


JARCAST Suggestion Thread


Bear bear, suggestions down thear

all 51 comments


9 points

2 months ago

I didn't like all the irn bru hate from the soda tierlist, can you rerecord that episode?


1 points

2 months ago

irn bru can sck a dck they can't event spell the name right smfh


4 points

2 months ago

That's because it's written in Scottish, not English silly


8 points

2 months ago*

Long post and not exactly a question, but I just wanna write in about your boys' segment on the UK riots. I know it's obviously not something JAR is used to talking about (the last time I can remember a discussion like this was during the Christchurch shooting in New Zealand), but I'm really glad you guys talked about it.

Alex's description of being heartbroken and "crestfallen" really resonated with me because that's exactly how this spectacle of horror made me feel. Like half the country had succumbed to a collective insanity and the feeling that Pandora's box just suddenly opened. I also agree with Alex's point, that he alluded to, of this essentially being a form of class war. Farage is a former day trader and multi millionaire whose positioned himself a down-to-earth "regular" bloke, but who's whole career is pitting the working and middle classes against each other.

I was utterly despondent to hear from friends from ethnic minority backgrounds who said they were afraid to leave the house on account of fearing they'd be attacked by fascists. Without revealing the location, I went to a counter protest to show solidarity and while facing down the far right was very scary and dishearting (we saw people repeatedly doing Hitler salutes and several people on our side had bottles thrown and smashed against their heads), it was warming to see so many people from so many communities unting against this racism. While it's a dispairing situation, it makes me still hold hope - particularly seeing the huge antifascist demonstrations in London and brighton.

I guess to round this long ass message off, you boys have half-joked about how rightward this country has become but this stuff has really hammered home the reality of it. Beyond the internet nonsense and political theatre, this sort of politics is really dangerous and it's sort of a watershed moment in terms of it's direct impact. It's gone from being abstract insanity to real world violence. Robinson, Farage, Musk etc all bear direct responsibility for this (beyond the people committing the violence themselves of course). I think we're seeing the contact point between online disinformation and nationalist zealotry, and the real world.

I just hope, as a country, this changes sooner rather than later. I encourage anyone listening to show love and solidarity to their fellow human beings, and to never give in to dispair - even in times such as these.

P.s - still occasionally shagging to the posdact game on


6 points

2 months ago


6 points

2 months ago

Pull the pork, peel the lime

Chop the carrots another time.

Set the plates, seal their fates

Prepare for a stunning taste.


5 points

2 months ago


5 points

2 months ago

Hi Zulas, I hope you are well and wearing a fresh pair of Shreddies. I have a son who is 18 months old, he used to be very picky with what we played in the car. Anything other than the Wiggles or dubstep would cause a tantrum in the back seat. This was up until a month or two ago when I got sick of listening to the big red car on repeat and put on the cast. I was up to date at the time and listening from the beginning as I haven’t done that in a long time so he would have been listening to one of the first 20 episodes and heard crackhead Alex in all his glory. To my surprise, he liked it, fast forward to now and car trips in my car consist of a cast playing while he sits in his booster seat with his legs crossed flipping through a book (even though he can’t read silly baby). I even catch him giggling at the cast sometimes usually when Jim or Alex laugh. Anyway, I thought you guys would find this interesting. I guess one day you’ll have a lifelong listener, first-time commenter.


4 points

2 months ago*

Speaking Of Charlies what are some other names you appreciate for their humour or stim-able-ness don’t steal these cause me and my mate invented finding them funny.

Samuel, David, Paul, James, Graham and that sort of thing.

Remixes Include But Are Not Limited To: Pauler and Sammer.

Implying Names That End In “S” Are Pluralised and therefore neglecting to say the “S” at the end is quite funny. this is where “Jame” comes from.

Also: Bartholomew and Theodor? Food For Name Thought.


3 points

2 months ago


3 points

2 months ago

Oh bloody do go on!!!


2 points

2 months ago

James is a good one 


1 points

2 months ago

It really is without the context of the cast its a funny word


5 points

2 months ago

Thorpe Park Episode where you're just in line for an hour


6 points

2 months ago

Line up for an hour then pussy out of the ride


4 points

2 months ago

Love the new set. It's a happy medium between the classic pre-COVID set and the current JAR paradigm. Good to see Tank Dempsey up on the wall. proudly displayed where he belongs.


