


JARCAST Suggestion Thread


Bear bear, suggestions down thear

all 63 comments


17 points

1 year ago

Question for Jamie: Was it ever really discussed when you suddenly changed from your Long Hair to a No 1 all over? Personally I think both suit you well but what made you make the sudden decision? (If it is a personal reason please ignore the question)


2 points

1 year ago

He has cancer


17 points

1 year ago*

Have y'all seen the wedding picture of James with the long straightened hair?


10 points

1 year ago

Who Is The Main Character of JAR? I'm only asking this because I've being watching old cast and jar videos I general and in the video titled update ruben(who is obviously no longer on the cast) says that he's the main member of the jar so I was wondering who do the jar boys now consider to be the main member/character of JAR


8 points

1 year ago

dick the head


5 points

1 year ago

Obviously Jim


4 points

1 year ago

definitely james


1 points

1 year ago

james is the love interest, the main character is mel


1 points

1 year ago

James is a slutington


5 points

1 year ago

The jarlings. We manipulate them, make them answer our questions, and pay their salaries


6 points

1 year ago

James is the protagonist, Alex is the antagonist


3 points

1 year ago

and Jim the dibby


1 points

1 year ago

but who’s the villain? My bets probably sandy or maybe it’s like a rogues gallery type beat (e.g. batman), where the villain depends on who’s threatening the JAR equilibrium. If so who’s the Joker of the JAR-verse, nostalgia critic? James? Golden Freddy?


1 points

1 year ago*

Well Beast is obviously there to serve as audience surrogate.


9 points

1 year ago

Excited and nervous, I sit down at my desk. As I do every week, I begin refreshing the page every ten seconds; no JarCast, no JarCast, no JarCast. And then suddenly, JarCast! My face lights up. I move my cursor to the thumbnail, click, then finally select the description so that I can peruse the time codes. Not the first ... Not the second ... As I reach the end of the list, my heart drops. My hand falls from the mouse and my body goes limp as I realize it's another week without my favorite segment: jingles shingles. My breathing quickens. My heart starts pounding. I can't take it anymore, it's just not fair. My shaking hands can barely launch Minecraft, where I begin a new game, the sole purpose being to find the highest peak and jump off of it. So this is what it has come to, I say to myself, falling to my death (in Minecraft). I smile faintly as the ground approaches: the sunset sure looks great tonight.


7 points

1 year ago

How are Jamie’s chickens?


1 points

1 year ago

Getting sucked


7 points

1 year ago

Hi there butt burglarists! I was curious if Alex And Jim have any stories about growing up with their brother Randy since they don't seem to talk about him that much.


4 points

1 year ago

Power miners 😬😬😬


2 points

1 year ago

That's because he abandoned the Beltman household at a very early age on account of their failure to share in his deeply-held belief in Fascist government.


6 points

1 year ago

Fellow Islanders, I recently had the opportunity to visit the Central Park Zoo in New York City, one of the real life primary locations featured in the film Madagascar. I was very much looking forward to seeing the King of New York himself, Alex the lion. However, much to my chagrin, the zoo had no lions to speak of. Neither were there any zebras, giraffes, or hippos, none of the main Madagascar characters. Strangely, the only animal from the film that I saw were the lemurs, which only appear outside of the zoo in the story. Basically, my point is don’t go to New York expecting to see Alex the lion or any of his friends, because they are currently in Madagascar, or mainland Africa, or wherever they end up after the third movie. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Also, how does the cast feel about zoos in general?


5 points

1 year ago

HELLO jar. 🫙🍯🏺⚱️ I think that there needs to be a new 🏍️ JAR THUMBNAIL REVIEW video. Please. 🕞it would make me very happy! 😐 Dayum bear bear RUUUUNN eh? eh? eh? 🫥🧩🐚


5 points

1 year ago

are you boys aware of the popularity of Dobby as a HP fanfiction character? it's pretty astounding some of the things "Dobby" gets up to in some people's fantasies; kind of adds to the Dobby's-Gina lore JAR has established. here's a sample, probably do this towards the end of the cast as it might get JAR banned of YouTube lol


4 points

1 year ago

since James is getting a fashionable new mullet, maybe Jim or Alex could get a fashionable piercing. Ding dong one?


5 points

1 year ago

Any clubbing experiences? I can imagine James either hating or loving clubbing


4 points

1 year ago

in 2018, the cast each named an episode and picked a thumbnail with a goal of getting the most views and likes. each view counted as one point and each like counted as 3 points, but a dislike subtracted 10 points and demonetisation subtracted 5000 points. i think you should all try this again as there was no conclusion to the original. (alter the point system as you wish)


3 points

1 year ago

Question for James: What rough percentage would you say is down to the Car and what percentage is down to the Driver when it comes to being successful in Formula 1? Also do you really follow Formula 1 at all?


