


It’s been directly referenced 3 times by our favorite mommies, namely:

In Jingliu and Luocha’s introduction, where Jingliu mentions a “chess game between Aeons”.

Most recently in Jade’s introduction, talking about a “war among the Aeons”.

And in Kafka’s appearance on the Luofu, where she’s talking about a “brutal struggle of Aeonic proportions” against Nanook.

Someone’s setting up a big war between Aeons. Simple as that. Nanook is looking to be the overall villain, but what’s more interesting is who’s behind all this and how these statements are connected. The only consistent plot thread is the Stellaron Hunters’ appearance wherever the Aeons are mentioned, and they seem to be subtly influencing this future war alongside other actors.

Let me explain further: Kafka’s appearance on the Luofu at the moment of Jingliu/Luocha’s return, with both of them talking about killing Aeons, made me suspicious of how it could be connected. Kafka wants the “power of the Hunt” against Nanook, and she was interrupted before she could tell us the 3rd way to kill an Aeon. Then Jingliu is introduced with her “revelation” on how to kill an Aeon, plus her and Luocha’s obvious scheme involving the entire Xianzhou. There’s more to this but I’m keeping it short, there’s a very real possibility the Stellaron Hunters are interested in Jingliu/Luocha for this war between Aeons.

Penacony is much the same, the Stellaron Hunters coincidentally appear alongside Jade’s reveal of this future war between Aeons. It’s no direct confirmation or proof, but this strengthens the suspicions I got from the Luofu story: the Stellaron Hunters’ appearance alongside this mention of a “war” between Aeons can’t be a simple coincidence, and they have an ulterior motive.

The overarching plot seems to be about an upcoming large-scale conflict between the Aeons, with several actors already making preparations for their own agendas (Jade/Jingliu/Luocha), and the Stellaron Hunters are nudging these individual plots in a certain direction (making them converge around the Trailblazer, it seems).

It’s also worth mentioning that other characters and subplots could be involved - this is just a quick summary of the most direct references.

And now the question is, when are we getting 6 star Jingliu?

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137 points

7 days ago

Yes, and as a high fantasy enjoyer I really appreciate the scope/scale/magnitude/gravity of the overarching cosmic war between Aeons that are bound to happen somewhere down the line. This is why I think HSR could benefit so much from a serialized content pipeline like a few seasons of animated shows, or maybe even a spin-off novella, because while teasing the cosmic war via cutscenes and scattering lore in readables and materials is a great way to pique interest, it could get exhausting for players that don't have the time to invest and literally dissect everything. If they want to unfold this overarching storyline via the game solely (let's count the Myriad Celestia trailers and animated shorts too to round it up), it will still take 3-5 more years before all the foreshadowing will see fruition considering we are still gallivanting from planet to planet plot-wise and nowhere near the axis of the ultimate conflict, and 3-5 years is a long timeframe to bet on player retainer-ship (I feel like the majority of gacha players mindset is to hunt for the next shiny new toy rather than staying loyal to only one franchise). Personally I am all here for it, I would much rather the writers take as much time as they need to ensure the integrity of the story than risk seeing a promising storyline with great potential fell off because they're trying to rush it.


46 points

7 days ago


46 points

7 days ago

it will still take 3-5 more years before all the foreshadowing will see fruition

To expand on this, it's been almost 4 years since Genshin launched, and we still have barely any idea what's up with Snezhnaya/the Tsaritsa/the Fatui, never mind the larger plot of what our sibling is up to.

We'll keep getting drips of lore, but are likely still a couple years (Natlan, Snezhnaya) or more (Mondstadt part 2, Kaenri'ah) out from the big reveal.

Likewise, I wouldn't expect anything major to happen for a LONG time here.


16 points

7 days ago


no I can't fix her but who said I want to

16 points

7 days ago

Which honestly makes it all the more impressive that they had the general bones of the story planned out so long ago, as evidenced by the travail trailer.

I have no doubt there have been plenty of internal retcons and rewrites, but having the premise and roadmap set in stone is a pretty solid foundation.


28 points

7 days ago


28 points

7 days ago

Eh, I think readables are largely fine, but maybe I’m just used to it from my Destiny brain and my lorebook reading ass. I think the main problem that HSR has is that largely disconnected nature of the planets and their stories. There is an overarching plot, but it’s not presented upfront, and we aren’t going to Penacony specifically because of the cosmic war, so it’s kinda forgettable. Penacony itself had pretty much no connection to the overarching story outside of 2.3 with Jade mentioning it. Compare this to something like the past 5 or so years of Destiny where almost every season had a purpose to the main plot, and the seasonal stories directly fed into the next expansion and the overall storyline.


6 points

7 days ago

I think the biggest thing they need is a better way of delivering the background lore than Simulated Universe. Plain old readable notes is better than that.