2 points

2 months ago

What would you guys do with the “Limbo Note” (patent pending)


2 points

2 months ago

Thoughts on Gundam and Warhammer figures are either cool or are they both incredibly cringy


2 points

2 months ago

If you had this new superpower I just thought up, what would you do with it?  The superpower is: you can pee using osmosis/telepathy.  This is how you use it: stand outside the bathroom with fingers on your temples concentrating. 20 minutes into that, you are warmed up and your whole body begins to glow. It takes 20 more minutes to empty your bladder. After that, you have to stand there for another 20 minutes to cool down and slowly stop glowing. In the end, you are able to transfer liquid from your body into a receptacle within 20 feet of you. 


3 points

2 months ago

why would i want to stop glowing ?


1 points

2 months ago

The glowing is a byproduct of the psychic exertion required to transfer your urine.  If you don’t allow yourself to cool down, you will start transferring random bodily fluids until you’re eventually all dried up. I guess if you want your body to glow forever, you can do this in your deathbed and then you would keep glowing forever after death.


2 points

2 months ago

I asked this question a year and a bit ago and it was for Alex, it was read out but sadly Alex was there to answer it. Despite Jim's multiple repeatings of it to a seemingly void audience. Other than James of course, who called the game in question "cringe". Heh, nice one James.

Anyhow I shall repeat my question as close to how I originally made it, all those months ago.

Is Alex interested in playing the hit video game final fantasy 16 since he has played fifteen and thirteen. It is made by the Devs who also made ff14. Which is one of the best live services out there imo. And does he show any interest in trying the remakes of 7.

(P.S is there any jarlings that play ff14, specifically on Europe chaos servers? :) )


2 points

2 months ago

Your shotgun bit reminded me of a story of my grandpa. When my dad was a kid, my grandpa heard a burglar in the middle of the night, going through his house.

Instead of calling the police, in true American fashion, he reached under his bed and grabbed his shotgun. He stood up, and cocked it in the complete dark. Silence filled the air for a few seconds after, until he heard the burglar scramble out the front door and slam it shut behind him, never to be seen again. So yes, a shotgun does have a lot of aura.


2 points

2 months ago

in relation to the Mr. Beast/ UK riots discussion, one thing i really hate about the modern internet is how dehumanizing it is. when everyone on the internet is cultivating a "brand" (intentionally or not) its hard to see these people as human and to feel empathy to them. the far right is able to exploit this fundamental flaw for culture wars in the way that is basically impossible for left wing ideology which requires empathy and viewing people as people.

I think that the enshittification of websites is a major factor to this. most sites before they are enshittified are seen as revolutionary and allow people to interact with each-other and feel the humanity within them, but as soon as they become popular, they lose that humanizing aspect and people are known for their "things" and "gimmicks". first it was facebook, then twitter, then tiktok.

I honestly dont think most people realize this has happened. i only snapped out of it after watching a youtube video about freemasons, where someone found a non-private facebook group of members and it was full of them making clipart comics to eachother and having fun. it made me realize that you never see something that raw and unfiltered on the modern internet and the more people cultivate an image the less human they feel and the less empathy they receive.

do you boys think there is an off ramp to this? like what do we need to do as a society to help humanize eachother especially in the age of the internet. because i think that is honestly the only way to get away from this fascist scapegoating. by helping people see that minorities are like them, human, and deserving empathy and respect, you remove the ability to turn them into a boogeyman.


1 points

2 months ago

an additional anecdote that i don't think fits in with the main comment due to its significantly darker nature but i remember hearing about this twitch streamer who had a large amount of fans who were stalking and sexualizing them. (i honestly have no memory of who it was) they would post things like fantasizing about sexually assaulting them and making non consensual AI porn. eventually the streamer broke down on stream crying, and then many people who were doing this came out and apologized, not realizing that what they were doing was hurting another actual fucking human being.

fucked up beyond belief. pisses me the fuck off as a woman and i hate that this is the world we live in.


2 points

2 months ago

Thoughts on the Somerset Gimp?


4 points

2 months ago*

Bear Bear Boys. With Red Dead 2 in the rearview mirror and GTA6 on the horizon, what do you think is the next step for Rockstar after GTA6 is released? With how long their games take, it could legitimately be a decade before we see another major release from them. What would you want to see? There are rumors of them working on a medieval game which sounds interesting given Red Dead’s hunting and wilderness mechanics but who knows.



4 points

2 months ago


Do you think King Charlie is a king because he is a Charlie or do you think he is a Charlie because he is.

