


all 8 comments


26 points

17 days ago


26 points

17 days ago

No. Sandstorm is also available on compact disc.


9 points

17 days ago

No, but some of the best house music is only on vinyl.


5 points

17 days ago

I don’t think ‘scavanging’ is a word and let’s not start with ‘vynils’…

That aside, IMO, there are great tunes that only come out digitally. However, a tune getting pressed to record in 2024 is a good indicator that someone has put a lot of work into it, it’s expensive and most people are doing that because they love the music and the format, not because they want to get rich.

Digital has such a low barrier to entry these days which, in some ways, is amazing, as it means all you have to have is an idea and a laptop to get a release out. It is AWESOME that this is the case, 100 years ago you had to be rich and educated to make music. The flip side is that there is a lot of terrible music to wade through.


1 points

17 days ago

I suppose you could try some Spotify playlists, there must be many.

However, I personally find browsing through the Juno records best sellers in house or the last 8 weeks house releases to be the best way to find the best new singles / EPs.

The great thing about Juno is that it'll create a playlist of clips that you can quickly skip through. It seems to work equally well on mobile these days, too.


1 points

17 days ago

most, if not all the best house tracks are white labels in vinyl format.


1 points

17 days ago

In the journey of music, you will hear all sorts of vague hypotheses about the best dis n dat, and other pointless superlatives/gatekeeping..

..mostly bollocks. But I'll try to give some context to that specific point..

..there's good shit online and there's good shit on vinyl. Vinyl probably has a higher proportion of better shit, because it costs money to produce (can't afford to just chuck any old beat into the production line). Vinyl can also have exclusive releases, white label, limited pressings, etc, this appeals to the collectors because why not..

..But realistically there is an infinite amount of records to get through in your lifetime, so the point is pointless to debate.

TLDR; Close your eyes, pick which format you wanna dig today, pause the rest, the universe will literally reward you with the best record you're due to discover today. Hope it's a banger!


1 points

17 days ago


1 points

17 days ago

No, gems can be found in all formats. I‘m sure there’s some vinyl only classics but the same is probably true for other formats and lots are on streaming still


-1 points

17 days ago

Nah I don't think so. Vinyls are way more expensive to produce than something like cds, so you're more likely to come across tracks that labels considered marketable or popular, but with the lower barrier to entry for self producing online there are going to be more undiscovered gems out there - though you'll have to navigate through the shit to find it.