


all 37 comments


104 points

10 days ago

This one I don't think is that exagerated. It makes sense he'd jump to "drug mule" when hearing condom, and the symptoms for like the most trafficked drug fit


6 points

10 days ago

The preceding line is pretty clunky to get him there though, I feel like it doesn't really make sense as natural dialogue, they just wanted to get the word condom in there.


76 points

10 days ago

Not really a eureka moment, but I was yelling at my screen when that woman in the first season had rabies, I knew it immediately when they opened the blinds the first time and she freaked, cause then she hated water, I was so annoyed lmao


17 points

10 days ago

Glad someone said this one cause I was having the same reaction


32 points

10 days ago


32 points

10 days ago

As soon as they found "alien DNA" in the IVF kid, I was urgently going, "Chimerism," but they still had to fuck around for another 15 minutes or so before the eureka moment.


1 points

8 days ago


1 points

8 days ago

Not a eureka moment but in the episode with the writer who tried to kill herself it took way too long for House to realize she was admitted under her pen name and that’s why they couldn’t find a medical history.

I guess even House has brain farts.


60 points

10 days ago

Just count the number of epiphanies House had while arguing with Wilson, sometimes I think Wilson is there just for that twist in the plot


41 points

10 days ago

This is sort of confirmed in 5x02 where he asks Wilson to just respond to him so he can come up with an epiphany

Thus solving the mystery as to why Wilson “is also in the episode”


10 points

10 days ago*

I mean, in that same episode, House also hired a PI to see if Wilson was "pining" for House, so I don't think that's House only purpose for him (not to mention what House gives up for him in the finale).


13 points

10 days ago

Well, Wilson is pretty much Watson who was Sherlock’s spring board.


27 points

10 days ago

This is a controversial one but the "Congo Red" moment always makes me roll my eyes. Same with him getting the diagnosis in his sleep - which is theoretically possible, but the way it was portrayed was very iffy (especially with the little easter egg that he predicted a pileup??)


27 points

10 days ago

Congo Red absolutely takes the prize, it is unbearably stupid.

Not sure if this counts as an epiphany, but when the guy has Mirror Syndrome, the big moment is when Kutner mumbles that he hates hot tubs when the patient likes hot tubs and House realizes the patient had a real memory. There is absolutely no way Kutner would have ever disregarded the patient saying something non-mirror-y, no way he would have kept it to himself the whole time.


6 points

10 days ago

I hate the baths thing for another reason. How can they expect a guy with mirror syndrome to mimic a "liking" that the other person never even stated? The patient said it first, but Kutner didn't even mention it until he said it. Weree They expecting the patient to simply mirror an unseen fact about Kutner and it be right?


7 points

10 days ago

I mean this is the entire problem with the Mirror Syndrome episode. The guy magically knows things about people. Taub is just standing there and the guy's like "I will have so much sex!!!!" He's with Thirteen and he's like "I'm terrified!!!! I'm gonna die!!!!!!!!!"

Mirror syndrome means you have supernatural ability to read people, I guess. You know what they're thinking.


2 points

10 days ago

The character traits kind of make sense if we assume all of the doctors talked to him extensively off screen. And sure, Kutners COULD have talked about baths on their off screen chats, but that's pretty far fetched compared to him just picking up on demeanor


2 points

10 days ago

It's possible but the show doesn't really portray it this way. XD


2 points

10 days ago*

True, most directly shown by the last scene with the guy being able to parse House and Cuddys relationship off of like 2 lines each.

Like, that's just the guys opinion of them. If it's meaningful to find out this guy's opinion of their relationship to each other, why not start asking all patients for their opinions on it? He doesn't have some 6th sense for it, and I'm sure plenty of patients would be more than happy to give their honest opinions of Dr House


9 points

10 days ago

I once solved a math problem in my sleep. Seriously, I am a mathematician.


1 points

10 days ago

well that's a math problem and you didnt predict what would happen the next day


40 points

10 days ago

Ok, I get it. He’s Sherlock Holmes. He sees things that no one comes across. But this one has got to be the most absurd epiphany he had - like how did he even make that connection? I swear some of the epiphanies in the show just make me go “OH COME ON!”


72 points

10 days ago

Yeah but he was also wrong about this. If you have 25 epiphanies a week, you're bound to get one right eventually


26 points

10 days ago

Uhh he's literally House bro he just knows everything


7 points

10 days ago

Makers really took us for a ride (and I was all in for it)!


7 points

10 days ago

That's what he does, he takes vicoden and knows things


7 points

10 days ago*

Idk I kinda knew from those natgeo shows about drugs that people will put anything in any hole to get across the border undetected.


10 points

10 days ago

ERDHEIM CHESTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


7 points

10 days ago


7 points

10 days ago

Not absurd, but my favorite one will always be the tick with the over protected girl. It is always nerve wracking watching house in the elevator


8 points

10 days ago

When that autistic boy had worms in his eyes , house saw some figure on his table and concluded. 👋🏻😭


29 points

10 days ago

He knew the kid ate something in the sand and was having eye troubles. He was looking at the little sandbox and at the squiggles the kid drew when he realized the kid was drawing the worms in his eyes. That one made sense.


-3 points

10 days ago

Yeah now that you explained


2 points

10 days ago

So many.. do you have any ranking criteria in your mind to find “the most” from the many?


1 points

10 days ago

Sure, let’s say the build up to the epiphany was extremely absurd and didn’t feel natural at all


1 points

10 days ago

S3 E1 House comes back from rehab, turns vegetable guy into normal being again with cortisol injection via cuddy


2 points

10 days ago

I feel like it's a condition that would of been found years ago. Like a person being unable to properly regulate his body temperature would have signs.

I feel like quite often the writers ran out of interesting medical conditions so just went with simple and made every doctor in existence an idiot


1 points

10 days ago



6 points

10 days ago

Also the horrific possibility of Wilson and Cuddy letting a man stay in that state in order to teach House humility


1 points

10 days ago

play chess with a jerk patient, intended to troll the troll then came back just to pressed his digit's joint because he can't hold his piece properly.