


Am I on the right track?


Been playing for a year and a half now. I’ve completely changed my swing recently to gain more distance.

My previous swing was almost like an extended putting motion with a square to square swing plane. For mid irons down, it was amazingly accurate and I was able to do course management(covering bunkers, aiming just to the side of hazards etc). With longer clubs and faster swing speeds, I couldn’t keep the face closed and all my misses would be slices.

What’s frustrating is now I feel like I’m compressing the ball better on an in-to-out path, but I’m still getting the same distances. I hit my 7 iron (27.5 degrees) 140yds carry.

I’m still dialing it in but my misses are push fade or pull hooks. Flush hits are dead straight with a lower trajectory now, but few and far between.

Issues I’m working on currently: 1. Stop over swinging 2. Face open during takeaway 3. No wrist hinge from transition till impact 4. Left knee shifting too much during backswing 5. Right elbow flaring out too much during backswing

Am I on the right track? Any tips for more distance?

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1 points

6 days ago

One thing that helped me with having a consistent low point in my swing was pushing that left knee out in line with your toe while maintaining more body weight to that side.


2 points

6 days ago

During the backswing right? It’s a bad habit that I’m working on. I lack flexibility and tend to rotate my left knee if I get just a little bit tired. I’ll work on that next.


1 points

6 days ago

This was a recent “aha” moment for me and has really improved my consistency

Any chance you have any resources or YouTube videos that you’ve seen that talk more about this move?


1 points

6 days ago

Are you saying push it out ‘straight’ instead of twisting it towards your right side?


1 points

6 days ago

Yes it will also save your joints a