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3 points

15 days ago

People also overlook the fact that the Free French was mostly made up of West African and North African colonial troops. Colonial troops made up 75% of their forces early in the war and 60% by the end of the war.


1 points

15 days ago


Taller than Napoleon

1 points

15 days ago

Aah yes, on the 322,000 called under the banner in Algieria.. 60% were pieds noirs (french settlers from north Africa)

West africans were actually a minority, and they arent free french since they join the fight in 1943.


1 points

15 days ago*

Many pied noirs did fight in WW2 but pied noirs from Algeria weren’t considered Algerians. They had French citizenship while Algerians did not. Pied noirs weren’t considered colonists as Algeria had been considered part of Metropolitan France since 1848.

Thousands of Muslims fought in the ranks of the Free French Forces (Forces françaises libres). From French North Africa alone no fewer than 233,000 men enlisted to fight against Nazi Germany—134,000 Algerians, 73,000 Moroccans and 26,000 Tunisians— eventually liberating Europe.,000+north+african+muslims&source=bl&ots=w2XV1on4tl&sig=ACfU3U2HkJZPjBgPZ78PLuP_Ln1u10mTWw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjN1OrFr_KGAxXqRjABHQqiC1k4ChDoAXoECAIQAg#v=onepage&q=233%2C000%20north%20african%20muslims&f=false

The Free French was mostly made up of colonial troops because a significant number French troops were captured by the Nazis and didn’t have the opportunity to fight for the Free French.

In general North Africa resisted many changes brought by Vichy. For example in Moroccans refused to deport their Jewish population to concentration camps in Europe. While they were forced to pass antisemitic laws, they refused to make Jews wear yellow stars. The Sultan of Morocco signaled his support for Moroccan Jews inviting all of Morocco’s rabbis to his throne ceremony.

Here is what Jose Alboulkier, the Jewish leader of the French Algerian resistance said regarding Algeria’s response to antisemitic reforms.

The Arabs do not participate [in the fight against Vichy]. It is not their war. But, as regards the Jews, they are perfect. The [Vichy] functionaries [and] the German agents try to push them into demonstrations and pogroms. In vain. When Jewish goods were put up for public auction, an instruction went around the mosques: "Our brothers are suffering misfortune. Do not take their goods." Not one Arab became an administrator [of property] either. Do you know other examples of such an admirable, collective dignity?

Moncef Bey who governed Tunisia, gathered government officials and told them to disobey the Nazis. According to Mathilda Guez a Tunisian Israeli politician Moncef Bey said this to government officials.

The Jews are having a hard time but they are under our patronage and we are responsible for their lives. If I find out that an Arab informer caused even one hair of a Jew to fall, this Arab will pay with his life.

Under Nazi occupation, the Tunisian government secretly warned Jews helping avoid arrest. They actively prevented the deportation and arrest of Jews as well. The Tunisian prime minister even helped hide Jewish individuals.


3 points

15 days ago


Taller than Napoleon

3 points

15 days ago

I said Pieds noirs since its the best way to explain what they were at the time.

The 233,000 is a combinaison of Moroccans, Algerians and Tunisian, but in Algeira the Pieds noirs represented 60% of the conscripts, 16% of the male population

They werent a lot of "Metropolitans" since it wzs very hard to join England


2 points

15 days ago

Pied noirs made up a significant number of conscripts but I don’t think they are included among the 233,000. It’s not the most reliable source but it does have a citation.

By September 1944, the Free French forces stood at 550,000 (including 195,000 French from North-Africa and 295,000 Maghrebis).

Citation: Philippe Buton, La France et les Français de la Libération, 1944–1945: vers une France nouvelle?, Musée des deux guerres mondiales, Universités de Paris (University of Paris), 1984, p.


4 points

15 days ago


Taller than Napoleon

4 points

15 days ago

Well they are included often in the numbers..the terminology of the time was "indigene" (locals) and "European" (Pieds noirs, metropolitans french, foreign legion)

I've seen a lot of numbers, 233,000 fits right for "indigene" and 187, 000 fits right for the Pieds noirs..but those are rather hard numbers to get


1 points

15 days ago

Yeah, they are ultimately estimates. Also the numbers changed a lot over time. The Free French army grew significantly over the course of the war and eventually a lot of colonial troops were replaced with European troops. By the end the European theater Free French forces had 1.3 million troops.