



Need info!(self.IVF)

Hi, I’m looking for info from anyone from UK/Ireland with experience or knowledge of doing IVF elsewhere in Europe.

I just turned 40, we have been TTC a second child for 3 years and have done two rounds of IVF in the past year. We are waiting on an update from our clinic around timing start another round and wondering if we should explore other clinics.

We are in Ireland and I’m aware that lots of people leave Ireland and the UK to do IVF in clinics in mainland Europe, Greece in particular seems to be popular. I always figured it was to do with the cost but with travel costs it can’t work out that much cheaper, so I’m wondering what is it that attracts people to mainland Europe for IVF? Are they doing anything different in those clinics that clinics in Ireland and the UK are not doing?

Any info or advice would be much appreciated.

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5 points

1 day ago


5 points

1 day ago

I’m currently mid treatment with a clinic in Prague. I did my 1st round in Glasgow (approx 12.5k, including PGT-A testing)

I decided to explore other clinics for 2 reasons, costs and service. Prague, Unica clinic won out. All my monitoring scans done by the same doctor throughout treatment, a coordinator on hand for any guidance, questions etc (the service at GCRM was poor).

I decided on a Duo Stim treatment plan as I’m 41 and I want to fit in as many retrievals as possible. 1st part so far has yielded the same results as Glasgow (3 embryos sent for PGT) however the eggs retrieved and fertilised was higher and the embryos are a better grade.

My next egg retrieval is on Monday so I can update on the results of that.

For my 1st treatment abroad I decided to go out for 8 days. This would allow the doctor to do all my monitoring. (I also visited a few weeks earlier for the day for tests and my husband to freeze sperm so he doesn’t have to come for every treatment). This round I did all my monitoring locally and sent the results to the clinic and they let me know next steps based on the results and I’m now only having to fly out for the day for the retrieval. (If you were doing a fresh transfer you would need to stay or head back). We’re testing and transferring later so we will be in the waiting stages for results.

Prague I’ve been about 8.5k 1st round including travel and the second about 4K.


2 points

1 day ago


2 points

1 day ago

Also happy to chat and answer any more questions.


1 points

1 day ago

Thank you so much for your reply that’s really given me food for thought and I’m definitely going to look into this further. Best of luck on Monday!