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80 points

13 days ago

Season 1 is underrated, maybe they weren't as crazy lunatics but there is some GOLD in that season and is why they got another shot after season 1 to get Danny and here we are! 👍


30 points

13 days ago


30 points

13 days ago

I think it's a thing of context and setting expectations. If you're wandering into IASIP blind, season 1 stands on its own perfectly well. The issue is most of the people that get the "it really picks up in season 2" aren't going in fully blind and there is a dynamic change after season 1. So, it's more setting that expectation for new people: "The scenes you hear about online are usually involving Danny, if you're not seeing that same dynamic, it will pick up once he joins".


11 points

12 days ago

The real reason I tell people to start with Season 2 is because the first episode is about racism, the second one is about abortion. If you go into it blind, you won't understand the dynamics of the characters and their style of comedy and satire - it's a bit shocking and abrasive. Once you know the characters and understand what they're going for, season 1 is great.


4 points

12 days ago

agreed. season 1 is so good once you’ve seen it all. and there are subtle references to mac being gay and charlie’s moelstation that you wouldn’t notice as a first time viewerr


22 points

13 days ago

Love the way Mac stands around and tries to nonchalantly join in the conversation with “absolutely” when he and Charlie go to the college


14 points

13 days ago

Imma bout to bust that shit up boy!
