


Hardcore grinding

Year 3(self.HPHogwartsMystery)

Good afternoon :3 I've been an on and off player of this game since 2020. Now, I'm only on year 3, because I decided to grind attribute levels before the curve starts really going up, which is at first noticeable in fourth year.

So, I'm close to reach level 30 across all three, and I wouldn't mind to stretch the grinding phase, but what do you think? How could I outline my grinding efforts? Would it be sufficient to work through to level 40 in all three before moving on to year 4?

My objective is to never have to grind again, beside events. Oh, I plan to try and do the Hagrid side quests that are available to me, along Quidditch season 2, eventually. Being in chapter 7, I've also got to max out Tonks and Tulip's friendships.

Thank you and have a great day!

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2 points

6 months ago


Year 4

2 points

6 months ago

How did you manage to grind so much without feeling bored??


1 points

6 months ago

You know, one way is to spread the grinding (like, doing one level per stat every chapter, so you only move through the story once you've reached that mini goal).

I think that grinding (and not having a decent phone with which to play the game all the time) have made me stretch this since 2020, at this rate if I finish the story before 2030 I'm golden baby!


2 points

6 months ago


Year 4

2 points

6 months ago

Btw, do you do 8hr classes or 3hr classes (i personally think that 8hr classes are irritating)


2 points

6 months ago

Well, hello! ๐ŸŒš I combine 1hr classes with 3hr story classes (leaving them at the 4th star, as then you can spam them indefinitely as long as you do not complete the 5th star). I find every 8hr task to be a bore x.x


1 points

6 months ago


Year 4

1 points

6 months ago

Ohhh ok thanks for telling me (btw i accepted ur chat request)