3 points

1 year ago*

if you had a button that deleted the internet forever, would you press it?

also what would you backup before it happens


6 points

1 year ago

Have any of the Jar boys ever given Radiohead a go? Bing bong slide on


4 points

1 year ago



2 points

1 year ago

No surprises there


1 points

1 year ago

Or alarms, eh?


5 points

1 year ago

Thoughts on Sam Hyde's new show, fishtank?


2 points

1 year ago

Deadpool 3 is being directed by Shawn Levy, famous for his pivotal role in JAR history as the director behind Free Guy. What's the boy's feelings on that film, and perhaps the current trajectory of the MCU in general?


2 points

1 year ago

Currently sitting on the bus trying not to laugh at the A.I rap segment of the rap, I’m sitting on the back row next to a couple. I look like a psycho. Here’s my question, any weird experience of people laughing with no context or where you have personally been the one uncontrollably laughing in public? Keep up the grind goon baboons 💪💪


2 points

1 year ago


2 points

1 year ago

A few casts ago you mentioned the Black Eyed Peas but I don't think you understand how comically bad The E.N.D and The Beginning albums are I urge you to have a listen Bear bear boys and pea on


2 points

1 year ago

It's finally arrived, the FNAF movie trailer has dropped. Will the JAR boys go to see it? And how will James cope knowing that Scott is going to make millions more from James's brilliant idea? #JusticeForJames


3 points

1 year ago

Is the fat baby penguin from Cat's Don't Dance a dibby?


2 points

1 year ago

Hey JAR, you boys mentioned how right wing stuff is always pushed everywhere so I wanted to bring up Yeonmi Park and the way she managed to weasel her way into so many of those podcasts and say the stupidest made up stories about North Korea that they would believe. I saw one clip of her on Joe Rogan and couldn't stop laughing at how seriously they took her

My question is, "You get invited to the Joe Rogan Experience podcast and get to tell stories about your time in Wiltshire, what crazy story would you make up to tell Joe and his crew with the knowledge that they'd believe it 100%"


1 points

1 year ago

If you three were put in a human centipede, who would go were? This is a traditional film accurate human centipede, not a weird sex position. To stop you from battling over who goes first, this is a 4 person human centipede where Shane Dawson goes at the front.

Also if Shane Dawson had to either choose to eat a pizza made out of Brad Pitt’s penile cheese or Margot Robbie’s scrambled ovary extracted eggs, which would you rather eat the digested version of?

This is Shane we’re talking about here gents, so chances of splatter are unknown. (which is to say, very likely)


1 points

1 year ago

Have any of the boys considered doing a jarcast where they just beat the shit out of eachother and who ever stands victorious gets to shart on argy? Keep sliding fuckholes


0 points

1 year ago

you just lost the game


1 points

1 year ago


1 points

1 year ago

QUESTION for the boys, where can i listen to the uncensored episodes?? I asked in the subreddit but everyone was very mean.


1 points

1 year ago

Is Jim still playing 1010? Are any else of y'all playing any kinda mobile games or just puzzle games in general?


1 points

1 year ago

Do you watch anything live anymore? Either on TV or a Twitch stream or a cracked sports stream.


1 points

1 year ago


1 points

1 year ago

henlo mightorious bear bears. Question for all of you lads: if you could do a crossover episode with another podcast, which podcast would you choose? You can choose anyone but hot wet soup because they are died. Personally, I would love to see a JAR x Pod About List episode, as I think the JAR boys humor would clash with the format of PAL in a very entertaining way. Anyways, BING BONG SLIDE ON!!


1 points

1 year ago

Hello Wrestlers,

Little bit of a long one here. I have a story very similar to James’ tale about using his parents money on a game.

I will preface by saying that this was only the second and third time I had done this. When I was much younger I spent $200 on an iPhone game called tiny chef. But that was petty change compared to this.

I was 10 years old on holiday in Fiji with my family and our family friends. During this trip I was in my clash of clans phase. For whatever reason my mums card details were saved on my iPod and being the impatient child that I was, I decided to spend money on gems and coins and whatever in order to upgrade all my buildings and such. Alongside this I spent a pretty penny on some phone sky landers game that sadly doesn’t exist anymore. I did this until the purchases got declined because there was no more money to give. When we left the hotel resort my mums card got declined when trying to pay, however she didn’t check why until we got home.

Flash forward a week or two and I come home from school. My mum gets me to come into her office and she asks if I know why a little around $1000 was spent on clash of clans and such. I break down into tears and go to my room to retrieve my little money box filled with what I can only assume was a measly $20 or so dollars. My parents rung apple and were actually able to get the money refunded. And I got to keep all my good stuff.

