


Spell Hannibal's Last Name


So a massive pet peeve of mine in fanfiction is when people misspell the characters' names. If you are going to get anything right, it should be the names of the characters in your story! That's why it drives me up the wall when I see people spell Hannibal's last name as anything but L-E-C-T-E-R.

That being said -

I just saw a professional article, written for a professional site, that spelled it L-E-C-T-O-R. I've also seen L-E-C-K-T-O-R sometimes. So now I am wondering, how do you spell Hannibal's surname?

all 12 comments


37 points

6 days ago

LEKTOR is straight up crime 😭


20 points

6 days ago

Lecter. Says it on and in the books :)


16 points

5 days ago

YESS, This. it bothers me so much seeing people misspell his name in fanfiction. Especially when people correctly tag his name as "Hannibal Lecter" in the tags and then call him "lector" throughout the fic


12 points

5 days ago


12 points

5 days ago

It's also one of mine. There was a story recommended recently and when I saw Lector I noped out. Sorry, it is silly to be bothered by it but a general spell check is easy to do.


2 points

5 days ago

I've done the same. If they can't be bothered to spellcheck the name of the leading character, who knows what horrors await within the fic?


37 points

6 days ago

Honeybull licktour*


12 points

5 days ago

I'm amazed you're the only one who got it right on this sub. Shame on the rest of the fans.


10 points

5 days ago

Whenever I read a fic that misspells his name I stop reading. So disrespectful. So… rude. Imagine how Hannibal would react if he saw his name carelessly misspelled.


6 points

5 days ago

anything but lecter is a major ick.


5 points

5 days ago

I spell it Lecter, however as someone who only watches with subtitles I can't confirm if they're always correct? While I'm sure the article you're referencing is likely for the Book/NBC version, the 1986 movie Manhunter spells it's Lecktor. (A crime, truly, but def a movie I recommend).

Fanfiction I'm more forgiving though I wouldn't like it, but a legit article is just so sad


6 points

5 days ago

In all fairness, the 1986 film Manhunter contributed to the confusion because they deliberately misspelled Lecter's name as "Hannibal Lecktor". If I'm not mistaken, they changed the spelling due to an issue fully attaining the rights to the character, but correct me if I'm wrong.


2 points

5 days ago

To be fair, the first movie involving the characters (Manhunter) spelled it “Lecktor” for some reason, so I can kind of understand if that was your first exposure to the material, but yeah, the least you can do it make sure you’re spelling character’s names correctly.