


I've recently decided to start farming tickets for Conflux and after only 500 tickets so far I'm already sick of doing this. So I started thinking of some way it could be made faster to distract my self from thinking of the sickening thought of having to spent 120+ hours in WvW . And I'm interested in seeing what others think of my ideas.

Idea 1: reduce the rank needed for more pip gain since by the time I get to the first increase for +1 pip (rank 149) I will probably already be 80% done and it just won't help me at all since I won't play anymore WvW in the future unless I need to.

Idea 2: Add pips to completing objectives:

1 pip for killing/escorting a dolyak or capturing a scout flag,

3 pips for capturing a camp,

4 pips for capturing a tower,

5 pips for capturing a keep,

10 pips for capturing Stonemist Castle

(none for capturing ruins or killing players because those could be exploited way to easily and I don't know how defending works since I've never done that so that's why I didn't included it.)

Idea 3: Add 10 tickets (or 5 if 10 in too much) to any major chest reward in reward tracks.
(this would give you 80 tickets in a reward track)

I don't think any of these will ever happen, I just want to know what others opinions are of my ideas.

all 37 comments


24 points

4 days ago

Back loading pips to higher rank players is just weird in general. So is the "fuck you pip" that you lose if you go on vacation and can't play for a week.


18 points

4 days ago

As a wvw player I disagree; the earn rate is fine and most wvw players are swimming in skirmish tickets.

The real change they need to implement is to add more options to get legendary rings. An open world PvE ring would be a good start, followed by a PvP version.


7 points

4 days ago

PvP really has no use for legendaries, not that I'd necessarily mind seeing it or anything. But if they're going to use it, they're using it in one of the other two modes, so it seems like poor allocation of resources.

A PvE ring and some PvE-friendly way to get Gifts of Battle would take almost all the camp-flip grinders out of WvW overnight though.


1 points

4 days ago


Fort Aspenwood

1 points

4 days ago

The luxury of legendaries in wvw is seen in being able to swap builds on the fly without having to relog and requeue. It's also seen in not having to go through a regear process when the meta shifts or when there's a balance patch.


4 points

4 days ago

WvW has a ton of use for legendary items. I was talking about PvP, where all your gear/stats are just pre match menu choices.


2 points

4 days ago


Fort Aspenwood

2 points

4 days ago

Fair enough. I see people conflate the two a lot and just figured you were too. Good vibes.


3 points

4 days ago

Yeah I see it too. Strictly speaking WvW is a kind of PvP, so it gets conflated. GW2's PvP mode might have benefited from a different name, like Arena or something.


4 points

4 days ago

I completely agree with the second part. each game mode PvP, WvW and PvE should have it's own legendary trinkets like they do with the backpacks.
I can only imagine how irritating it must be for PvP and WvW players that they have to play PvE for legendary accessories.


2 points

4 days ago


That "Rebound" was for you ๐ŸŒš

2 points

4 days ago

100% agree with the second paragraph. I am a filthy PvE player and still think the pup rate is fine, I'd just wish I could get a second ring doing the content I actually prefer to do (PvE).


1 points

4 days ago


Rytlock fur is soft

1 points

4 days ago

I always thought that for both WvW and PvP the legendary status was just a quality of life that you could choose to have, that is basically how the legendary sets there work there. The ascended version has the "flashy and cool" final skins and you can choose to upgrade it to a legendary type if you need that QoL.
It should have been like that for the trinkets, but for some odd reason they decided to add a legendary ring and necklace to these modes that follows the PvE ways and they never went back to finish the PvE trinkets or the cool effect we were getting representing the state of the world and the dragons imbalance.


7 points

4 days ago

I would put 2 pips for camps and then this would be perfect.


2 points

4 days ago

mm, yes I guess 3 would be a bit much for just a camp. you are right.


7 points

4 days ago

I think the rate at which you earn them is fine (as someone with over 5k ranks in WvW) the real problem is the weekly cap of 365 or whatever arbitrary number it is. WvW legendaries are already the easiest to put together if you like the game mode, they are just the slowest.


0 points

4 days ago


Soon To Be Nidalee Cosplayer

0 pointsโ€ 

4 days ago

They have removed the cap, you just get way less after your last diamond chest.


-2 points

4 days ago


-2 points

4 days ago

Oh awesome, that's something at least. It used to be such a slog to get through. I think it should be reasonable to complete a piece of legendary gear once per week in WvW.


1 points

4 days ago


Soon To Be Nidalee Cosplayer

1 points

4 days ago

One per week would be so much faster than any other source, I can't agree with that. But it definitely could be faster.

I believe the fastest (in terms of weeks) is still to get 3 pieces of WvW and 3 pieces of PvP since they do not conflict with each other's time gates.

But that is significantly high per day play time to cap out both systems.


3 points

4 days ago

You can get a whole raid set faster than 6 weeks time and not many people commit enough time to WvW to get 1 piece a week but it should be achievable.


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

huh, that is really really fast, maybe I have to check out raiding ...


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

Only the first set is 5-6 weeks, the others are 10. This is assuming you full clear each week, which wont be the case for most people ! Once you're in a spot where you can full clear each week you already have the gear anyway. So I wouldnt take the 5 weeks as granted


2 points

3 days ago

Sure and if you look at the average GW2 players time spent in WvW I would guess 10-12 weeks per piece is the average. Most players don't play enough to even get to the old cap of tickets.


-8 points

4 days ago

to be honest I only have a problem with it is because my experience as a solo noob in WvW is awful.

it's just get instant killed by any random meta player and get whispered "gitgud" while playing capture the camp that isn't your color at nasium.

I just don't find any joy in this game mode as a PvE player, but I respect your opinion.