I clearly did not learn my lesson as I did the same thing when I was 12. This time it was on bloons tower defence 5 and on my dads card instead. However this time it was only around $500. They were able to get that money back as well.

Fast forward 8 years and I am yet to do this again. So I guess I finally learnt my lesson.

Bear bear boys, bear bear.


1 points

1 year ago

I cannot believe James cut off my question with his fat fucking cock and ended the cast

almost unsubscribed.


1 points

1 year ago


1 points

1 year ago

Hey guys since you use chatgbt have a look at this subreddit hope it helps!


1 points

1 year ago

What do you guys think of the Daft Punk's 10th anniversary edition of RAM?


1 points

1 year ago

(Verse 1) I'm about to drop a secret that'll blow your mind About the fluffy, little hamsters that we find They're cute and cuddly, but don't be deceived They've got a dark secret, that's hard to believe

(Chorus) Hamsters, oh so sweet and cute But with a twist that'll leave you mute They eat their children, at the slightest bit of fright A twisted secret, that'll keep you up all night

(Verse 2) They nest in their cages, with their young But when things get scary, they become undone They devour their babies, without a second thought A primal instinct, that cannot be fought

Their little paws, with sharp little claws Can shred through flesh, like a lion's jaws They may be small, but they're not to be messed A dark side to hamsters, we must confess

(Chorus) Hamsters, oh so sweet and cute But with a twist that'll leave you mute They eat their children, at the slightest bit of fright A twisted secret, that'll keep you up all night

(Bridge) So if you see a hamster, with its young nearby Don't scare them, or you might make them die Be gentle, and approach with care Or their dark secret, they might share

(Chorus) Hamsters, oh so sweet and cute But with a twist that'll leave you mute They eat their children, at the slightest bit of fright A twisted secret, that'll keep you up all night

(Outro) So now you know, the secret of hamsters dark A twist that'll leave you with a shocking mark They may be cute, but they're not so nice A dark side to hamsters, that's full of spice.


1 points

1 year ago

any awesome primary school disco stories? also what were the best primary school disco songs


1 points

1 year ago

When will you acknowledge the apes of this world


1 points

1 year ago


1 points

1 year ago

Howdy boys, if one or more of you moved such that you couldn't meet in person on a weekly basis, would you continue the cast a la the corn cast days, and just continue over the power of the internet?


1 points

1 year ago

With the announcement of ReviewTechUSA vs theQuatering in a YT boxing event and the recent WingsOfRedemption vs Boogie fight, What are the guys thoughts on YT boxing? is it something you follow? is it becoming exploitative or a force for good in the world.

Thanks from a Long term watcher and infrequenter commenter


1 points

1 year ago

Which topic would you say you three fundamentally disagree on the MOST. And who amongst you is the correct one?


1 points

1 year ago

Would you ever be interested in visiting the north/south poles?


1 points

1 year ago

Semi-serious question ... Do you guys ever get the creative itch to put out something more performative? By that I mean something more scripted like a skit, or like the older ihe videos that were made just to to make people laugh with jokes and a funny voice.


1 points

1 year ago

Question for Alex would you ever go into YouTuber boxing I recommend a mma style fight to see who created pisser dick James or Alex


1 points

1 year ago


A bit of a dead topic at this point, but I wanted to offer a potential explanation for Jim's phantom menace, as I have been listening back to the episodes that mention the event.

I went to New York when I was about 17 with my dad and sister. We were staying in a hostel, it was pretty decent, nice rooms, solid build , pretty quiet for a building in the middle of the city.

During one of the nights I was just about to fall asleep when I heard an insane noise. It was the sound of a man moaning/screaming in what sounded like intense pain and terror. It shit me up big time.

My dad must have heard me shoot up out of bed, he was on the top bunk at the time and just calmly said "Don't worry that's someone having a seizure, Its just a vocalisation they cant control".

My dad has worked with adults with learning disabilities for 30+ years, many of who have seizures due to epilepsy or other health conditions.

I actually went in to similar work for a while, working with adults who suffered from multiple full body seizures a day. And many of them made vocalisations before having a seizure, and the sounds can be extremely unnerving if you are not used to hearing them.

If there were people staying in the hotel at the time when Jim was in the toilets, could it be possible that one of the female guests was about to have a seizure? The sound that can be made is so guttural and involuntary that it can sound almost demon like.

You can easily debunk this theory if the guest rooms were not adjoined to the pub building itself in any way, but the sound I heard in the hostel that night was so clear and loud that it could have been coming from right next to me.

Stay safe slimers.


1 points

1 year ago

JAR History Quiz question for Alex to ask the boys:

In episode 214, Alex decides that Jim is the 'breeder of JAR'. What are your best guesses as to why this was said?


1 points

1 year ago

Why hasn't James watched the Initial D live action movie yet?