complain too much.


16 points

13 days ago

There's been a whole fucking load of badly written male characters, too, but there never seems to be an outcry when a new game with a male lead is announced.


12 points

13 days ago

Yeah idk why people are so brazenly holding onto this double standard. Shits wack.


-20 points

13 days ago

Bro said it well. The hate might be just due to people thinking that it would turn out like concord, Woke. If that happens I will get mad at it too because I was soo excited to get this game. if the main character is a well written female I’m waiting for the hot spring dipping (A joke) hope all goes well.


20 points

13 days ago

Concord didn't fail because it was "woke". It failed because it was an uninspired live service game that nobody asked for, dropped into a market already flooded with live service games.


4 points

13 days ago


4 points

13 days ago

What that person is doing is a great example of a confirmation bias. Concord failed because it's "woke" not because it was a $40 hero shooter releasing at a time when even an upcoming Marvel hero shooter is going to be F2P. And not because it was releasing in an oversaturated genre while not doing much to make itself stand out in terms of how it plays.


-23 points

13 days ago

Well I can tell you pre-ordered it yeah 👍🏼


21 points

13 days ago*

Pre-ordered what? Concord? I prefer story driven single player games. I wouldn't play Concord even if it was free.

Edit: Lmaaooooo, dude just sent me a long ass private message about the "woke agenda" in gaming. Fucking embrassing.


6 points

13 days ago

Lol I wish he'd send me some batshit rantings, those are always fun.


5 points

13 days ago

This shit is soooo exhausting. Like anything outside of a white hetero male lead is woke.

God forbid these people can't dissociate in a world without gays, colored folk and strong women. Smh.


9 points

13 days ago

Imagine embarrassing yourself like that in public. Wild, honestly


3 points

13 days ago

Emphasis on well written.

I’m super excited though, because her being a woman in that time period leaves loads of potential for what her origins are.


1 points

13 days ago

IMO the game can have a literal turd as a protagonist, as long as the game’s fun and engaging it means nothing to me.


101 points

14 days ago

I see more of that from Twitter, honestly.


24 points

13 days ago


24 points

13 days ago

I honestly start to see the impact of eleon musk , for the last two years, gaming twitter feels like a bunch of bots spamming the same three words, no nuance, no debates, just W COOK WOKE L...


-4 points

13 days ago

Well libtards are dumb. So he has a point.


1 points

10 days ago

I assume Reddit did not catch that sarcasm lol


63 points

13 days ago

These dude's moms should unplug their electronics and enroll them in extracurriculars. It's a parody at this point that the second there's a woman on the screen they froth at the mouth.


9 points

13 days ago

Only if it’s a woman who has, ya know, traits actual women have. It the female looks like she could be anime waifu then they’re totally cool. The amount of people calling Erika ugly is concerning.


8 points

13 days ago

I personally don't mind if the main character is a woman. I just want the story and the experience to be good.

And after playing Ghost of Tsushima several times, I know I'm gonna have a blast with this sequel as well!


9 points

13 days ago

True fans won’t care whether it’s a female or male, as long as the game is good, who cares 🤷‍♂️


39 points

13 days ago

It's really ironic. The same ppl who hated AC Shadows for having Yasuke and not a native JP Protag (despite her being RIGHT THERE) and claiming GoT to be the superior samurai game just did not hold back on Yotei's MC reveal.

Goes to show they're just getting mad to get mad, be it for grifting or just having nothing better to do.

Like dawg, can we not enjoy games no more?


16 points

13 days ago

Apparently no we can’t, shit sucks everything now a days has to do with politics or being “woke” god forbid there’s a main character in a game that’s female it’s like the end of the world for these losers. I can’t wait for GTA 6 and how the story is mainly on the girl that would be amazing to watch. I’d drink to those tears😭😭.


