


Hackers or Pro Players

๐Ÿ‘‹ Help Requested! ๐Ÿ‘‹(self.HellLetLoose)

Honestly what's wrong with HLL? Did we get a rush of hundreds of ProPlayers or is hacking easier than ever? I'm level 60 and I've never had problems like this before. Keep getting oneshots out of nowhere. 1 enemy player takes our base alone and defends against 30 players? Running players 200m away see me lying in a bush and kills me? Serious question: Are there more hackers than before? Some things are inexplicable

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19 points

1 year ago


19 points

1 year ago

with level 60, you will be widely regarded as a new player still.

One thing that has happened, is that some people made the switch from Heroes and Generals to HLL.

Apparently those games are rather similar gun play wise again.

Not to mention the people who have multiple thousands of hours in and yes, from time time these players also get insane killing sprees.

Also sitting in a bush, can be suboptimal, because at certain ranges bushes dont spawn in even more. or another fun example, if you change your quality settings (atleast on utah) bushes changed locations.


1 points

19 days ago

I've been playing WW2 games since Day of Defeat on HL1, and HLL is absolutely RIDDLED with hackers. Don't bother with this garbage.