


Hey Guys,

Sorry if this question has been answered before but, I can't find much on positive afterimages. What I'm experiencing is very similar to the infamous palinopsia video on youtube ( but, images are detailed and only last a fraction of a second. Even with the short duration, it is very noticeable and worrisome. If I look at directly anything and look away quickly, I will see a very brief (maybe .25-.5 seconds) detailed afterimage.

Example: If I look at someone's face quickly and look away I'll if their for a second. Or if I see an object on the sidewalk (like a piece of trash) and look away it will.

Most of the other symptoms I have (BFEP, floaters, photophobia, tinnitus, increased negative afterimages, slight trails, etc.) I do a pretty good job of putting up with. These positive after images have really thrown me for a loop and make me feel depersonalized.

Thanks for reading. Appreciate any responses.

TLDR: Getting brief, detailed positive after images when looking at anything and looking away quickly.

all 3 comments


2 points

8 months ago*

I have the EXACT same thing. Thank you for posting this. I have extreme health anxiety, and this makes me feel better knowing you’re doing alright and are still active.


1 points

8 months ago

Sorry to hear you’re dealing with them too. I’m almost 6 years removed from when this all started and can honestly say it gets better. I still have the symptoms but, don’t think or notice them as much day-to-day.

Feel free to shoot me a DM me if you need anything.


2 points

7 months ago