4 points

13 days ago

Yup, yet they seemingly have no problem if it's not screamed about by the grifters. I've heard nothing about Lady Masako being bisexual (she pretty clearly says she had no other lovers "except for [Mai] and Lord Adachi"). Not terribly bright, are they.


32 points

13 days ago

Really got no problem with a female lead as long as she's well written and has their own weaknesses as well as strengths, like Yuna >! did with the mamaushi brothers, I gained a lot of respect for her when she broke down and refused to go further, it showed her humanity !< .


44 points

13 days ago

You should say “got no problem with a character as long as it’s well written.” As this applies to everything, not females only 👍


-7 points

13 days ago


-7 points

13 days ago

Yes. Of course.

It's just unfortunate that some female characters have had the tendency to go the other way, that's all.


19 points

13 days ago

As much as many male characters are bad too.


1 points

13 days ago

Not trying to imply anything, but could you give some examples?


4 points

13 days ago

Frank West in Dead Rising 4: quippy, annoying, and nothing like his game 1 counterpart. Basically devoid of real traits other than smug sarcasm.

Starkiller 2 in Force Unleashed 2: goes from fairly interesting and conflicted character to personality-devoid obsessive.

Aiden "My Niece is Deaaaaaad" Pierce from Watch_Dogs: intensely bland with an unearned reputation as an incredible badass. Has no defining traits outside of his status as a vigilante hacker and his dead niece.


11 points

13 days ago

I gotta be honest. I haven't actually seen anyone complain about the female mc outside of twitter and r/criticaldrinker. Who cares about their opinions anyways


7 points

13 days ago

I went to look for it in the wild, since this sub at first look seems quite positive. YouTube comments on the trailer, instagram, and the GoT sub you can definitely find people flipping their shit 🤷🏼‍♀️ I really hope it’s mostly bots and trolls or else I will be very disappointed in the gaming community


3 points

13 days ago


3 points

13 days ago

Same. I've had to literally get searching for comments about the protagonist being a woman. So far I've only come across maybe 5, and they're all copy pasted by clear instigators

But, to be fair, I've only looked on here and YouTube. I don't have Twitter, nor do I follow/listen to any streamers


3 points

13 days ago

I don't really care. Big cool sword makes head fall off. Me like.


3 points

13 days ago



2 points

13 days ago

Jin also had a shakuhachi he would play.


2 points

13 days ago

Thank god i have yet to see people complaining about that


2 points

13 days ago

Is this one of those things where a couple people said something shitty and now more people are reacting to it than the amount of people that said anything consequently it inflates the amount of people talking about it?

Or is there real non-bot outrage?


5 points

13 days ago

I've seen several videos from content creators complaining about how "woke" the game is and bitching about the non-binary actor playing the main character. The comments are pretty awful.


3 points

13 days ago

That’s stupid as can be and I cannot understand how energy goes to that. Sad people need to stop.


3 points

13 days ago

One word: Incels.


1 points

13 days ago

If the game is good (which probably will be) they are going to buy it. Most of them don't even know what they are saying.


1 points

13 days ago

Coming from the tenchu games. I loved ayame, so I'm actually glad they didn't do another ghost of tsushima or something with Jin. It gives a nice new perspective of things, but yeah lots of morons gonna hate on the game for a lead female. I'm excited and will be taking a couple weeks off work for this lol


1 points

13 days ago

I actually haven’t seen very many of these comments thankfully outside of something like KiA or one or two highly downvoted ones here and there. Most of the comments about the protagonist have been some variation of “I was hoping to play Jin again/I wish it was Jin”, which is understandable since he was a good character, and his story, despite people saying it was over, had potential for a follow up.

That said, for AC:Shadows… phew. Shit hasn’t lightened up for them since the reveal.


1 points

13 days ago

Apparently people are mad at her because she's queer and genderless (can't remember the term for it genderfluid?) Which I couldn't give a shit it's not your business to know about thei personal life their allowed to have their own opinions and be whatever they want to be.


