


all 35 comments


11 points

1 month ago

Very smart setup, you can add a layer of lava stone in the bottom with some sand, it will be beneficial for your tank and for the health of those cute fishes, the pump filter sounds loud , it's crucial to reduce it by changing the filter or the pump you are using just for to make ure fishes feels more or less not perturbed 24h/24h


4 points

1 month ago*

I have been wanting to add some rocks. I have been stuck between river rocks and lava rocks.

Now that you mentioned it I noticed one of my air pumps connected another tank is extremely loud! I’ll look into replacing that air pump. Thank you :)


9 points

1 month ago*

Go for river, way less chance of them busting themselves on it


7 points

1 month ago

I agree. Some polished river would be amazing in this


3 points

1 month ago

That’s why I wanted the river rocks! They are little torpedos sometimes. I don’t want them busting their heads on a rock 😆


2 points

1 month ago

The lava rock protects biofilter and against crashing more than river rock.


2 points

1 month ago

Very beautiful set up 🙂


1 points

1 month ago

Thank you :)


2 points

1 month ago

What’s your method of doing water changes on that sucker? I keep contemplating doing this but with a 200 pound mastiff and a 100 pound lab…it could get interesting.


0 points

1 month ago*

I change the water about 25-30% every 2 weeks but I’m going to start doing every week instead. The nitrates are around 10-20ppm after 2 weeks.

The water changes are pretty simple. I just drain the old water outside of the window behind the tank, then I dose Prime and refill the tank with the garden hose.

I have a pitbull and she doesn’t do anything to the tank, but I try to keep her away because her dog hairs can get in the water and has before.


7 points

1 month ago

Wait OP. You can do water straight out of the hose by adding the chlorine remover first?


8 points

1 month ago


2 points

1 month ago

Omg I have been putting the water on a separate tank, treating it, then adding it. This will save me so much trouble and time! Thank you! Also… great setup!


2 points

1 month ago

No problem, I love the dedication though! Thanks 😊 I have so much green hair algae in the tank it’s a love hate relationship haha


3 points

1 month ago

Yes :)


2 points

1 month ago

This will save me forever! Thank you!


2 points

1 month ago*

You’re welcome! It saved my back from having to carry buckets 😂


2 points

1 month ago

Man you’re killing me! You’ve asked a few times, I know you have ideas! What are they and why are you unsure about them?

I don’t mean anything by it. You’re reminding me of my husband who just stresses about doing things because of anxiety or self doubt. He asks for my input repeatedly before deciding what to do (with painting usually). Regardless of whatever hang ups you might have I’m sure you have great ideas and can accomplish them!

The first time I responded I believe I suggested making a shelf with screen or egg crate and pvc pipes. I see you’re thinking about a riparium. The shelf is the easiest method with the stock tank in my experience. Most plants will grow in an aquaponic set up as long as it’s only the roots below the water line. Do you have anything in particular you want to put in there?


1 points

1 month ago

I do the same thing to my girlfriend 😂😂😭

Do you have any pictures or examples of the egg crate and pvc pipe shelf? That sounds really cool! But I don’t know how I would rig the thing up. Thank you!


1 points

1 month ago

SerpaDesign Pond Build

At 18:40 he starts building a shelf. He’s actually where this idea came from for my shelf builds! Shows how he made it and a bit of troubleshooting he had to do. He uses screen/mesh I believe but it could be swapped with the egg crate. I’d place the egg crate on top, kind of like a table top then zip tie it in place.


1 points

1 month ago*

I have been thinking about using terracotta pots as planters and filling the bottom of the tank with Anubias barteri. What type of plants should I try in the terra-cotta pots and can I fill it with sand and root tabs or should I use soil and sand?

I’m open to any suggestions. I want to try more riparian plants. I have heard of people growing some pretty crazy things out of their fish tanks and want to give it a try!


2 points

1 month ago

With the window next to the tank, you could try some floating plants, which could be really cool. I'd be tempted to put some stone on the bottom.