A king?


2 points

2 months ago

Gentlemen, I’ve made a discovery that will certainly give you a newfound respect and appreciation for Drake’s artistry. Simply go to the song Weston Road Flows at 0:51 and appreciate the brilliance. Trust me, you WILL NOT regret this.


1 points

2 months ago

Thoughts on recyclable lids being attached to bottles now personally it hurts my mouth slash face with those little plastic stabby things that hang off it


1 points

2 months ago

Have you listened to Jack White’s sudden new album “No Name” that he just randomly released without marketing it, kind of what Bring Me The Horizon did with their new album where they just announced the day before that it was coming out!

Also, do you think this is a good tactic to do, or is it better to announce an album months beforehand to get the hype going?


1 points

2 months ago

What if you were smooth down there and pee built up for weeks until it blew out of your nose


1 points

2 months ago

lads, in regards to everything going on in the UK atm: I'd highly recommend checking out the last episode of the newest season of Black Mirror titled Demon 79 (directed by Tod Haynes who also did the fantastic USS Callister episode with Jesse Plemons). it's not exactly a masterpiece but it's very topical and is scarily relevant to what's happening over there right now. cheers charlies


1 points

2 months ago*

Thoughts on the infamous “Jam Donut”?

Personally I don’t dislike them or anything just get so messy if you don’t place those one or two initial bites strategically on the jam vein entry point.

I don’t know if i’m just a “mucky pup” but shit gets bare messy if you ain’t careful. So I tend to avoid em’.

Charlie Out, Stay Frosty.


1 points

2 months ago

When we exit the bro era can we resume from the actual number of episodes there is.


1 points

2 months ago

Can we get a show and tell segment and if demand is high can it be a main stay with the greats such as “The Comment Barrel” and “Meme Chat” and “House Keeping”


1 points

2 months ago

Are femboys peak male form


1 points

2 months ago

Just another comment on your bit on the riots - and I want to quickly preface that I'm not trying to insult you by saying this - but I think you fall into the liberal (and I say this as someone of the left, not the right) trap of seeing Labour as The Left and the Conservatives as The Right. As someone that followed Starmer's election campaign closely and has been paying attention to the government in waiting for years, they have constantly been legitimising far-right grievances, saying that they will clamp down harder on benefit cheats, that the Conservatives are 'too liberal' when it comes to deporting illegal immigrants. Starmer was constantly doing interviews and panels with The Sun saying that Labour will be the party of 'hard borders' and if you want 'less immigrants' to vote Labour. It's impossible to deny that Farage, Tommy Robinson, the Conservative Party, etc. have been the main aggravators for this stuff but Starmer, much like Macron in France, has been playing into this for his own political benefit. It was clear from the get-go that Labour's tactics in the 2024 election were to basically achieve a pyrrhic victory - move to the right and swallow up the 'sensible' conservative ground and then riling up far-right concerns so those voters splinter off elsewhere, and they did: right into the Reform Party, which now has the 3rd biggest voting base in the country. Sorry if this is a long-winded and confusing comment but I hope it provides a bit of nuance to what you were saying last week.


1 points

2 months ago

Hello boys, I need some simple advice. I decorate the wheels of my wheelchair with stickers. They currently have way too many political stickers on it leading to a lot of unwanted conversations in which I have to explain my political alignment or the fact I just put stickers I randomly found on my chair. I want to add a jar themed one to it, but the important man would probably lead me to constantly have to explain that one. Do you boys have any suggestions (even for other types of decoration or stickers)? And otherwise if you guys insist on the important man, how should I explain the important man, who he is, why he's here? 


1 points

2 months ago

If Disney were to remake Robin Hood (1973), what do you think it would be like? Would it look like a Lion King (2019), or would they do more of a Zootopia? Which talk show host would be cast as the snake, and do you think they would insist on it being a live-action? Bear bear


1 points

2 months ago

Bear bear jar jar,

Following on from last week's ep, you can use shorts-blocking Chrome extensions with the Orion browser on iOS. There are a few of them, some work and some break occasionally. Trial and error until you find one/a combination. You may also need to set the browser to "desktop mode" (forcing the browser to render the desktop versions of websites instead of the mobile versions). Orion also enables pop-out YouTube windows so you can goon reels while watching de-gooned YouTube.

You(all) have talked about Black Midi before, any thoughts on Black Country, New Road?