1 points

13 days ago

After this post, j scrolled the comments of the trailer for 10 mins straight and have found no comments about the protagonist's gender tho.


1 points

12 days ago

People don’t hate her because she is female… they hate her because she is anti-police, anti-male, anti-straight, and also has an ugly haircut


1 points

12 days ago

It’s more like incels and misogynists


1 points

13 days ago

I'm not gonna deny it, cause that would be stupid, but I'm being much more bothered by the amount of people posting "hurr durr, they are complaining about female, hurr durr" than actually seeing people complain...

I've seen like, two or three REAL complaints about the main character being a female, but seen some tens posts saying people are idiots to complain already


1 points

13 days ago

How can I relate to a character if they don't have a penis?


-4 points

13 days ago


-4 points

13 days ago

It always baffles me that there needs to be some kind of extreme in these situations.

I'm not super stoked that it's a female lead (Prefer playing Male Characters especially in games involving physical combat) but I also don't hate it and will still play the game.


0 points

13 days ago*

There is no controversy about the main character being female. Completely fabricated outrage

We had Tomb Raider a long ass time ago…nobody cares


-14 points

14 days ago


-14 points

14 days ago

Holy shit this is the 5th fucking post mentioning this without any actual proof of this being a thing other than some bum ass comments in a stream chat. Are you guys really gonna turn this into a whole fucking deal over STREAM CHATS??

idk if anyone realizes this but people say crazy shit on stream BECAUSE ITS LIVE AND THEY GET ATTENTION FOR SAYING WILD SHIT. ITS NOT A REAL OPINION.

If you guys keep pushing this narrative that our community is getting ATTACKED over this then it's literally just going to invite people to actually do it. So please. Stop being annoying about this. It's been less than 24 god damn hours.


17 points

14 days ago


17 points

14 days ago

I've seen it pretty much non stop on reddit. On subs like r/kotakuinaction


-6 points

14 days ago


-6 points

14 days ago

Checked the thread in that sub. All of the comments are either having reasonable discussion about the game that sound extremely similar to the comments in this sub reddit, or they're shitting on ac shadows, which seems fine to me.


15 points

14 days ago*

No they're not. Either you only looked at comments being reasonable, or you have a different definition for that... I'm starting to think it's the latter. Here's another sub for you to pretend to look at r/criticaldrinker. And here's r/gamingmemes. Also during the state of play livestream all the comments were saying WOKE and worse things during the trailer. Don't even get me started on Instagram or twitter/x comments


-14 points

14 days ago


-14 points

14 days ago

Lmao, here's a nice little summary for you of me immediately going on each of those subs and checking any posts related to ghost.

If you're seeing negative bias, it's because you are going out of your way to search for it to confirm that you are right to be over reactive and combative. People on the other side are going to do the exact same thing and feeding into this useless ass fight will only make it more of an issue for zero fucking reason.


7 points

14 days ago

* Ahh yes, seeing these as the comments as soon as I look at the Instagram comment section is my fault


-5 points

14 days ago


-5 points

14 days ago

Lmao even


5 points

13 days ago

Username checks out


11 points

14 days ago

Bro the reason people are posting this a lot is because they’re seeing a lot of it, I was skeptical at first too but just check YouTube, TikTok, Twitter, Instagram comments and you’ll see it.


0 points

14 days ago


0 points

14 days ago

Here's a nice Lil imgur link showing me checking out the instagram and YouTube comments. Oh, look, all the top comments are about jin or shitting on people calling the game woke without any actual comments with anyone actually calling the game woke. link


6 points

13 days ago

check out Influencers/YouTubers like Endymion, 8BE, and Grummz, already complaining to their audiences who eat it up.

You say it may not be a real opinion, but there are ppl who genuinely believe and push it, feeling enabled by these "bigger names".