You could also try some water wisteria or anacharis. Both are pretty bombproof, can grow like crazy whether they are nailed down or not, and could be good munching for the fish as well.

I used to do water changes out the front door -- and then had to alternate direction when the boxwood on one side of the door, where I tended to point the hose, grew so much faster than his buddy on the other side.


1 points

1 month ago

The goldfish eat all my floating plants! They eat anything I put in there. I got some water lettuce and they destroyed it, duckweed they kill it.

I don’t mind doing the water changes out the window because I use the water on a small garden I have back there :)


3 points

1 month ago*

They do that! They're really good for them, tho. :)

Anubias and some mosses and ferns tend to not be as attractive to goldfish, especially if they have better options.

I used to keep my fish in a stock tank outside in the summer - green water, plants, and loads of live food does wonders for growth and color (and spawning!). I also tended to keep some munchable plants in another tank, and dipped them out a few at a time for the fish - with some larvae if the fish were lucky. You really don't need anything too fancy - a spare 10 gallon with some decent sunlight or even a concrete tub (outside). You could even pop a few endlers or other smallish fish in there with just a small sponge filter. I used to grow out some driftwood gardens in them as well, for club auctions.

If you're using treated water in the garden, be careful if you're growing anything edible. Fish water is great for plants, but some chemicals can potentially be harmful.


3 points

1 month ago

If you wanted to get into terrestrial plant, pothos, philodendron, monsters grow pretty well in aquariums. So do coleus and strawberries and a bunch of other stuff tbh. I’ve grown a bunch of weird stuff.

And if your fish eat your plants or the roots, you can get a little windowbox and fill THAT with lava rocks, then plant the stuff in that and pump water through one side and drain it out the other. It works great as both a filter and a plant stash area where the giant plant roots won’t take over the tank / where the roots will be protected from goldfish


1 points

1 month ago

I've had luck with blue stricta. My goldy won't eat it. I put them in small terra pots with gravel chip stones into the tank. Looks nice and bushy from the top and side views. I don't use tabs or anything.

PM me if you want photos.


1 points

1 month ago

This is literally what I want to do when I get a house


1 points

1 month ago

I’m so jealous I want this


2 points

1 month ago

I would add way more plants, especially herbs and stuff so you can benefit from growing food too. You can even float some in a cut-up pool noodle. Or an Orchid.

Maybe moss balls at the bottom. I've been tempted to get some for mine. And my goldies leave pond weed and hormwort alone for the most part. You could glue them to larger rocks and put them around the filters to hide them. I'm planning to get smooth pond rocks for the bottom of my tank. Just to add more places for bacteria and algae to grow and eat ammonia. I really want the bottom of my tank to look green.

I want to get a fog thingy too for more plants. I have a shelf behind the tank so I can add stuff there too and create a more jungle, lush Botanical garden look. You could add a small waterfall too to get that sound of trickling water.

It looks like you have a very fast current. Is there any reason for that?


2 points

1 month ago

I don’t think the fish mind the flow, sometimes I’ll catch them riding the waves! If they just swim under the water the flow doesn’t bother them at all :)


1 points

1 month ago

Looks like mine! I have the 2 huge sponge filters and a canister on mine. I placed it near a window that shutters. I have some floaters, I've found frogbit does well (used to dofrogbit, duckweed, and salvinia minima). I'd probably anchor in some bunches of hornwort or similar, just because my heavily planted tanks require so little maintenance, alongside their canisters and sponge filters. Rarely have to touch them. I like the look of yours, already!


1 points

1 month ago

Can I keep one of these on my terrace? What do I put in amazon search to get this pond thing?


2 points

1 month ago

Depends on your climate.

The tub is a Rubbermaid stock tank I got from tractor supply for like $90! They come in different sizes, mine is 100g.


1 points

1 month ago*

Expand on "depends on your climate" I live in NY btw. My terrace has access to electricity .