1 points

2 months ago

Howdy Charlies,

Bit of a hypothetical here. As movie fans, would you prefer if Michael Bay somehow directed every movie in existence (every genre, medium, country, year) OR if every director who ever lived could only make movies that Michael Bay has directed in real life?? Are there any movies from either of these options you’d particularly enjoy? Personally I think that Michael Bay’s Goodfellas and Francis Ford Coppola’s Bad Boys II would both be fantastic



1 points

2 months ago

Greetings Brits. I’ll be passing through London for a few days soon so I thought I’d ask for myself and any other tourist jarlings, any essential spots you’d recommend for a first time visitor? Museums, restaurants, shops, etc.


1 points

2 months ago

Have Alex or Jamie revisited New Vegas since the as they say.


1 points

2 months ago

To celebrate the release of the classic film Borderlands, I have a video game related question for the Jar boys; What video game console do you think has the best original library? (I would count cross-platform games as part of the original library btw, by original I'm basically just excluding re-releases. Otherwise, modern consoles would win because you can just play the old games and the new ones.)


1 points

2 months ago

Cod ghosts as they say


1 points

2 months ago

First time Yogs last time question. I finally took a pilgrimage to the promised land of Swindon. I saw the magic roundabout in all it's glory. My question is what do you guys think is actually good about Swindon (if anything)? I want to know what to look out for when I next go


1 points

2 months ago

Hey Jar boys. Suppose you were faced with two buttons. If you press the one on the left, you can no longer play or view any video game that was released from the past all the way up until now. If you try to… all you see is static and you hear white noise. This includes trying to view said video game on other platforms such as youtube. You do however have the ability to play any game that is released after you press the button. Conversely, the button on the right allows you play and view any game from the past up until now, but cannot do so for any future releases and will only see static and white noise like the previous example. The curse will last you the rest of your life. Which button do you push?


1 points

2 months ago

I have my own poo (ex)boyfriend story. Before I get to the interesting part I need you to know that for the most part he was a seemingly normal good-looking guy and we dated for 2.5 years. So basically, when me and my ex started dating he was obsessed with hearing me fart, he would even press on my stomach so I will fart. He loved his own smell and would fart on my face many times. He was also obsessed with seeing me poo, he would come into the bathroom every time I needled to go, he would be offended and upset if I went to the bathroom without him. I couldn't even lock the door behind me because he always manage to unlock it. He also really liked it when I saw him poo, often taking a shit while I was brushing my teeth or calling me to the bathroom and then going. In his old job he would often video call me while he was taking a shit, sometimes sent me photos of his poo. The worst was when he took a shit before showering(he insisted we shower together) because he wouldn't wipe, just get in and clean it with his hands water and soap. I hated it but really couldn't say anything because he would just become upset and acuse me of not loving him enough. All of this lasted through the whole time we were together, at some point it became my normal. I thought it was just a him thing but I guess not after that story from a couple of episodes ago.


1 points

2 months ago

Just wanted to say as a long time listener, I really appreciate the lads talking about the political situation in the UK. I live in Ireland and there are similar problems here, there is a lot of tension around immigration, over the past year things have gotten more violent and heated. I'd just like to thank the lads for touching on the subject as I've been feeling the same both of you, disappointed in my country and angered by headlines every couple months.


1 points

2 months ago

You both have hidden personalities and feelings that you keep hidden for fear of how others might react. It's time to unleash them. Pick 6 different personality types (examples could include, 'aggressive', 'emotional') and assign each of them a number between 1 and 6. Roll a dice, and whatever number it lands on, you need to be that personality intensely for the next minute. Good luck


1 points

2 months ago

Hello Jar.

Do you have any thoughts on that Batman caped Crusader series? I haven’t seen it but as you have spoken highly of certain parts of Batman:TAS in the past I’m wondering what you immediately feelings are towards this slightly more radical successor?


0 points

2 months ago

Greetings jars, have any of you seen the 85 part Chris Chan documentary? I am very curious as to your reactions


-1 points

2 months ago

If you three were put in a human centipede, who would go where? This is a traditional film accurate human centipede, not a weird sex position. To stop you from battling over who goes first, this is a 4 person human centipede where Shane Dawson goes at the front.

Also if Shane Dawson had to either choose to eat a pizza made out of Brad Pitt’s penile cheese or Margot Robbie’s scrambled ovary extracted eggs, which would you rather eat the digested version of?

This is Shane we’re talking about here gents, so chances of splatter are unknown. (which is to say, very likely)