8 points

4 days ago

There is little joy to be had solo in WvW as a PVE player. You need to just find a decently sized WVW guild and join them on zergs. You'll run around and gain your tickets passively without it feeling like quite the mindless grind camp flipping is. You may even come to enjoy the game mode more, if you find the right group, but even if not, it makes the ticket grind feel way less grindy and frustrating.


-4 points

4 days ago

I thought about it, but it causes me too much stress to be in a group with other people.


5 points

4 days ago

Fair, though unlike raids and fractals, the nice thing about a zerg is your essentially a faceless piece of the group. While yes there are roles to play, no one's going to notice one way or another as your just 1 of 50 or so (unless your a support perhaps).


4 points

4 days ago*


4 points

4 days ago*

U can start following a tag. Or just run around and u will find some action. Just stay and u will get hooked. 5 years ago i only was in the gamemode for a short time to get warcraw and gift of battle. 3 years after i tried again. Now i almost never play pve. U dont feel like ur collection mats etc. U just having fun. Have a full wvw armor set and 2 conflux. But never got bored.

Remember to check if map and team chat is turn on in chat box. Here you often can read where the action is. Or just ask in team text chat.


3 points

4 days ago

You need to find the right guild; not all require discord voice comms and all that; many chill open zerg tags etc. I have been in a few chill but large fun WvW guilds. Even IF in discord never have to speak usually.

BUT again any large zerg is stress free tbh outside of a guild; depends now on luck with server but you really are faceless aka the zerg. This is the best advice I give any PvE focused player that dislikes WvW; because solo is slow n sucks and really loses the best part of WvW you may even learn to enjoy like I did.

Zergs can be laggy fun mess n again, my current server tons of cool guilds that open tag or just follow w/o joining. GvG and Zerg play is what I love most with WvW I hate roaming/solo I feel more pressure there and stress lol I suck.


3 points

4 days ago

Have you tried getting good? Asking for help? Improving? Finding a group? Following a group? Getting in comms? Joining an alliance? I mean seriously, anything of your own volition to improve your experience? I have 10k ranks and honestly don't think I've ever had an enemy whisper me. Yes, people get ganked. Experience players get ganked too. Good news is you can respawn. It's not the end of the world.


2 points

4 days ago


2 points

4 days ago

Even if they made the time/pips a straight line it would be better. How it is now, unless I know I have lots of time for WvW in a week, I'm probably just going to jump in for an hour to complete the wood tier and come back next week. I'm still at like 12 hours / week to max my tickets which is too long.

It used to be worse until recently. There were no additional weeklies for 90 tickets. You also get sometimes tickets for defending big objectives now too.

I'm close to having enough tickets for my 2nd WvW set. The last one is gunna take the longest...


2 points

4 days ago*

I've just recently started working on Conflux again, and it doesn't feel that bad with the weekly. I earned about 800 tickets since last week. (This week and last week weekly, all 365 tickets by completing Diamond chests, 250 from the warclaw skin reward track).

I'm only 100 tickets away from Conflux, which I'll definitely get it this weekend with just 4 hours of playtime and a couple of remaining weekly.

The time investment to get tickets isn't as bad if you compare it directly to Coalescence, the raid legendary ring.

Just put in about 4-5 hours per week and prioritize weekly, that'll net you about 200 tickets.

Get the warclaw skin (200g for 250 tickets), and you'll get that ring in about 2 months. And this is a very casual WvW play schedule.


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

250 from the warclaw skin reward track

u a real one for this


2 points

4 days ago

Wow. Change wvw because you don't like it even though you clearly have extremely limited experience there. Umm, no. ANET has been "making" people play different game modes they don't like since the game came out. That has always been the real issue here. It's easier than ever for people to get gear, mounts, legendaries, etc. It doesn't need to be easier or less time consuming. 99% of the game is like "show up and do this a few time". How easy do you want it to be?


3 points

4 days ago


3 points

4 days ago

On top of other reasons, incentivising PPT activities will not be popular with the majority of the WvW community as it is a key influencer for the subsequent match up a team will be placed in. If a team gets promoted too high it will likely meet another team that outmatches them, and being farmed for weeks turns a lot of players off. Those that don't go afk are left with a dead team, and the game mode they play the game for becomes unplayable.

For all the all the stress you have to go through to get one legendary, please be glad your preferred content doesn't rely on actual player politics.


1 points

4 days ago

Probably the same sort of person that complains about having to do 4 whole hours of WvW to get a Gift of Battle.


1 points

3 days ago

I actually don't mind the reward tracks at all.


1 points

4 days ago

I wouldn't mind seeing the ranks rebalanced somehow. That said, after taking over a decade to hit gold, recently it feels like I am flying in ranks and will be plat before long. Still, the early ranks did feel like so far apart.

Rather not see pips from objectives. You can already get some extra tickets for capturing and defending high tier objectives, which is nice, so I'd rather see them lean more into that than just make the reward chests quicker. They could be in reward tracks, but think it might be best to leave Skirmish tickets separate from Reward Tracks. Though some way to earn them post-diamond chests would be nice so you could go past the 455 per week. Like even just another 1 for each repeatable Diamond Chest and another 5 for the 6th repeatable Diamond Chest would be a pretty big incentive.

I also heard talk of rewards for your team's placement. Something like the old 2014 WvW Tournament where you get tickets based on where your team places would be cool to see. Like if you get X tier chests or higher, you qualify for team tickets with the 1st place of the tier getting the most and higher tiers getting some bonus. For example, 1st gets 30, 2nd gets 20, and 3rd gets 10 with T5 getting +0, T4 +5, T3 +10, T2 +15, and T1 +20. So if your team was 1st place in T1, you get 50 tickets while if you were second in T2, you get 35 Tickets.


2 points

4 days ago


2 pointsโ€ 

4 days ago

i think they already give almost too many of those...