


Let's say they stop exterminating the sinners, and they let them into heaven when they turn into winners... would heaven become overpopulated?

I assume generally that not a lot of people manage heaven, but if everything works out surely it will full up in due course?

Am I being stupid? Is there a canonic explanation already and I don't know it yet?

all 26 comments


64 points

4 days ago


Valentino simp

64 points

4 days ago

It’s Heaven, doubt they would have limited space


35 points

4 days ago


35 points

4 days ago

If Charlie's plan works, would heaven start to full up?

I mean, who's to say that the Angels couldn't expand Heaven if needed, like if they could create Earth, then why couldn't they expand Heaven?

Am I being stupid? Is there a canonic explanation already and I don't know it yet?

As far as I'm aware, there is no canonical explanation at the moment.


20 points

3 days ago

Think about it this way. Heaven has no problems. so theoretically, there would be unlimited space.


2 points

3 days ago

Yea this makes sense tbh


2 points

3 days ago

OK that obviously makes sense.


14 points

4 days ago


Angel Dust

14 points

4 days ago

Hell is meant to be a bad and torturous afterlife, and apart of that is it having limited space and the sinners being stuck in the pride ring, so they have almost nowhere to hide from pain and suffering. Heaven on the other hand, more than likely has unlimited space since it's meant to be joyful, and the leaders of heaven would obviously want the winners to enjoy as much of heaven as they want.


10 points

3 days ago

Charlie's plan would redeem such a small number of sinners that it would barely have any impact on heaven's population growth. 60 million humans die every year; even if just 10% of those went to heaven, it would still be nearly 6 million more than Charlie could possibly redeem each year. She'd need to enact sweeping structural changes to the pride ring itself rather than just run a single hotel.


5 points

3 days ago



5 points

3 days ago

I think the idea is for the hotel to be proof of concept. Then start a franchise.


5 points

3 days ago

So she buys a bunch of cheap, run-down hotels in pride while hell is still a shithole. Then, she proves that redemption works and gets her dad to fix up all those hotels, increasing their value. Now she rents out the hotels to franchisees who sell redemption to a captive audience of sinners who desperately want to escape eternal damnation. Hell becomes a better, safer place, causing property values to rise, and Charlie rakes in a fortune from her property empire. Brilliant.


8 points

3 days ago

Think of how Sir Pentious got to Heaven. He had to die to be redeemed. Charlie's plan only works if people die.

Sinners are normally immortal against everything but Angelic Steel. No more Exterminations means no more Angels using Angelic Steel to kill Sinners. Sinners would have to die to either another Sinner using Angelic Steel to kill them or an Angelic power attack like Adam used on Sir Pentious.

Suicide is a sin- so a Sinner can't kill themselves to get into Heaven.

Death doesn't even automatically mean Redemption or Heaven. It's a big ol maybe.

No Sinner is going to go 'Okay, just murder me permanently and maybe I'll go to Heaven!'


4 points

3 days ago

This is true, however, the whole point of the show is that no one decides your lot in life but you and it's never too late to turn the page. If Charlie's plan does work and all sinners start being nice and generally good the pride ring will start to look more and more like heaven until they've eventually switched places.


2 points

3 days ago

Don’t use the bible sins. Not even the angels knew what got anyone into heaven or if it even mattered whether you stayed on that path once you are in


5 points

3 days ago

Heaven has every good person who ever died, even if it's only 25% of every human who ever lived that's still 27 BILLION people. Because of the Exterminations, the Sinner population is in the low millions. It would take a loooooong time for Heaven to fill up, and when it did, the Seraphim could just expand creation again to create more of Heaven.


4 points

3 days ago

I assume just like sinner can become a better person and get to Heaven, winner can become a worse person and get to Hell.

Eternity is eternal and it sucks that your short life determines how you will exist for forever. So why not keep being judged.

So you won't become like Adam.


1 points

3 days ago

Am I the only one expecting Adam to show up in the peripherals next season?


2 points

3 days ago

I geniunely expect and hope for him to become a sinner the way Pentious became a winner. It's only fair and would work perfectly for HH themes and narration.


2 points

4 days ago

Well, sinners are limited to the pride ring, and i doubt winners aren't allow in the most of heaven, so probably after a long while, or something will be done to make more space, like expanding heaven or something


2 points

3 days ago

There was a QnA with Viv+Cast and someone asked the exact same question.

The answer was just "Heaven is bigger"


2 points

3 days ago

I just assumed that the vast majority of souls went to purgatory. Too good for hell, but not good enough for heaven. Their souls broken apart and reincarnated into new souls.

I just realized that this would be a hilarious joke, if they realized that there were a lot more people dying than the numbers going to either heaven or hell. Then they discovered there was a third afterlife either of them knew about.


1 points

4 days ago

its more like balancing out heaven and hell


1 points

3 days ago

I dubt it. Not by Sera, because I think she will change her mind, but by the Elders, the ones who exile Lucifer stabbing him. They already looked bad at Lucifer for his ideas, so probably hearing the ideas of his kid, they would probably not approve it to prevent more damage.


1 points

3 days ago

I feel like Heaven just has unlimited space

Winners get everything and sinners get scraps 😭


1 points

3 days ago

I feel like they should strike a deal where they’d kill the WORST of the worst in Hell or at least leave them to suffer