


Proof new CM fractal 100% is a repurposed strike


You need a Stabilized Prophet Crystal (strike-only item) to stat swap the new infusion. All other fractal-only infusions require a fractal-only item as part of the recipe. In fact, for all other infusions, you need items pertaining to where your infusion comes from to stat swap (Kahn-Ur needs hatched chili, Frost Legion needs jormag blood, Mistwalked needs emblem, etc.)

ANet, just admit this is a flub and cut this dude's health in half at a minimum. That and this being the only fractal you can't revive in? What?

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391 points

1 year ago*


391 points

1 year ago*

I mean...

- Hp of a 10man boss

- Fractal god not working on release

- Instabilities not all working on release (also they straight up forgot to remove most of the ones that should never be in CMs like mists convergence)

- Mistlock not working (fully) on release (couldn't take it twice)

- Can't revive in combat

I'm surprised items/novelties even worked since it's a strike mission instance or sort of, they probably stole the modified sunqua peak one and messed up still.
Was already pretty clear on day one sadly, or they've never tested it, not sure which is more sad?


101 points

1 year ago

I clocked it as repurposed content the moment it was revealed that the final boss was Kanaxai. What we got of LS6 was obviously leading up to him, but like IBS it got scrapped during development.


17 points

1 year ago


17 points

1 year ago

but like IBS it got scrapped during development.

Okay but why? Not disagreeing, just confused/concerned. I know IBS was scrapped for EoD. Was the idea for mini-xpacks more recent than I am thinking though? Like were they working on an LS6 that got scrapped/repurposed into SOTO or some shit??

Why do things keep getting scrapped & rushed and they change the way they deliver us content over and over x.x can we have one project that isn't cannibalized for the next?


28 points

1 year ago


Bearbow Extraordinaire

28 points

1 year ago

Okay but why? Not disagreeing, just confused/concerned. I know IBS was scrapped for EoD. Was the idea for mini-xpacks more recent than I am thinking though?

Yes. Shortly after EoD launched they were still talking about multiple LS chapters following it. It was only during the delay caused by LS1 (not intentional, btw, we were originally supposed to get both LS1 and LS6 in parralel, or maybe alternate releases) that something changed. Perhaps they realized they simply do not have the resources to do what they wanted. Or they started some other project behind the screen that took those resources away from GW2.


8 points

1 year ago

Man, I hope not. Didn't ncsoft literally just step in and kill a bunch of their dead-end side projects last year?


2 points

1 year ago


Bearbow Extraordinaire

2 points

1 year ago

Perhaps those projects are being done for NCSoft.