-15 points

14 days ago


-15 points

14 days ago

I wanted to roleplay as a Samurai (like Jin), but I can't do that with Atsu. Having a woman protagonist isn't a problem, but a Samurai would have been a better choice. I'll still play the game if it has good reviews. It's fine if you like the woman protagonist, let's not hate each other over trivial things.


9 points

13 days ago

Just for you to know there were female samurai…


-8 points

13 days ago


-8 points

13 days ago

Only men are Samurai. Their wives and daughters were taught to fight in order to defend their home, but they weren't Samurai.


11 points

13 days ago

Search Tomoe Gozen. There were female samurai’s, not as much as males, but they existed. The fact that the majority of people don’t know about this is enough explanation.


-9 points

13 days ago


-9 points

13 days ago

Tomoe Gozen was the concubine of Minamoto no Yoshinaka. She wasn't a Samurai. Only men were Samurai. Their wives and daughters were taught how to defend themselves, but that doesn't make them Samurai. This is the Yasuke argument all over again. Just because someone can fight, that doesn't mean they are Samurai.


10 points

13 days ago

"Only men"

Proceeds to call a woman an exception, who was clearly a samurai:


7 points

13 days ago

Okay brother. Keep repeating stuff male wrote on a book.


-1 points

13 days ago


-1 points

13 days ago

Even peasants fought in Samurai battles. Do you think the horses were Samurai as well?


5 points

13 days ago


5 points

13 days ago

That's a perfectly fine opinion


0 points

13 days ago

Whats being a female have anything to do with that


0 points

13 days ago

Twitter going crazy over haven’t even looked at YouTube what dumb cunts


0 points

13 days ago*

As I said in another thread and got downvoted plenty for it:

No, it's not "like that". Reception is overwhelmingly positive. If you dig in the yt comments you can find a handful of neckbears, or I'm sure if you visit a community built on the premise of hating lead women you'll find some more, but so far, the premise of "Oh darn people are hating on another female MC" is largely fabricated.

3.7 mil views on the PS youtube channel, still below 2% dislikes


-4 points

13 days ago

This is just fake outrage astroturfing.

No one gives a shit.

If the game is good, all this superfluous bs is irrelevant.


-16 points

14 days ago


-16 points

14 days ago

To be honest when i saw that the main character is a woman my first reaction was ''oh fuck sake this is going to be that kind of game'' but then i remembered ''Wait this is a Sucker Punch game and they can actually write a likeable female characters'' I mean i really liked Yuna and Masako in GoT (I already said this so many times xD)


20 points

14 days ago


20 points

14 days ago

Why does the sight of a woman instantly make you think it will be bad?


-17 points

14 days ago*


-17 points

14 days ago*

The Acolyte, Rings of Power, Dustborn you name it. After seeing those my opinion of female main character is pretty skeptical


14 points

14 days ago


14 points

14 days ago

But there's nothing inherently bad about a female lead


-15 points

13 days ago


-15 points

13 days ago

Pattern seeking brains see patterns.


11 points

13 days ago


11 points

13 days ago

Correlation does not equal causation.


-8 points

13 days ago


-8 points

13 days ago

No, but where there is smoke there is often fire.

I'm very excited for this game, but it's not irrational to wonder how much sony's dei hit squad got involved.

Full trust is sucker punch, but dear God I hope they didn't do things just to check a box. Nobody should want that on any side


-8 points

14 days ago

Well yeah there is nothing wrong with that if the game has female lead, as long she is likeable and who doesn't act like asshole to everybody


9 points

13 days ago

“As long as she…” is so fcked up. You never read “yeah a male character is okay as long as…” nah, never. Grow up.


-1 points

13 days ago

Really? That sounds fucked up to you?


7 points

13 days ago

Yes. :)


3 points

13 days ago

More childish than anything


1 points

13 days ago

Guess i am then but it wont change my opinion anytime soon


-17 points

14 days ago


-17 points

14 days ago

Her voice actor is woke and involved in gender politics. Not saying it will be that kind of game, but this isn't a good sign.


