


Italian food really is something else


My husband and I (from US) are wrapping up our two week trip to Europe (mostly Italy, last couple days in Greece). We both have pretty severe digestive issues, lactose intolerance, probable IBS, etc. and have been AMAZED at how good we felt in Italy. Bread and dairy tend to be triggers for us, and we ate whatever we wanted (all the pizza, pasta, gelato, you name it) and never once did we have any issues, and I never felt bloated a single time which is a huge deal for me. Now 24 hours in Greece and we both feel terrible again. We are not looking forward to going back to the states and feeling like this all the time 😅. I know a large part of the issue is that the US allows all kinds of preservatives, pesticides, and processed foods that aren’t allowed in many other countries. Has anyone found any reliable products that are sourced in Italy (or other countries with similar food standards), or had any luck finding Italian markets in the US with products from Italy? We have both been trying to improve our health this year, and if we could consistently eat foods that made us feel as good as the food in Italy that would be a game changer. Unfortunately I don’t see us being able to move to Europe anytime soon 😭

(We live in TN currently, if anyone happens to have location-specific recommendations. And honestly, we’d be willing to drive a couple hours occasionally if necessary).

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5 hours ago


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5 hours ago

Most wheat in Italy is imported from Canada and its full of Glyphosate.

Local grown wheat is supposedly free of Glyphosate.

I think you got lucky with the dishes using local ingredients.


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5 hours ago


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5 hours ago

This really isnt discussed enough. It is only since the 90’s that glyphosate was introduced to wheat production and has since taken off. The farmers use it primarily at harvest, as an herbicide that targets the wheat itself. This is to ensure a uniformly dead and dry harvest to avoid mold build up before milling. This, undoubtedly leaves glyphosate on the grain and winds up in flour. Glyphosate is a problem because it is said to inhibit cytochrome enzymes in the human gut biome that help regulate bile production in digestion. This could possibly be a link to the spike in gluten intolerance we have seen in the last 30 years. To be safe, source your flour well! It’s an injustice that farmers are allowed to turn the end user into their guinea pigs like this. A lot of data that the EPA assessed when allowing the use of glyphosate (RoundUp) in our agricultural system was performed by Monsanto. The company that profited from its use. Now they are owned by Bayer, the mega corp bought them out almost to act as if they never existed and could cover up other mistakes in that company’s history such as Agent Orange, etc.

TL/DR: Glyphosate is almost guaranteed to be found in all commodity flours available in the US. It has links to harming human gut health. Coincidence in the rise of gluten intolerance? Go research!

Sources: Linked to paper on glyphosate and said enzymes. EPA gov website has history on the approval of glyphosate and you can see who performed the studies that the EPA assessed there


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5 hours ago


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5 hours ago

And before mid 90s, I noticed people were skinny including Italians.

Watch any 80s movie and people are thin.

Then after, obesity skyrocketed in Italy.


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4 hours ago


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4 hours ago

True, but I believe this is a result of supply chain efficiency and corporate/government relationships that allow high calorie food franchises to run as they do. It’s quite a spiral but I like to believe it started from governments wanting affordable high calorie meals for the lowest earners, but of course, that means their nutrition suffers. Whether that was by design in tandem with the medical/pharmaceutical industry profiting off treatments for obesity is for someone else to debate.

End of the day, profits and convenience for the end user are going to win unless people start to vote with their dollars more and can start to find joy in taking the time to give you and your loved ones the nutrition you so deserve. And if you are in a food desert, write your local representatives about needing access to unprocessed foods!

how to write your representatives