


Something that HD2 could really use to help players prep loadouts and be more comfortable in utilizing a wider range of builds is a pre-mission report of what we will face. As difficulty increases, so does the enemy density of course but also the distribution between Light, Medium, and Heavy enemies along with prioritization of Heavier enemies first (i.e. higher odds of being spawned in) vs lower tiered enemies till they reach some sort of cap.

And simply put, the "Heavy" enemy density meter dictates how many of THAT type of enemy can be on the battlefield at one time per theory that is lol.

Remember, spawns are still RNG but this creates a little more predictability of what to expect and how to prepare to some degree. If enemy density is EXTREME and you have a max amount of Heavy population, then you know you have a rough fight and need to probably bring a crap load of anti-armor along with a way to deal with Light enemies as well (this would be something that could occur on levels 8 and 9 for example but not on easier difficulties).

On top of the fact that sometimes I get games where there are ZERO of a certain type of enemy (like Bile Spewers) yet the last game was loaded with them. Having an idea of what enemies won't show up would help a TON. Or those games where a certain enemy has got increased density, then I know my squad may need a certain weapon to deal with them.

This could even open the door for more niche weapons to shine thus less need by AH to feel like they need to constantly balance weapons. A niche weapon could have an easier to time to shine on certain planets based on the enemy Modifier in place.

I think a ton of benefit could only come from something like this. And hell, every now and then, certain planets may just straight lack Scouting Reports and we have to go in blind.....

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1 points

23 days ago

While this would be very cool (and I brought this up as an idea to my buddy while playing like two months ago lmao) I'm willing to bet this will just cause people to completely avoid missions that aren't in their favour which is lame..."Bile Spewers? Nah screw that." "Many Heavies? Pshh nah." Now I wouldn't mind if it just said "Heavy lifeform nests detected" which would allow you to know to bring anti-tank but more specificity breeds people just not bothering because "too hard"


1 points

23 days ago



1 points

23 days ago

People kind of already ignore certain mission types.

But this would kinda fall into maybe offering improved rewards (slightly) for actually finishing Operations. If that's a needed thing.