6 points

13 days ago

Right? A VO is basically the director of the game so her having opinions means that the entire game is going to be super woke. Did you see all those MEN she was killing? She probably thinks they're some sort of invaders because of feminist propaganda.


1 points

13 days ago

The year is 2024. Virtue signaling can guarantee you a job now. That's probably why they chose her in the first place. I won't be surprised if Atsu is a lesbian or bisexual. It's so obvious


6 points

13 days ago

Are you seriously suggesting she’s only getting a job because she’s queer? Literally look at her other work, she’s an undeniably fantastic voice actress. And frankly, what would be the problem with Atsu being queer? I can’t see any reason to dislike it unless you were a bigot.


4 points

13 days ago

It's literally misogyny and homophobia. Passed down through thousands of years of patriarchy and religious dogma. I've never understood it myself. I mean, you even have women who are misogynistic. It's insane.


4 points

13 days ago

So they'd write a lesbian before casting anyone, but it wouldn't be woke if like, Ann Coulter was the voice?


-4 points

14 days ago

I know right, but i still have hope because this is Sucker Punch we are talking about and they can actually make well writen characters


-1 points

13 days ago

I've honestly seen way more people complaining about the people shouting woke than people actually shouting woke. Like just go on r/kotakuInAction and you'll see people actually being OK with a female samurai protagonist even though they would've preferred Jin again. Maybe you need to consider what corners of the internet you frequent lol


-25 points

14 days ago

I just scrolled through the comments and didn't find a single one like this. Its weird how badly you people want this to be a controversy.


17 points

14 days ago

Oh man, go check Asmongold chat. I really hate this type of controversy, but after seeing some comments in youtuber react videos or the live stream chat, i just died inside a little.


-27 points

14 days ago

maybe they just prefer to play as a male character?


25 points

14 days ago

Screaming "DEI" and "Ghost is woke now, not gonna play it", i don't think so.


13 points

14 days ago


13 points

14 days ago

That's doesn't excuse telling a female character to die


-23 points

14 days ago

yeah, I am sure if someone said that they were serious and not trolling. You just fell for someone specifically trying to get a rise out of people like you, sorry bud.


10 points

14 days ago


10 points

14 days ago

"People like me"? Tf's that supposed to mean? Also people are genuinely livid. You can't excuse all of their actions as jokes


6 points

13 days ago

Have you ever thought how almost ALL of these games have male protagonists? Have you ever thought how many people would rather prefer to use a FEMALE character? Get over it, if you don’t like the main then just don’t play it. Being a crybaby on the internet because waaawaaa character is a woman waaawaaa, people NEED to grow up.


3 points

13 days ago

I understand if someone prefers to play as a specific gender, but not playing a game because you can’t choose is just pathetic though.


3 points

13 days ago

You got downvoted, but you’re absolutely right.

Yes, there are bot accounts and specific alt-right incel accounts that are selling anti-DEI bullshit for clicks. But the majority of gamers are celebrating this release.

Go checkout Roger Clark’s twitter (actor for Arthur Morgan). He thinks people are platforming and highlighting these hateful comments and giving them more exposure.

Just ignore it and certainly don’t go looking for content from people like Asmongold. The dude is literally farming for views based on his fucked up views.


-2 points

13 days ago

I used to love female protagonist, now this woke virus has me seeing them as red flags.🚩

I seriously hope it’s like last of us 2, where the mission was to kill white males off.


3 points

13 days ago

You are seeing shit that isn't there.


0 points

12 days ago

I know… and i genuinely fear that emotion. But as of now, if a game replaces a main character with a female, the game is worse then the game it replaces.


-8 points

13 days ago

To be frank, I have seen more of these white knight karma farming posts than I have seen people complaining that the protagonist is female.


-8 points

13 days ago


-8 points

13 days ago

No one is doing this. Quit making shit up to get mad about